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Professor:MR Biglarbeigi Presenter: Masoud Tehrani Etimology.

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Presentation on theme: "Professor:MR Biglarbeigi Presenter: Masoud Tehrani Etimology."— Presentation transcript:

1 professor:MR Biglarbeigi Presenter: Masoud Tehrani Etimology

2 Root : macro : large, long / ˈ mæk ro ʊ / Macro (n.) : computer instruction standing for a series of steps. Macrocosm(n.) / ˈ mæk rə ˌ k ɒ z əm/ + a large system (like our universe) that contains many smaller systems

3 Macron (n,) / ˈ me ɪ kr ɒ n, ˈ mæk r ɒ n/ + a horizontal mark indicating that the vowel over which it is placed is long. Macroscopic (Adj ) / ˌ mæk rə ˈ sk ɒ p ɪ k/ + large enough to be visible to the naked eye (ant. Microscopic)

4 Root : micro : small, minute / ˈ ma ɪ kro ʊ / Microbe (n.) : / ˈ ma ɪ kro ʊ b/ +microscopic life form; microorganism;germ Microbicide(n.) /ma ɪˈ kro ʊ bə ˌ sa ɪ d/ +agent that destroys microbes

5 Microdont (adj) / ˈ ma ɪ krə ʊˌ d ɒ nt/ + having small teeth microfilm(n.) / ˈ ma ɪ krə ˌ f ɪ lm/ +film of very small size microgram(n.) / ˈ ma ɪ krə ˌ græm/ +milionth of a gram

6 Micrometer(n.) /ma ɪˈ kr ɒ m ɪ tər/ + 1.millionth of a meter 2. instrument for measuring small lenghts Microorganism(n.) / ˌ ma ɪ kro ʊˈɔ r gə ˌ n ɪ z əm/ + microscopic animal or plant Microsecond(n.) / ˈ ma ɪ krə ˌ s ɛ k ənd/ +a millionth of a second

7 microsurgery(n.) ˈ ma ɪ kro ʊˌ s ɜ r d ʒ ə ri +surgery with the aid of microscope or minute laser beams Microvolt(n.) / ˈ ma ɪ krə ˌ vo ʊ lt/ +millionth of a volt Microwatt(n.) / ˈ ma ɪ kro ʊˌ w ɒ t/ + millionth of a watt

8 Microwave(n.) / ˈ ma ɪ kro ʊˌ we ɪ v/ +1. very short electromagnetic wave 2. Microwave oven (oven that cooks quickly by using microwaves)

9 Root:A(AN) : not, without Amoral(adj.) /e ɪˈ m ɔ r əl, æ ˈ m ɔ r/ +not moral;without a sense of moral responsibility Amorphous(adj.) /ə ˈ m ɔ r fəs/ +without definite form; shapeless ; disorder

10 Anarchy(n.) / ˈ æn ər ki/ + total absence of rule or government;disorder Anemia(n.) /ə ˈ ni mi ə/ +lack of normal number of red blood cells Anesthesia(n.) / ˌ æn əs ˈ θi ʒ ə/ +loss of feeling or sensation resulting from ether,chloroform,novocaine, etc.

11 Anesthetic(n.) / ˌ æn əs ˈ θ ɛ t ɪ k/ +drug that produces anesthesia Anhydrous(adj.) /æn ˈ ha ɪ drəs/ +destitute of water anomaly(n.) /ə ˈ n ɒ m ə li/ + deviation from common rule ; disobedience Anomalous(adj.) /ə ˈ n ɒ m ə ləs/ + not normal ;abnormal

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