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Sustainable Production and Consumption? - Try Life Cycle Thinking and Eco-Efficiency, and remember social responsibility Sakari Autio, LUAS IP 200.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Production and Consumption? - Try Life Cycle Thinking and Eco-Efficiency, and remember social responsibility Sakari Autio, LUAS IP 200."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Production and Consumption? - Try Life Cycle Thinking and Eco-Efficiency, and remember social responsibility Sakari Autio, LUAS IP 200

2 Western World model… Industrialized countries consuming till the end of 90´s –86 % of all aluminium –81 % of all paper –80 % of all iron and steel –76 % of all wood materials 20 % of world population use ca. 4/5 of all natural resources  Now China has taken the “leading position” Unsustainable level of natural resource consumption Carrying capacity of nature exceeded already Consumption distributed unequally

3 List of wishes Own house. Sauna. Swimming pool. Tennis ground Water plane. Own island. Harem. Good condition. Immortality. That’s all. So far. - Mauritz Nylund

4 Companies in a key role 60 million companies globally producing 6 million different products and offering 60 million different services which all are constantly changing 6 billion consumers in 200 countries using these products and services Companies improving resource productivity and cutting environmental load can combine the benefit of the customer, company and environment

5 More sustainable products and services…how? Try… Life Cycle Thinking + 7 components of eco-efficiency + + social responsibility

6 More sustainable products and services…how? Source: Yamamoto 2005

7 …and social responsibility? …find out by yourself.

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