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Summary of the JWST Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) and Structural/Thermal Subsystem Systems Requirements Reviews (SRRs) Jerry Kriss 04/15/2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Summary of the JWST Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) and Structural/Thermal Subsystem Systems Requirements Reviews (SRRs) Jerry Kriss 04/15/2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summary of the JWST Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) and Structural/Thermal Subsystem Systems Requirements Reviews (SRRs) Jerry Kriss 04/15/2004 TIPS/JIM

2 ISIM Overview ISIM is: The JWST Science Instruments
Associated Infrastructure: Structure, C&DH, & FSW Region 1 Science Instrument Optics Assemblies Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam) Near Infrared Spectrometer (NIRSpec) Mid Infrared Instrument (MIRI), & Dewar Fine Guidance Sensor and Tunable Filter (FGS/TF) Optical Bench Structure Radiators and support structure (NGST supplied) Region 2 Focal Plane Electronics (FPE) Instrument Control Electronics (ICE, MCE, DCE) Region 3 ISIM Command & Data Handling (C&DH) Electronics FGS C&DH Electronics 04/15/2004 TIPS/JIM

3 JWST System Constituents
Segment Observatory Ground Launch Element Optical Telescope Element (OTE) Science and Operations Center Launch Vehicle Spacecraft (SC) Institutional Systems Payload Adapter Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) Common Systems Launch Site Services NIRCam NIRSpec MIRI FGS/TF Subsystem (within ISIM) Structure Thermal IC&DH Flight SW Harnessing 04/15/2004 TIPS/JIM

4 JWST Requirements Tree
Baselined In CM Review Drafts Available Allocation Documents JWST Program Plan JWST-PLAN L1 Program System FGS SRD JWST Science Requirements Document JWST-RQMT JWST Mission Requirements JWST-RQMT JWST Mission Operations Concept Document JWST-OPS JWST Performance Assurance Requirements JWST-RQMT NIRCam SRD SR MR MOC PA NIRSpec SRD FGS OCD MIRI SRD WFS&C Requirements Allocation Document JWST-RQMT EMC Control Plan JWST-PLAN Performance Quality Assurance Plan JWST-PLAN Contamination Control Plan JWST-PLAN NIRCam OCD Budgets WFE Rev Q 03-JWST-0405 Efficiency Pointing WFS NIRSpec OCD EMC PQ CCP MIRI OCD Segment Ground Segment Requirements JWST-RQMT Flight Observatory to Ground Segment IRD JWST-IRD JWST Observatory Specification JWST-SPEC Observatory to Launch Segment IRD JWST-IRD Launch Segment Specification JWST-SPEC JWST System Verification Plan JWST-PLAN JWST-ICD FG GS OBS JWST-ICD OL FGC LS OLC Radiation Requirements Allocation Specification JWST-SPEC Environmental Req’s for the JWST Observatory JWST-SPEC Observatory I&T Plan JWST-PLAN RD EV Observatory to GSE IRD D36127 Fault Protection Requirements Document JWST-RQMT D36128 OG OGC FP Element ISIM Requirements Document JWST-RQMT ISIM to OTE and Spacecraft IRD JWST-IRD SC Requirements Document JWST-RQMT Spacecraft to OTE ICD D35231 OTE Specification JWST-RQMT SOIC ISIM ISIM to OTE and JWST-ICD IOS-IR SC OTE IOSC 04/15/2004 TIPS/JIM

5 ISIM SRR Objectives Confirm that ISIM-level requirements meet the mission objectives. Validate that the ISIM architecture concept can support the functional, operational, interface and performance requirements. Confirm that the preliminary system design is ready to proceed. 04/15/2004 TIPS/JIM

6 Requirements Traceability
L1-1 Density of Galaxies, L1-2 Spectra of Galaxies SR-4 Diffraction-Limited imaging 2.0 mm-27 mm, SR-5 Short-l image quality: mm, SR-21 Sensitivity MRD Appendix A SNR equations, conditions, and assumptions Current draft: JWST-MEMO JWST-TM JWST-TM JWST-TM MR-51 Sensitivity The observatory system shall be capable of reaching the sensitivity performance levels shown in the following table when observing a position on the celestial sphere that exhibits 1.2 times the minimum Zodiacal light background power. KEY OTE/SC REQUIREMENTS Transmission: MR-211 Image quality: MR-110,111,228 Stray light: MR-121,122 Collecting area: MR-198 Observatory Specification: OBS-67 ISIM Requirements Section 3.2 Allocation The genesis of JWST Sensitivity requirements was the Level 1 Program Office at Hqs….That office directed that the mission carry out survey Observations on targets with brightness levels down to certain specified limits….. The Science Requirements Document expanded on this and grouped the science objectives intp 4 themes, each having specific Sensitivity requirements…. Within the Mission Requirements Document, Sensitivity is addressed as Requirement # 51… Each of the science teams for the 4 instruments has generated documents which detail out the equations, conditions, and assumptions which go into the Sensitivity calculation. These documents currently exist in draft form and will become an appendix to the Mission Requirements Document…. Certain aspects of OTE & S/C performance are key to our ability to achieve the required Sensitivities, and these parameters are captured as specific items in the Mission Requirements Document…. These (“OTE/Spacecraft Requirements”) items as well as the rest of the Sensitivity Requirements are then flowed down to the Observatory Specification…. The Observatory Spec develops additional detail on the Sensitivity Requirement, and allocates lower level requirements for the ISIM, OTE, and S/C. At this level the ISIM requirements become paramount since they are the home for the four instruments…..Detailed instrument performance requirements are developed at the next level in instrument Functional and Performance Requirements documents…. The allocation of the performance parameters which determine Sensitivity is shown in more detail in the next chart…… ISIM Requirements Sec 3.7.1 ISIM Requirements Sec 3.7.2 ISIM Requirements Sec 3.7.3 ISIM Requirements Sec 3.7.4 NIRCam FRD Derived sensitivity for each operating mode 20% allocated margin NIRSpec FRD Derived sensitivity for each operating mode 20% allocated margin MIRI FRD Derived sensitivity for each operating mode 20% allocated margin FGS-TF IPFRD Derived sensitivity for each operating mode 20% allocated margin 04/15/2004 TIPS/JIM

7 Open Trade Studies Pupil Imaging Lens in NIRCam
Concluded in favor of including a pupil imaging lens. OTE/ISIM Mechanical Interface Concluded in favor of mounting the ISIM to the OTE BSF. ISIM Decontamination Concluded in favor of preventing contamination by managing cooldown. Reheating ISIM and instruments rejected as an option. MIRI Dewar Baseline is dual solid hydrogen dewar w/ tactical cooler on the pad. To be concluded after dewar contractor selected. ISIM Electronics Compartment (IEC) Accommodation Outstanding mass and thermal problems. TBD by 8/2004. OTE Simulator (OSIM) To be concluded by mid-summer 04/15/2004 TIPS/JIM

8 Key Issues & Challenges
MIRI SRR Delta-SRR successfully accomplished 9 March 2004 Demonstrated proper Requirements flowdown Answered all RFAs Instrument Electronics Accommodations Trade Lacking Observatory architectural solution to housing ISIM electronics that meets all thermal, structural, and electrical performance requirements Trade study underway to develop new concept for electronics compartment Goal to keep all Instrument electronics boxes in Region 2 Planned completion date July 04 System Mass Observatory Mass Budget has only 9% unallocated reserve Estimates currently exceed allocations ISIM allocation includes growth contingency Tracking SIs and Subsystem mass estimates and contingency usage monthly Mass evaluation and reallocation (if necessary) in September following: Conclusion of IEC Trade Study Conceptual Design of MIRI Dewar 04/15/2004 TIPS/JIM

9 Work In Progress Sensitivity Focus and Pupil Shear Budgets
Mission Rqmts Document and Observatory Spec update required to reflect current OTE and Instrument designs. Focus and Pupil Shear Budgets Tentative agreement; CCRs to Interface Rqmts Docs in process. Accommodation of NIRCam non-common-path Wavefront Error Methodology defined; CCRs to Instrument Interface Rqmts Docs in process Coronagraphy Existing Level 1 Requirement for Coronagraphy to be flowed to lower level requirements documents (Mission -> Observatory -> ISIM) NIRCam, MIRI, and FGS/TF concepts already include coronagraphy Stray Light and Thermal Emissions Budget Working group defining format and allocations for flowdown of Mission-level requirement 04/15/2004 TIPS/JIM

10 Plans to ISIM SDR Complete Trade Studies Key Procurements
Select NIRSpec Contractor Team Select MIRI Dewar Manufacturer Select Structure Manufacturer Select Single Board Computer Supplier Documentation Complete CCB Process for: ISIM, SI, and ISIM Subsystems Requirements Documents Flight and ETU ISIM Integration and Test Plans MIRI, NIRSpec, FGS Joint Project Implementation Plans Develop drafts of: SI Interface Control Documents Achieve TRL6 for Detector Technologies Complete Instrument and Subsystem SRRs and PDRs 04/15/2004 TIPS/JIM

11 ISIM SRR Summary Results
The board thought that the review was excellent. 23 Requests for Action (RFAs) generated. Major issues raised by the review board: ISIM urged to speed up I&T timeline to meet up with OTE Pathfinder at Plumbrook. Worried about piecemeal approach to contamination control. Worried that redundancy and cross strapping is being done to excess, without careful thought. The connection with Ariane Space is still missing, and it can affect many requirements. Desire to make several of the ISIM FSW rqmnts less vague and more verifiable. Need to do a better flow down of the efficiency rqmt and tie it in to data quality and reliability in a more comprehensive way. Fault handling requires more development. 04/15/2004 TIPS/JIM

12 Structural/Thermal Subsystem SRR
Structure Provides kinematic interface to Optical Telescope Element Supports Instrument Optical Assemblies and maintains alignment Composite carbon-fiber (M55J) construction with metal (Ti) fittings Structural system risks: Thermal distortion at cryogenic temperatures. Mitigation: Math Model Development plus test program. Metal-composite joint survivability. Mitigation: early and extensive test program. Thermal Control Subsystem Maintains thermal environments for instruments, structure, and electronics Heat Straps, Thermal Switches, MLI, Heaters, & Sensors Heat straps connect to radiators for passive cooling (radiators are NGST-provided) MIRI dewar is provided by MIRI/JPL Thermal system risks: Managing cool down so that it is rapid enough to enable commissioning within the first 6 months. Managing relative thermal profiles to avoid contamination. 04/15/2004 TIPS/JIM

13 Structural/Thermal SRR Summary
Review was successful. ~20 RFAs generated. Major concern of the panel: Little/no flight history for cryogenic applications of composite structures, especially composite joints. Urged an even more aggressive and earlier testing program than described by the team. 04/15/2004 TIPS/JIM

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