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RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 1 Model-Based Integration of Reusable Component-Based Avionics Systems David Sharp Technical Fellow Phantom Works, Open System.

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Presentation on theme: "RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 1 Model-Based Integration of Reusable Component-Based Avionics Systems David Sharp Technical Fellow Phantom Works, Open System."— Presentation transcript:

1 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 1 Model-Based Integration of Reusable Component-Based Avionics Systems David Sharp Technical Fellow Phantom Works, Open System Architecture 27 May 2003 This work was sponsored by the DARPA/ITO Model-Based Integration of Embedded Software program, under contract F33615-00-C-1704 with Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate, Wright- Patterson Air Force Base.

2 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 2 Boeing Bold Stroke Initiative Object-Oriented Reusable Application Framework Architecture Specific Service Software Configurable to variable hardware configurations Supportive of reusable applications Commercial and Standards-Based Platform COTS-based real-time middleware services Standard Service Software Product Line Component Model Single Component Development Policies Configurable for Product Specific Functionality and Execution Environment Component Integration Model Configurable for Product Specific Component Selection and Distribution Environment Component Integration Policies Avionics Interfaces Operator Real World Model Infrastructure Services Hardware (CPU, Memory, I/O) Board Support Package Operating System Infrastructure Services Creation of Highly Configurable Avionics Product Line Via OO Framework Technologies

3 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 3 Product Line Development Common Project Specific Create common components Configure for project deployment P1 ConfiguratorP2 Configurator HelperClass FacadeClass HelperClass CommonClass ProjectClass ProjectHelperClass Class HrClass ass ojec Projss Class HrClass ass ojec Projss Functional Systemic Extend common/create plugs for project specific req’ts Create project specific components Components Integration

4 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 4 The Avionics Software Integration Challenge Reuse-based Development Approaches Can Dramatically Improve Cost, Quality and Cycle Time Cross-cutting Extra- functional Properties Are Endemic to Embedded Real-time Systems and Hinder Reuse How do we compose systems from reusable components while satisfying large-scale embedded system requirements? Including –Hard and soft real-time deadlines –Fault tolerance –Distribution…

5 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 5 Model-Based Component Integration Approach Focus Area BuildTest Model Analyze Generate Configuration BuildTest Model Composition Model Reusable Components

6 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 6 Challenges for Model-Based Component Integration Multi-view Modeling –Represent system features that impact cross cutting constraints in feature-appropriate models Process view models Deployment view models –Integrate multiple views Model-based Analysis –Apply analytic methods to the design models to ensure satisfaction of cross cutting embedded constraints Model-based System Configuration –Use system models to generate integration code needed to assemble a system from components

7 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 7 Process Related Views Logical Fault Management –Operational and backup modes and components –Components that need replicated backups Execution Dependencies –Triggers and trigger types –Trigger based dependency graphs –Execution rates for the roots of dependencies Threads –Threads and their associated rates and priorities

8 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 8 Deployment Related Views Physical Fault Management –Relationships between fault modes and physical resources Component Quality of Service –Execution rates –Importance –Resource requirements Process –System physical resources –Allocation of threads to processes Component Allocation –Components that are strongly coupled –Allocation of components to processors and processes –Parameters for automatic generation of integration code Identify and generate CORBA stubs and skeletons as needed

9 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 9 Model-Based Analysis Execution Dependencies –Identifying cyclic dependencies –Ensuring consistency of dependency graphs –Using dependency graphs to identify execution requirements for timing analysis Timing Analysis –Schedulability –Utilization Fault Tolerance –Determine status of components in various fault scenarios –Support allocation of backup components to processors to meet fault-tolerance goals Having models that capture cross-cutting aspects of a system is the basis for analysis

10 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 10 Model-Based Configuration Automatic Generation of Configuration Code Based on Models Can Yield Increased Speed and Quality and Reduced Cost –Manual creation of integration code is time consuming, tedious and error prone –Much integration code is fully determined by a model of the system configuration –Tools already exist that generate much similar code CORBA IDL compilers, etc.

11 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 11 Inter-View Translation Configuration Translation Generate Configuration Generate Configuration Analysis Translation Input Translation Resultant Process Build Test Threading Event Dependency Event Dependency Invocation Dependency Invocation Dependency Component Thread Map. Component Thread Map. Process Component Allocation Component Allocation Physical Fault Mgmt Physical Fault Mgmt Fault Tolerance Fault Tolerance Event Dependencies Event Dependencies Timing Logical Fault Mgmt Logical Fault Mgmt Model Components Model Components Parse Rose Filter/Translate To XML Filter/Translate To XML Model Importer Model Importer Application Component Library (ACL) Analysis Interchange Format (AIF) OEP Configuration Model Editor Instrumentation Well Defined XML Interfaces Enable Tool Integration Vanderbilt, CMU, Honeywell, Southwest Research Teknowledge, Vanderbilt U Michigan, Vanderbilt Instrumentation

12 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 12 Development Scenario Example Walkthrough

13 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 13 Inter-ViewTranslation Generate Configuration Generate Configuration InputTranslation MoBIES-Enabled Process Build Test Parse Rose Filter/Translate To XML Filter/Translate To XML Configuration Translation Threading Event Dependency Event Dependency Invocation Dependency Invocation Dependency Component Thread Map. Component Thread Map. Process Component Allocation Component Allocation Physical Fault Mgmt Physical Fault Mgmt Fault Tolerance Fault Tolerance Event Dependencies Event Dependencies Timing Logical Fault Mgmt Logical Fault Mgmt VU: ESML Model Components Model Components GME Importer VU: ESML SWRI: ASC-Scheduler VU: rr2esml Tek: MoBIES XML Exporter UM: AIRES Tek: MoBIES Translator Application Component Library (ACL) Analysis Interchange Format (AIF) OEP Configuration Model Editor Analysis Translation

14 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 14 Component Specification Initial Design of Components Accomplished in Rational Rose –Stereotypes used to express components

15 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 15 Inter-ViewTranslation Generate Configuration Generate Configuration InputTranslation MoBIES-Enabled Process Build Test Parse Rose Filter/Translate To XML Filter/Translate To XML Configuration Translation Threading Event Dependency Event Dependency Invocation Dependency Invocation Dependency Component Thread Map. Component Thread Map. Process Component Allocation Component Allocation Physical Fault Mgmt Physical Fault Mgmt Fault Tolerance Fault Tolerance Event Dependencies Event Dependencies Timing Logical Fault Mgmt Logical Fault Mgmt VU: ESML Model Components Model Components GME Importer VU: ESML SWRI: ASC-Scheduler VU: rr2esml Tek: MoBIES XML Exporter UM: AIRES Tek: MoBIES Translator Application Component Library (ACL) Analysis Interchange Format (AIF) OEP Configuration Model Editor Analysis Translation

16 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 16 Exporting the Component data Scripts Export The Model Data And Filter Out All Non-Component Related Details

17 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 17 Inter-ViewTranslation Generate Configuration Generate Configuration InputTranslation MoBIES-Enabled Process Build Test Parse Rose Filter/Translate To XML Filter/Translate To XML Configuration Translation Threading Event Dependency Event Dependency Invocation Dependency Invocation Dependency Component Thread Map. Component Thread Map. Process Component Allocation Component Allocation Physical Fault Mgmt Physical Fault Mgmt Fault Tolerance Fault Tolerance Event Dependencies Event Dependencies Timing Logical Fault Mgmt Logical Fault Mgmt VU: ESML Model Components Model Components GME Importer VU: ESML SWRI: ASC-Scheduler VU: rr2esml Tek: MoBIES XML Exporter UM: AIRES Tek: MoBIES Translator Application Component Library (ACL) Analysis Interchange Format (AIF) OEP Configuration Model Editor Analysis Translation

18 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 18 Event/Invocation Dependency Subview Modeling Interaction models must be created in ESML to show the initiating timer object, instances of event types and component types and the connections between them. Component instances are assigned a unique Group and Item Id.

19 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 19 Inter-ViewTranslation Generate Configuration Generate Configuration InputTranslation MoBIES-Enabled Process Build Test Parse Rose Filter/Translate To XML Filter/Translate To XML Configuration Translation Threading Event Dependency Event Dependency Invocation Dependency Invocation Dependency Component Thread Map. Component Thread Map. Process Component Allocation Component Allocation Physical Fault Mgmt Physical Fault Mgmt Fault Tolerance Fault Tolerance Event Dependencies Event Dependencies Timing Logical Fault Mgmt Logical Fault Mgmt VU: ESML Model Components Model Components GME Importer VU: ESML SWRI: ASC-Scheduler VU: rr2esml Tek: MoBIES XML Exporter UM: AIRES Tek: MoBIES Translator Application Component Library (ACL) Analysis Interchange Format (AIF) OEP Configuration Model Editor Analysis Translation

20 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 20 Threading/Process Subview Modeling In the Configurations folder, define the processors, then double click on them to define the threads and processes running on that processor. Assign the priority and rate associated with each thread.

21 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 21 Constraint Checking Static Errors Are Caught Either During Modeling Or Analysis

22 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 22 Inter-ViewTranslation Generate Configuration Generate Configuration InputTranslation MoBIES-Enabled Process Build Test Parse Rose Filter/Translate To XML Filter/Translate To XML Configuration Translation Threading Event Dependency Event Dependency Invocation Dependency Invocation Dependency Component Thread Map. Component Thread Map. Process Component Allocation Component Allocation Physical Fault Mgmt Physical Fault Mgmt Fault Tolerance Fault Tolerance Event Dependencies Event Dependencies Timing Logical Fault Mgmt Logical Fault Mgmt VU: ESML Model Components Model Components GME Importer VU: ESML SWRI: ASC-Scheduler VU: rr2esml Tek: MoBIES XML Exporter UM: AIRES Tek: MoBIES Translator Application Component Library (ACL) Analysis Interchange Format (AIF) OEP Configuration Model Editor Analysis Translation

23 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 23 AIRES Event Dependency Graphs (EDGs) Graphs Are Created To Visualize Event Dependencies

24 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 24 Scheduling Analysis Utilization Is Shown for Each Processor, and Divided Among Tasks Running on the Processor

25 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 25 Inter-ViewTranslation Generate Configuration Generate Configuration InputTranslation MoBIES-Enabled Process Build Test Parse Rose Filter/Translate To XML Filter/Translate To XML Configuration Translation Threading Event Dependency Event Dependency Invocation Dependency Invocation Dependency Component Thread Map. Component Thread Map. Process Component Allocation Component Allocation Physical Fault Mgmt Physical Fault Mgmt Fault Tolerance Fault Tolerance Event Dependencies Event Dependencies Timing Logical Fault Mgmt Logical Fault Mgmt VU: ESML Model Components Model Components GME Importer VU: ESML SWRI: ASC-Scheduler VU: rr2esml Tek: MoBIES XML Exporter UM: AIRES Tek: MoBIES Translator Application Component Library (ACL) Analysis Interchange Format (AIF) OEP Configuration Model Editor Analysis Translation

26 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 26 Configuration Generation Interfaces Defined Via UML Meta-Models XML Configuration Files Generated From Models Via Scripts –ESML2Config MC__MediumSP.mga Interface Model OEP Configuration File

27 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 27 Accomplishments End-To-End Automated Model-Based Configuration –From UML Reusable Component Models to Running Code Initial Set Of Real-Time Analyses Configuring Representative Avionics Systems Of Up To –~20 Component Types –~400 Component Instances –~3 Processes / processors Using –Multiple tools with well-defined XML interfaces –Pervasive meta-modeling

28 RTAS MDES Workshop May 2003 - 28 Implement Mware Implement Mware MiddlewareModeling Application Modeling Configuration Translation Input Translation Remaining Challenges Analysis Translation Build Test Fault Tolerance Fault Tolerance Event Dependencies Event Dependencies Timing Model Component Implementations Model Component Implementations Parse Rose Filter/Translate To XML Filter/Translate To XML Model Importer Model Importer Analysis Interchange Format (AIF) OEP Configuration Model Editor Instrumentation Component Design Component Design Generation Design Generation Instrumentation Implement Component Implement Component Generate Mware Config Generate Mware Config Model Mware Threading Persistence Logical Fault Mgmt Logical Fault Mgmt Physical Fault Mgmt Physical Fault Mgmt mware config aspect 1… mware config aspect 1… Activation Event Dependency Event Dependency Invocation Dependency Invocation Dependency Component Allocation Component Allocation Process Component Thread Map Component Thread Map Appl Comp Lib (ACL) Generate App Config Generate App Config PIMPSM Performance Optimization Round-Trip Engineering Scalability, Usability… Tool Integration Middleware Configuration Standardization Component- Oriented Design

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