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5 th Grade Teachers Mrs. Ethington – Math/Science Mrs. Ferguson – RELA/Social Studies Mrs. Sanchez - RELA/Social Studies Mrs. Nerad – Math/Science Mrs.

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Presentation on theme: "5 th Grade Teachers Mrs. Ethington – Math/Science Mrs. Ferguson – RELA/Social Studies Mrs. Sanchez - RELA/Social Studies Mrs. Nerad – Math/Science Mrs."— Presentation transcript:


2 5 th Grade Teachers Mrs. Ethington – Math/Science Mrs. Ferguson – RELA/Social Studies Mrs. Sanchez - RELA/Social Studies Mrs. Nerad – Math/Science Mrs. Carter/Mrs. Hogan Academic Support

3 We Need YOU!!! Support PTA Dolphin Direct Donation Campaign

4 Last year, your generous donations helped fund the following: DWE Annual Fund Campaign 2014-2015 Technology: 14 iPads, Dongles, 60 headphones, a 10 iPad charging station, and really cool apps Math: interactive hallway activities, Math Mania Day/100 Days Celebration, Lone Star Digital Learning, Daily Café: Math Daily Three Staff Development: Math Conference –Greg Tang Smart Strategies, Out With the Old; In With the New–New TEKS, Figure 19–Reading Comprehension, AssistiveTechnology and Instructional Materials, Expository Writing, Texas Library Conference, GT Conference, Music Conference, Autism Conference –Temple Grandin Can you believe how much you helped us accomplish? Look what we have in store

5 DWE Plans for the Future Place 4 iPads per classroom Purchase science lab tables for 5 th grade lab Create a science lab in multipurpose room for 2 nd and 3 rd grade Create a kindergarten and 1 st grade science lab Continue offering high quality training for staff Fund innovative ideas for the classroom Please consider donating to our DWE Annual Fund Campaign. You can donate using cash or check in the lobby area tonight, or you can go to the DWE web page and donate using a credit cards.

6 Daily Schedule 7:50-8:10 Pledge/Lunch Count/Planner 8:10-8:55 Specials 9:00-11:35 Block 1 11:35–11:55 Block 2 11:55 –12:55 Lunch/Recess 1:05 - 3:05 Block 2 3:05-3:10 Pack Up/Dismissal

7 Tuesday’s Schedule Double Specials 8:10-9:40 each week on Tuesday. This allows teachers to participate in Professional Learning Time and gives students their much needed Specials time.

8 DISMISSAL (Car Riders MUST use WHITE CARD for a fast, efficient flow of the car line! Notice map on back.)

9 Humble ISD’s Online Student/Parent Handbook Compulsory attendance p. 15 Doctor note p. 19 Bullying p. 20 Dress code p. 34 Technology p. 35 Pledge of Allegiance p. 82 Please review these changes in the district handbook. HumbleISD’s Home Page click on Quick Links

10 Key Features News Check out the latest district wide and school news all in one place! Calendar Events Add events to the calendar on your personal mobile device directly from the calendar section on the app. Home Access Center Access student grades and attendance. Humble Independent School District Mobile App Now Available

11 Extra School Supplies Needed for Every Student Twistable colored pencils (small pack) Markers (8 – 10 pack) Crayons (24 pack)

12 Planner and Homework Folder …to help build responsibility and organization, these are important skills they will carry on for a life- time.

13 Communication Teacher Websites Home Access Email Remind 101

14 The Heat Water Bottle Healthy Fruit Break Mosquito Repellant! Please apply before school or send wipes or lotion with a note for your child to apply. No aerosol, please!

15 Reading Book Projects Wednesday, Oct. 14 th 5 books completed (Read at least one Historical Fiction) Wednesday, Dec. 9 th 6 books completed (Read at least one Mystery) Wednesday, Feb. 24 th 7 books completed (Read at least one Biography) Wednesday, May 11 th 8 books completed (Read at least one Science Fiction)

16 Super Science!!!! Physical Science 9 weeks Matter, Electricity, Light, etc. LOTS of time in the science lab! Academic Fair Project Earth Science 9 weeks Stream tables, space Life Science 9 weeks Animal Research/Environment BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY!!!!

17 Social Studies American History Exploration to Present Time States & Capitals – YES! MEMORIZE!

18 WHAT’S UP IN MATH? Last year, Texas changed the goals for 5 th graders. More emphasis on algebra and all four operations for whole numbers, decimals & fractions including unlike denominators. (some of what used to be 6 th grade math) New Math workbooks for students. Kept at school. Homework Monday-Friday (packet or page from workbook) ALL students are STRONGLY encouraged to work on their Subtraction/Multiplication/Division FACTS via First in Math, this is foundational for SUCCESS!

19 Special Events Academic Fair November 19th Manners Luncheon December 4th Visit to Riverwood Middle School (in Feb.) Science experiment at KHS (in April) JA Biztown April 22 nd LOTS of 5 th grade celebrating in May! (student/teacher volleyball, patriotic performance, Awards Ceremony), also in May our STATE Parade!!!)

20 Academic Fair NOV 19

21 Manners Luncheon –Dec. 4th All students need money in their lunch account!!! Please sign the Volunteer Sign Up Sheet.

22 Manners Luncheon

23 Eyeball Dissection @ KHS

24 Biztown! April 22!

25 Biztown Cafeteria/Break Time!

26 Biztown Town Hall Meeting

27 Biztown Store

28 STATE Parade Students make a float to represent the state they researched about!

29 Volleyball!!!


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