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Engineering Presentation Owner: PRKA Rev ** Tech lead: SELV A Reliable Single-Chip Solution for Touch Sensing In Wireless HID Designs PRoC-CS Solution.

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering Presentation Owner: PRKA Rev ** Tech lead: SELV A Reliable Single-Chip Solution for Touch Sensing In Wireless HID Designs PRoC-CS Solution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engineering Presentation Owner: PRKA Rev ** Tech lead: SELV A Reliable Single-Chip Solution for Touch Sensing In Wireless HID Designs PRoC-CS Solution for Wireless HID PRoC-CS = Programmable Radio on Chip with CapSense 001-90018 Rev ** Presentation: To provide an engineering overview to customers for a Cypress solution. Title slide: To define what the presentation will cover. The subtitle is a one-sentence statement of the key opportunity.

2 Engineering Presentation Owner: PRKA Rev ** Tech lead: SELV Toggle remote control by Carbon Touch Sensing buttons Touch Sensing in Wireless HID will grow at a CAGR of 63% through 2017 Touch Sensing interfaces are becoming popular because of tablets and smartphones Microsoft Windows ® 8 natively supports touch gestures for HID Touch Sensing in Wireless HID improves user experience Attractive interfaces replace mechanical buttons and scroll wheels in mice and keyboards with sliders Simple gestures launch shortcuts for commonly used functions Touch Sensing is the trend in Wireless HID Wireless HID Joins the Touch Sensing Revolution Market Vision: To define the market opportunity. Presents compelling data and end product photos relevant to the local market. Zone Touch Mouse T400 by Logitech Touch Sensing scroll Tetra Keyboard with sliders by Primax Touch Sensing sliders 3

3 Engineering Presentation Owner: PRKA Rev ** Tech lead: SELV Terms You Will Hear Today Human Interface Device (HID) Keyboard, mouse, remote control, or other device that connects people with PCs, notebooks, tablets, TVs, and other systems Radio Frequency (RF) Communication Wireless communication that uses radio waves to carry data Wireless HID HID that wirelessly connects people with PCs, notebooks, tablets, TVs, and other systems Wireless HID = RF + HID RF Transceiver An IC capable of transmitting and receiving RF Communication 2.4-GHz Band A frequency range of 2.4 GHz to 2.5 GHz used for RF Communication This band is available worldwide without the need for licensing Report Rate Number of times per second a Wireless HID sends information to a PC, typically 125 Hz Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) Ratio of the sensor signal, when touched, to the noise signal on an untouched sensor Touch Sensing A technology, based on capacitive coupling, that senses human body capacitance as an input 4a Terms of Art (ToAs): To clearly define for engineers all ToAs used in the presentation. To carefully and fully define Cypress-proprietary ToAs needed to explain our system solution.

4 Engineering Presentation Owner: PRKA Rev ** Tech lead: SELV PRoC-CS Terms CapSense ® Cypress solution for Touch Sensing user interface Industry’s No. 1 solution in sales by 4x over No. 2 AgileHID™ Cypress proprietary wireless firmware protocol for RF data transmission Provides immunity to interference generated by other nearby 2.4-GHz wireless devices, such as a WiFi router WirelessUSB™-NL (WUSB-NL) Cypress third-generation, low-power RF Transceiver that features AgileHID protocol Enables wireless devices to communicate with one another at a range of up to 30 meters SmartSense™ Auto-tuning Cypress CapSense algorithm that continuously compensates for system, manufacturing, and environmental changes PRoC™-CS Cypress one-chip solution that integrates CapSense, microcontroller and RF Transceiver PRoC-CS = CapSense with SmartSense Auto-tuning + WUSB-NL radio with AgileHID Universal CapSense Matrix Button Module Consists of eight LEDs and 16 CapSense sensors organized in a 4x4 matrix format Used with the PRoC-CS main board to enable the evaluation of a Wireless Keyboard with 16 CapSense buttons. 4b Terms of Art (ToAs): To clearly define for engineers all ToAs used in the presentation. To carefully and fully define Cypress-proprietary ToAs needed to explain our system solution.

5 Engineering Presentation Owner: PRKA Rev ** Tech lead: SELV SmartSense Component for Touch Sensing WUSB-NL Component for RF transmission ADC Component for battery monitoring Timer Component for LED backlight control 20+ other User Modules to complete the PRoC-CS system design Additional PRoC-CS Terms 4c PSoC Designer™ PSoC ® 1 Integrated Design Environment (IDE), also used for PRoC-CS Software that installs on your PC Allows concurrent hardware/firmware designs User Modules Free “virtual chips” represented by an icon in PSoC Designer software Used to integrate multiple ICs and system interfaces into PSoC Dragged and dropped as icons to design systems in PSoC Designer Inherently connected to the MCU via the main system bus WUSB-NL MCU SmartSense Touch Sensing and RF Communication SmartSense implements Touch Sensing while compensating for system, manufacturing, and environmental changes WUSB-NL with AgileHID protocol implements reliable RF Communication Terms of Art (ToAs): To clearly define for engineers all ToAs used in the presentation. To carefully and fully define Cypress-proprietary ToAs needed to explain our system solution.

6 Engineering Presentation Owner: PRKA Rev ** Tech lead: SELV Design Problems Engineers Face 1. Touch Sensing is difficult to implement in Wireless HID designs Curved or thick overlays reduce SNR performance Radio emissions degrade SNR and cause false touches Manufacturing variability requires time-consuming manual tuning 2. Typical implementation requires three ICs, adding cost and complexity A microcontroller for sensor control, LED control, battery monitoring, and radio control An RF Transceiver for wireless communication A special IC for Touch Sensing Each additional IC increases BOM cost and design complexity 3. Wireless designs can be unreliable Interference from other wireless devices, such as WiFi routers, can cause false or missed touches Traditional Approach and Challenges: To present the traditional approach and the challenges engineers will face when using it to realize the Market Vision. Ends with a one-sentence segue clearly stating the benefit of the Cypress solution. PRoC-CS solves these problems SmartSense optimizes SNR even for curved and thick overlays in noisy RF environments SmartSense reduces manufacturing variability by eliminating manual tuning PRoC-CS one-chip solution integrates microcontroller, Touch Sensing, and RF functions, reducing BOM cost PSoC Designer is a single-tool solution for configuring PRoC-CS, reducing design complexity AgileHID protocol provides interference immunity from other wireless devices PRoC-CS is an easy-to-implement, low-cost, reliable one-chip solution for Wireless HID 5

7 Engineering Presentation Owner: PRKA Rev ** Tech lead: SELV To simplify the implementation of Touch Sensing in Wireless HID designs… Simplify Wireless Touch Designs With PRoC-CS And prototype the solution on the PRoC-CS kit… Use the drag-and-drop PSoC Designer WUSB-NL and SmartSense User Modules… Cypress Solution: To introduce CY products and show compellingly how they solve the challenges highlighted on the previous slide. To provide a short, clear list of what to do to get started. To create a reliable, one-chip solution. 6a To get started, you should: Select the right PRoC-CS using Cypress’s Getting Started with PRoC-CSGetting Started with PRoC-CS Contact your local Cypress representative to get the PRoC-CS kitlocal Cypress representative Install PSoC Designer software on your PCPSoC Designer Use the schematics provided with the kit to build product hardware Use the App Note provided with the kit to build the complete solutionApp Note + Touch Sensing sliders Touch Sensing scroll

8 Engineering Presentation Owner: PRKA Rev ** Tech lead: SELV 1.Create a new project by selecting the appropriate PRoC-CS part number from the Device Catalog (refer to Knowledge Base article 2.Drag and drop the SmartSense User Module into your design, and add other desired User Modules from a list of 20+ available for PRoC-CS 3.Select the number of buttons and sliders needed for the application, and map to the appropriate I/Os, based on schematics 4.Use the source code provided with the kit as a reference, and add application-specific functionality Develop Firmware in PSoC Designer 6b Cypress Solution: To introduce CY products and show compellingly how they solve the challenges highlighted on a previous slide. To provide a short, clear list of what to do to get started. PRoC-CS Example Project Right-click the SmartSense User Module to select and map buttons and sliders

9 Engineering Presentation Owner: PRKA Rev ** Tech lead: SELV Create a wireless keypad using the PRoC-CS kit: 1.Connect the Universal CapSense Matrix Button Module to the PRoC-CS main board, as shown below 2.Program PRoC-CS with HID application firmware, provided with the PRoC-CS kit 3.Plug the dongle into an available USB port of your PC 4.Establish a wireless connection between the PRoC-CS main board and the dongle, as described in the App Note Adding Touch Sensing User Interfaces to Wireless HID Products Using PRoC-CS Adding Touch Sensing User Interfaces to Wireless HID Products Using PRoC-CS 5.Use the Universal CapSense Matrix Button Module as a wireless keypad to verify functionality on the PC 6.Watch our demo video: Prototype Your Solution 6c Cypress Solution: To introduce CY products and show compellingly how they solve the challenges highlighted on a previous slide. To provide a short, clear list of what to do to get started. Universal CapSense Matrix Button Module PRoC-CS Main Board

10 Engineering Presentation Owner: PRKA Rev ** Tech lead: SELV App Note:Adding Touch Sensing User Interfaces to Wireless HID Products Using PRoC-CSAdding Touch Sensing User Interfaces to Wireless HID Products Using PRoC-CS Design Guides:PRoC-CS Hardware Design Guidelines Getting Started with PRoC-CSPRoC-CS Hardware Design Guidelines Getting Started with PRoC-CS Kit: PRoC-CS kit available on requestPRoC-CS kit available on request SmartSense (performs Auto-tuning) WUSB-NL (provides interference-free RF Communication) ADC (continuously monitors battery level) Timers (control LED dimming) PSoC Designer User Modules Design Challenges Reduce BOM cost and design complexity Integrate Touch Sensing sliders in a wireless keyboard without degrading SNR Ensure reliable wireless performance PRoC-CS Solution Single chip integrates microcontroller, Touch Sensing, and RF functions SmartSense Auto-tuning optimizes SNR AgileHID protocol provides superior interference immunity PRoC-CS Value PRoC™-CS Solution Example – Wireless Keyboard with Sliders Suggested Collateral Solution Examples: To give detailed one-page PRoC-CS Solution Examples from the field in the specified format. 7 Keyboard with Touch Sensing Sliders by Primax Block Diagram SmartSense GPIO M8C MCU ADC WUSB-NL PRoC-CS One-Chip Solution Step-Up Converter Keyboard Matrix 26 Timers 4 Flash Battery CapSense Buttons and Sliders LED 8 8 8 8 8 8 Implements Windows 8 gestures on the Touch Sensing sliders

11 Engineering Presentation Owner: PRKA Rev ** Tech lead: SELV PRoC-CS Solution vs. Competition’s Competitive Comparison: To define key features of the Cypress solution and demonstrate its superiority over the Next Best Alternatives (NBAs). Must be credible and objective to the salesperson and customer. FeaturePRoC-CSNRF24LE1 Touch Sensing Integrated with SmartSenseNeeds external controller BOM integration (Touch Sensing, microcontroller, RF) 1 chip2 chips System-active current 18 mA16.1 mA (SoC) +10 mA (Touch Sensing) Development environment complexity Low, single IDEHigh, two IDEs Minimum Report Rate in presence of WiFi interference ≥ 100 Hz< 80 Hz 8

12 Engineering Presentation Owner: PRKA Rev ** Tech lead: SELV PRoC-CS Wireless HID Solution Value Competitor 2.4-GHz RF SoC: Nordic NRF24LE1 Price 1 : $3.07 BOM Integration Touch Sensing Controller: Elantech eKT4103 Price: $2.00 Additional Value SmartSense Auto-tuning: Improves yield (2%) by reducing manufacturing variability over 100 Ku of production volume Value added 2 : $0.20 PSoC Designer: Enables use of single IDE instead of three IDEs; saves four man-weeks of engineering effort at $3K per man-week amortized over 100 Ku Value added 3 : $0.12 AgileHID protocol: Ensures superior Report Rate (>100 Hz) in the presence of interference vs. competitor (80 Hz); enables customer to charge premium (5%) over competing mice Value added 4 : $0.15 $3.07 $2.00 $0.20 $0.12 $0.15 $0.47 $5.54 Competitor Touch Sensing Controller BOM Integration Value SmartSense Auto-tuning PSoC Designer AgileHID Protocol Total Additional Value Total Value Delivered Target Cypress Solution: Total Cost: 40% Total Savings: CYRF89435-68LTXC $3.30 $2.24 1 All pricing for 1 Ku from supplier website 2 2% yield improvement savings on standard Touch Sensing mice cost ($10/mouse) amortized over 100 Ku volume 3 Standard man-week rate in Taiwan and Greater China 4 Value added is 5% of standalone Nordic SoC price for 1 Ku ($3.07) EVC Slide: To clearly define the value of the Cypress solution, including BOM integration and unique functionality. 9

13 Engineering Presentation Owner: PRKA Rev ** Tech lead: SELV Here’s How to Get Started Call to Action: To tell customers how to start their design process. 1.View our demo video: 2.View the introductory video for PRoC-CS: 3.Contact your local Cypress representative to get the PRoC-CS kit: 4.Install PSoC Designer software: Arc Touch mouse by Microsoft 11

14 Engineering Presentation Owner: PRKA Rev ** Tech lead: SELV References and Links Getting Started with PRoC-CS: Introduction to PRoC-CS Video: Product Selector Guide for PRoC-CS: App Note for PRoC-CS Hardware Design Guidelines: App Note for Adding Touch Sensing User Interfaces to Wireless HID Products using PRoC-CS: PRoC-CS Demo kit video: PRoC-CS kit: Contact your local Cypress representative: Install PSoC Designer software: Universal CapSense Matrix Button Module: Knowledge Base Articles: I/Os Available for Capacitive Sensing in PRoC-CS: Auto-tuning for Capacitive Sensors with PRoC-CS: Applications Supported by PRoC-CS: Development Environment Needed to Configure PRoC-CS: Cypress Wireless/RF Roadmap: References and Links: Provide comprehensive view of resources to assist in learning about and adopting the solution. 13

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