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Jim Duttweiler / IMSE-CAM-PW (270) 798-9700 / Our Mission: Our Mission: Provide Installations that enable Soldier and Family.

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Presentation on theme: "Jim Duttweiler / IMSE-CAM-PW (270) 798-9700 / Our Mission: Our Mission: Provide Installations that enable Soldier and Family."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jim Duttweiler / IMSE-CAM-PW (270) 798-9700 / Our Mission: Our Mission: Provide Installations that enable Soldier and Family readiness, and provide a quality of life that matches the quality of service they provide to the Nation. Leading Change for Installation Excellence 181600 JUN 07 UNCLASSIFIED 1 OF 19 Fort Campbell Sustainability Program Update 20 June 07 Mr. Jim Duttweiler Director of Public Works, Fort Campbell, KY

2 181600 JUN 07 Fort Campbell Sustainability Update UNCLASSIFIED Jim Duttweiler / IMSE-CAM-PW (270) 798-9700 / 2 OF 19 Agenda Where we’ve been Where we are Where we’re going

3 181600 JUN 07 Fort Campbell Sustainability Update UNCLASSIFIED Jim Duttweiler / IMSE-CAM-PW (270) 798-9700 / 3 OF 19 History 2001/2002 –Planning began under FORSCOM initiative 2003 –Environmental baseline completed –25-year goals and 7-year initiatives approved 2004 –Installation sustainability plan (ISP) approved –ISP integrated into installation strategic plan 2005 – present –Sustainability managed under ISO 14001 as installation strategic planning initiative

4 181600 JUN 07 Fort Campbell Sustainability Update UNCLASSIFIED Jim Duttweiler / IMSE-CAM-PW (270) 798-9700 / 4 OF 19 ISP Planning Process n Build the Team n Develop the Baseline n Set Long-Term Goals n Develop 5-year Plan n Integrate into EMS & Installation Strategic Plan

5 181600 JUN 07 Fort Campbell Sustainability Update UNCLASSIFIED Jim Duttweiler / IMSE-CAM-PW (270) 798-9700 / 5 OF 19 2003 Fort Campbell Sustainability Goals Transportation: Lead a partnership to establish a comprehensive regional transportation system that enhances Fort Campbell as a strategic deployment platform, and improves quality of life. Procurement –Goal 1: Eliminate waste disposal by 2028. –Goal 2: Procure 100 percent sustainable goods and services by 2028. Training Support –Goal 1: Optimize use of existing installation training lands and ranges to support the mission. –Goal 2: Obtain contiguous and noncontiguous lands and airspace for unrestricted ground and air maneuver use. Infrastructure –Goal 1: No adverse impact to the quality of water resources due to point and non-point sources on Fort Campbell. Efficient use of existing water resources. –Goal 2: Sustainable buildings and infrastructure that meet mission requirements. Regional Development –Goal 1: Develop and implement a comprehensive regional development plan that enhances the installation’s readiness mission –Goal 2: Develop and implement a regional sustainability outreach/education/awareness/incentive program

6 181600 JUN 07 Fort Campbell Sustainability Update UNCLASSIFIED Jim Duttweiler / IMSE-CAM-PW (270) 798-9700 / 6 OF 19 Fort Campbell Strategy Map Support Mission Readiness Provide Infrastructure Enhance Well-Being Pursue All Available Resources Create a Learning Organization Core Competencies Enhance Power Projection Support C1 L1 R1 Enhance War- Fighter Training Capabilities C2 Ends Ways Means Sustain and Restore Infrastructure C3 Customer/ Stakeholder Internal Processes/ Business Practices Learning & Growth Resources Enhance Workforce Development L2 Provide an Environment for Service C4 Provide a Competitive Standard of Living C5 Provide Community Services P5 Sustain an Expeditionary Force P1 Implement Installation Sustainability P2 Build and Plan for the Future P3 Maximize Personal Enrichment Opportunities P6 Deliver Effective & Efficient Support Services P4 MAY 2007

7 181600 JUN 07 Fort Campbell Sustainability Update UNCLASSIFIED Jim Duttweiler / IMSE-CAM-PW (270) 798-9700 / 7 OF 19 Fort Campbell Strategic Plan 2008-2013 Strategic Goal: Sustain, Transform, and Modernize the Installation –Implement Installation Sustainability Develop and implement sustainment strategies to minimize or reduce the total use of resources, ensure mission readiness, and improve the quality of life for our Soldiers while protecting the environment. Proactive strategies will ensure long-term mission viability and integrity while at the same time minimize the consumption of resources and reduce the impact on the surrounding communities and environment. Sustainment strategies must be implemented to encompass the current and future needs for training land, and reliable, secure, and economical energy, water, and other vital resources.

8 181600 JUN 07 Fort Campbell Sustainability Update UNCLASSIFIED Jim Duttweiler / IMSE-CAM-PW (270) 798-9700 / 8 OF 19 Sustainability Initiatives 2008-2013 Implement Sustainable Installation Management (SIMS) - ISO 14001 Implement Sustainable Facilities Reduce Environmental Impact Obtain training maneuver area per RTLP-DP Execute Installation Encroachment Prevention Strategy Improve & Sustain Training Areas to Support Current and Future War fighting Training Activities Remove and Process Munitions/Target Residues from Tng Areas and Ranges Improve and Protect Water Resources Sustainable Technology Demonstration Projects Initiate Affirmative Procurement Program (APP) ("Green" Procurement)

9 181600 JUN 07 Fort Campbell Sustainability Update UNCLASSIFIED Jim Duttweiler / IMSE-CAM-PW (270) 798-9700 / 9 OF 19 Accomplishments ISO 14001 EMS on track to meet Army implementation milestones Hazardous materials (HAZMAT) management resulted in a 25 percent increase in combat readiness Volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions reduced by 75 percent Hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions reduced by 95 percent Hazardous waste disposal reduced by 84.6 percent, realizing a 90.1 percent disposal cost reduction Deconstruction on certain buildings reached a 95 percent salvage rate Over 27,700 gallons of antifreeze recycled annually, providing a total program cost avoidance of $207,750 Military battery management resulted in a 55 percent reissue rate, providing a $1.5 million procurement cost avoidance and a $44,640 disposal cost avoidance 292,918 gallons of used oil and fuel recycled annually, generating over $49,878 for morale, welfare and recreation (MWR) programs 263,565 pounds of lead acid batteries recycled annually, generating $10,286 for MWR programs Grinding and reuse of concrete from demolition provides 34,048 tons waste diversion annually and a $1,061,675 cost savings A new Fort Campbell JLUS plan is expected to be completed by late 2007, which will provide updated recommendations to protect military training & preserve local growth. ACUB program established in April 2006 and $1.7M in funding to date. Two primary partners, KY Dept of Agriculture and Land Trust for TN.

10 181600 JUN 07 Fort Campbell Sustainability Update UNCLASSIFIED Jim Duttweiler / IMSE-CAM-PW (270) 798-9700 / 10 OF 19

11 181600 JUN 07 Fort Campbell Sustainability Update UNCLASSIFIED Jim Duttweiler / IMSE-CAM-PW (270) 798-9700 / 11 OF 19 Division Battery Program Example: BA-5590 Lithium 7,369 batteries tested during FY 06 3,644 batteries passed test and reissued FY 06 procurement cost avoidance = $254,169 FY 06 disposal cost avoidance = $4,837 Implemented for each BCT BN UBL Battery Requirement Managed Batteries Procured by PPOC Route Service to BN Commo Shops Serviceability Testing Initiated Free Re-issue of Serviceable Batteries (min 70% charge) UN Packaging Performed for Deployments

12 181600 JUN 07 Fort Campbell Sustainability Update UNCLASSIFIED Jim Duttweiler / IMSE-CAM-PW (270) 798-9700 / 12 OF 19 Concrete Grinding

13 181600 JUN 07 Fort Campbell Sustainability Update UNCLASSIFIED Jim Duttweiler / IMSE-CAM-PW (270) 798-9700 / 13 OF 19 Expectations Installation at full conformance with International standard 14001 LEED "Silver" rated buildings Beneficial transportation partnerships with Kentucky/Tennessee Potable water usage reduction Energy use reduction Increased renewable energy use Air emissions reduction Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste diverted from landfill Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) diverted from landfill Reduction in hazardous waste generation Reduction of impact on Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Reduce adverse water quality impacts from stormwater Acquire additional land for training Acquire Army Compatible Use Buffer lands Reduction of On-Post acres with Significant Training Restrictions

14 181600 JUN 07 Fort Campbell Sustainability Update UNCLASSIFIED Jim Duttweiler / IMSE-CAM-PW (270) 798-9700 / 14 OF 19 Expectations and Concerns Installation at full conformance with International standard 14001 –Seems like an impossible task – no direct control over tenants and contractors –Need direction and oversight down the chain of command from all major commands, not just IMCOM

15 181600 JUN 07 Fort Campbell Sustainability Update UNCLASSIFIED Jim Duttweiler / IMSE-CAM-PW (270) 798-9700 / 15 OF 19 Expectations and Concerns Energy use reduction –FTC currently undergoing rapid expansion and modernization; increasing Soldier strength by 7,000 –New buildings use more energy than old ones do! Have modern conveniences – 1 plus 1 barracks use more electricity because they have kitchens, refrigerators, microwaves, TVs in every room, etc. –Soldiers buying energy intensive electronic equipment

16 181600 JUN 07 Fort Campbell Sustainability Update UNCLASSIFIED Jim Duttweiler / IMSE-CAM-PW (270) 798-9700 / 16 OF 19 Expectations and Concerns Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) diverted from landfill –Even when operating at maximum efficiency, only approximately 55% of municipal solid waste can be recycled –Will have to wait for advances in technology to handle the remaining 45% Plasma technology (ultra high temperature combustion and gasification FLUFF (grind, autoclave, dry and recycle resulting product)

17 181600 JUN 07 Fort Campbell Sustainability Update UNCLASSIFIED Jim Duttweiler / IMSE-CAM-PW (270) 798-9700 / 17 OF 19 Expectations of Concern Reduce adverse water quality impacts from stormwater –Training area erosion continues to cause stream siltation; our worst water pollutant –Tough to find funds to work in this area; beans and bullets must come first –Low Impact development is essential. Challenges: Learning curve Willingness to take risk (try new ideas) under the transformation FRP process for MILCON Lack of installation/designer knowledge/education of available LID technologies - We need to better educate ourselves on LEED silver and LID –Stormwater drainage system is already over taxed; low impact building design can help some, but will not resolve the problem; need $38M for upgrades.

18 181600 JUN 07 Fort Campbell Sustainability Update UNCLASSIFIED Jim Duttweiler / IMSE-CAM-PW (270) 798-9700 / 18 OF 19 Preserving our legacy by developing operational practices that allow Fort Campbell to accomplish its mission TODAY without compromising our ability to do so in the FUTURE OR compromising the community’s present or future needs Sustainable Fort Campbell

19 181600 JUN 07 Fort Campbell Sustainability Update UNCLASSIFIED Jim Duttweiler / IMSE-CAM-PW (270) 798-9700 / 19 OF 19 INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT COMMAND “Sustain, Support and Defend”

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