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R ESEARCH P ROJECTS U NDERWAY & I N T HE M AKING Rachel Kane-Frieder Florida State University.

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Presentation on theme: "R ESEARCH P ROJECTS U NDERWAY & I N T HE M AKING Rachel Kane-Frieder Florida State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 R ESEARCH P ROJECTS U NDERWAY & I N T HE M AKING Rachel Kane-Frieder Florida State University

2 Who Am I? 4 th year doctoral candidate studying politics, leadership, employee and organizational effectiveness, and statistics Teaching “Contemporary Leadership Dynamics” Dissertation on political and relational view of leadership

3 Dissertation: Leader Political Skill, Work Relationship Quality, and Multi-Target Benefitting Outcomes Leadership involves getting things accomplished through and with people – But self-interest, diverging points of view, and “interesting” personalities exist; teams/groups/departments (sometimes) have conflicting goals Takes a certain finesse to navigate through the aforementioned realities – It takes POLITICAL SKILL

4 Dissertation: Leader Political Skill, Work Relationship Quality, and Multi-Target Benefitting Outcomes (cont.) Political Skill: Ability to effectively understand others at work and to use such knowledge to influence others to act in ways that enhance personal and/or organizational objectives Comprised of 4 dimensions – Social Astuteness: self-aware, sensitive to others & social setting – Interpersonal Influence: effective communicators; adapt behavior – Apparent Sincerity: appear genuine, sincere, & devoid of ulterior motives – Networking Ability: position oneself in powerful networks; adept conflict negotiators

5 Dissertation: Leader Political Skill, Work Relationship Quality, and Multi-Target Benefitting Outcomes (cont.) Leader-Benefitting Outcomes Effectiveness Sub. extra effort Sub. job performance Subordinate-Benefitting Outcomes Job satisfaction Work engagement Job stress (↓) Organization-Benefitting Outcomes Org. commitment Citizenship behavior Perceived org. support Turnover intentions (↓)

6 What Does My Research Focus On? Organizational Politics Leadership (+/−) Effectiveness

7 Organizational Politics How Politically Skilled Agents Leverage Social Networks to Maximize Performance and Effective Client Relationships I love Me, But is That So Bad? The Self-Regulatory Function of Political Skill on Narcissism

8 Leadership (+/−) Can Politically Skilled Leaders Reduce Subordinates’ Perceptions of Differential Treatment? Reactions to Perceived Abusive Supervision: Knee-Jerk Reactions or Judicious Reactions to a Jerk?

9 Effectiveness & Performance Social Effectiveness Showdown: What Interpersonal Skills are Most Predictive of Performance? Performance as a Function of Political Motivations, Political Abilities and the Political Context On the horizon: Empowerment, Engagement, Resiliency, & Humility

10 If I’ve piqued your interest… If you think your organization can benefit from any of these studies, let’s chat! My contact information: – Email: – Phone: 352-275-9584

11 Thank you for your time! Questions?

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