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COOPERATIVE LEARNING Ali O' Regan. Cooperative Learning is a dynamic instructional model that can teach diverse content to students of different ages.

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2 Cooperative Learning is a dynamic instructional model that can teach diverse content to students of different ages. It combines five main principles: Positive Interdependence Individual accountability Promotive face to face interaction Small group skills Interpersonal skills Ali O' Regan

3 Design of scheme/activity Team challenges were chosen so as to further compliment the basis of Cooperative Learning A creative theme based on Harry Potter with much adaptability and depth was used. Each week a single challenge was chosen, rewritten to match the theme and developed so that it required students to work together using their problem solving, reflective and inter- personal skills. Ali O' Regan

4 Possible themes: Ali O' Regan

5 Equipment/Resources used: Swiss Balls Skateboards Rope Hoops Sticks Gym mats Cones Hurdles Blindfolds Paper Pens Posters Flags Stickers Booklets Task cards House posters, Sorting hat, Different colour pens, Star stickers, Value contract sheets, booklets, roll book. Music Medals Certificates Ali O' Regan

6 Pitfalls regarding Cooperative Learning: The Processing section of this model can be vague, it is important to add structure to the design The different roles, i.e. coach, reader etc. can be difficult to verify and may need to be adapted. Awarding only outstanding performances may prevent the student of lesser ability from achieving an award although they may be trying their best. Students are not physically active for the entirety of the class Ali O' Regan

7 Triumphs Direct teaching and learning of Social Skills An obvious increase in students’ self confidence Promotion of Affective domain Avoidance of a main “leader” due to individual accountability Adaptability of model allows teacher to constantly cater for student needs Huge sense of student satisfaction Ali O' Regan

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