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Kimi Liles ECE Cohort I Self Mutilation and Prevention Ms. Gaestel.

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Presentation on theme: "Kimi Liles ECE Cohort I Self Mutilation and Prevention Ms. Gaestel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kimi Liles ECE Cohort I Self Mutilation and Prevention Ms. Gaestel

2 Why Self Mutilation and Prevention? Wanted a unique topic Wanted to help others rather than myself Knew personal and educational information about my topic Already had ideas for products with this topic

3 The Research Paper Main points: causes, effects, definition, and alternatives. Self mutilation is a learned behavior. True definition of what self mutilation is. Procrastination decreased. Multiple edits and drafts were main challenge.

4 My Product First idea: TWLOHA fundraiser. Final idea: YouTube videos. My mentor.

5 Product Journey This is a picture of me editing my final video for my product. The picture above displays Windows Movie Maker, the software I used to edit my videos.

6 Product Journey The picture below is a screenshot from my “Alternatives of Self Harm” video. Another screenshot from a different video. Darker lighting was used for a more serious topic; causes of self harm.

7 My Product Technology used Challenges and successes. How did my product help me grow as a person?

8 Conclusion Plan on continuing to make more YouTube videos on related topics. College plans Career plans Graduation project boosted self confidence and made me less introverted. Able to use new traits in the future.

9 References Self Harm 2. N.d. Photograph. reality-health.orgWeb. 11 Apr 2013.. Self Harm Burns by Lottiewantssleep. N.d. Photograph. deviantart.comWeb. 11 Apr 2013.. To Write Love On Her Arms 1. N.d. Photograph. deviantart.comWeb. 11 Apr 2013..

10 Thank you for your time!

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