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Observations of a Transplant: From the Midwest to the Northwest.

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Presentation on theme: "Observations of a Transplant: From the Midwest to the Northwest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Observations of a Transplant: From the Midwest to the Northwest


3 Columbus, Ohio

4 Seattle, Washington

5 Perhaps….. Learn a little about how geography affects our states and institutions Learn a little about how geography affects our states and institutions Learn a little about these 2 institutions Learn a little about these 2 institutions learn how to look at other institutions to do your own comparing and contrasting. learn how to look at other institutions to do your own comparing and contrasting.

6 50% of the Population w/in 1 hr.

7 <5% of the Population w/in 1 hour

8 Now the dry details…..

9 States/City comparison Washington/ Seattle Ohio/ Columbus State Population State Population 6.4 Million 11.5 Million City population (MSA) 3.5 Million 1.7 Million Cost of Living Index121.5(Seattle)99.8(Columbus)

10 University Comparison University of Washington The Ohio State University Established18611870 (land grant) School/Colleges1818 Acres of main campus 643 A. 1700 A. Student count 45,387 60,000 +

11 Some other points of comparison University of Washington The Ohio State University SettingUrbanUrban %age of state funding for operations 15%11% Leadership Board of Regents Board of Trustees University leadership Pres. w/ academic /fiscal officer Pres. w/ academic and a fiscal officer

12 Decision making Risk University of Washington The Ohio State University Decision making More centralized Less centralized Physical planning Decentralizedcentralized Risk Aversion on 100 pt. scale 9590

13 Institutional Project Delivery University of Washington The Ohio State University Delivery methods avail. 5 + 63-20 + SLU model 1 Costs to build wet lab ~$650/SF~$350/SF Cost to build dry lab ~$300/SF~$150/SF Project Mgmt. CPO: >$55K FOD: all work

14 Honorific spaces UW QuadrangleOSU Oval

15 Historic buildings UW Denny HallOSU Orton Hall

16 New Buildings UW Physics BuildingOSU Fisher College of Business

17 South Lake Union

18 Summary Geography affects our educational institutions Geography affects our educational institutions Ohio State and the University of Washington are alike in many ways; but they are also different in other ways Ohio State and the University of Washington are alike in many ways; but they are also different in other ways You can compare institutions on You can compare institutions on Demographics, state and institutional Demographics, state and institutional Physical setting Physical setting Leadership Leadership Decision making characteristics Decision making characteristics Project management methodologies Project management methodologies

19 Ohio

20 Tough to beat…..

21 Questions?

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