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Biomass Fundamentals Module 1: Purpose of Curriculum A capstone course for BioSUCCEED: Bio products S ustainability: a U niversity C ooperative C enter.

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Presentation on theme: "Biomass Fundamentals Module 1: Purpose of Curriculum A capstone course for BioSUCCEED: Bio products S ustainability: a U niversity C ooperative C enter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biomass Fundamentals Module 1: Purpose of Curriculum A capstone course for BioSUCCEED: Bio products S ustainability: a U niversity C ooperative C enter of E xcellence in ED ucation The USDA Higher Education Challenge Grants program gratefully acknowledged for support

2 This course would not be possible without support from: USDA Higher Education Challenge (HEC) Grants Program

3 What is BioSUCCEED? A triumvirate of Universities – North Carolina State University (NCSU) – University of Tennessee (UT) – North Carolina A&T (NCA&T) We will provide course content in biomass education for students, educators, industry personnel, and any allied clientele

4 Supporting Documents If interested in the background for the project, please write to us at: Find the original proposal and all listed courses on this site:

5 How can this course can be used? Freely take material & content from these slides in piecemeal or in whole Use the Powerpoint note feature to access references and additional information to enhance overall learning experience Contact us for any help that you need – the triumvirate is interested in certifying this content for credit

6 What do we ask in return? Please be sure to acknowledge USDA HEC as the supporter of this work in designing your slides, presentations, etc. Please be sure to take the survey before and after you access the material so we can gauge how much of an impact it can or has made on your life, career, and/or community.

7 Why do we need BioSUCCEED? The rising costs associated with petroleum are causing huge increases in the cost-of-living The US and the rest of the world are strongly considering bio-based practices to supplant the petroleum economy (energy & materials) To meet the demand for the new bio-based economy, skilled workers are needed

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