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By Taylor, Jarrad and David. Define what the loop is looking at and indicate the normal range  The loop involves a process which is controled by the.

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Presentation on theme: "By Taylor, Jarrad and David. Define what the loop is looking at and indicate the normal range  The loop involves a process which is controled by the."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Taylor, Jarrad and David

2 Define what the loop is looking at and indicate the normal range  The loop involves a process which is controled by the brain to keep the internal environment clean and to maintain stability. The loop consists of the receptor which informs the brain which send the the effectors to cease the situation such as a blood clot, to prevent blood loss or other problems.

3 Explain what the receptors are and how they work?  When a blood vessel as been cut or damaged, the loss of blood must be stopped before the body reaches shock or death may even occur. This is done by the body producing a process to stop the blood from exiting the body, which is called coagulation or clotting. The receptor is the brain acting upon this action by receiving messages of the problem and creates a clot.

4 Explain what the effectors are and how they work?  The job of the effectors is to fix and maintain the problem by stopping it from infection or other situations. The effectors consist of the platelet (form the initial plug for damage vessels), clot and fibrin (a protein, that crosslink itself to perform the finishing touches for the clot). These element work together to form a defence against the blood rushing out from the wound and stops infection from entering the body.

5 Discuss the control centre that sends signals to the effectors to initiate change.  The control centre which initiates the action to build a blood clot is the brain, which sends signals to the effectors to create change within the body in order to prevent the body from being in danger.

6 Diagram

7 Video of blood clotting  XBNw XBNw

8 Responsible for analysing and summarising information explain why this feedback loop is important  This feedback loop is an important process within the body because its keeps the body clean from infection, disease and blood loss. Without this process the individual would die.

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