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Welcome to Social Studies America’s Development from Ancient Times through the Civil War.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Social Studies America’s Development from Ancient Times through the Civil War."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Social Studies America’s Development from Ancient Times through the Civil War

2 The Content of Social Studies What we’ll learn about

3 History This course will tell the story of our country’s beginnings. As in any good story, we’ll meet memorable characters, visit fascinating settings of long ago, and be there as seemingly impossible problems are solved.

4 Geography We will study the Earth’s surface— both the awesome features of its land and the vastness and nature of its waters. We will learn about how man has shaped the earth and the earth has influenced the lives of humans.

5 Comparative Cultures We’ll discover how groups of people have developed special customs, beliefs, and points of views. We’ll investigate what happens when cultures meet. Will they: blend together, stay separate, or one destroys the other?

6 The Process of Social Studies How we’ll learn

7 Nonfiction Reading Strategies We’ll learn to use a menu of strategies to understand and remember the facts we read.

8 Research Using our menu of strategies, we’ll research questions created by either the teacher or the students themselves. Using the facts we uncover, we’ll draw conclusions and support them.

9 Graphic Organizers Using a variety of organizers, we’ll learn to collect and order facts and vocabulary to enable us to communicate what we’ve learned.

10 Maps Maps are an essential part of Social Studies. We will use maps to discover new facts and to answer questions. We’ll also make our own maps to clarify and communicate what know.

11 Prepare yourselves for an exciting adventure back in time! The knowledge you will gain will prepare you for the adventures of the present day and the future as YOU take an ever greater role in the continuing story of America.

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