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Mainstreaming the social aspects of migration
Overview of DG EMPL’s approach to the integration of migrants Ionut SASU Policy Officer – Social Inclusion of Migrants DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Overview The social situation of migrants: a very diverse picture
Net migration to the EU Reasons for migrating Employment gaps Educational level Other gaps in social outcomes A broad approach to integration Specific legal instruments Mainstreaming the integration of migrants in the European Employment Strategy and in the European Strategy for social protection and social inclusion 7
Reasons for migrating into the EU
Educational attainment and employment rates
Employment rate of migrants
Gaps in social outcomes
Lack of comprehensive data on other social outcomes, but national reports and studies show that overall non-EU migrants Face higher poverty risks (~30% against 16%) Their children are less likely to do well in school (PISA), and are more often living school too early without any diploma Face barriers in accessing housing, live more often in poor housing and are more often homeless Face barriers in accessing health care and social services 7
The social inclusion of migrants
Migrants face specific barriers linked to their situation as newcomers: language, cultural habits, skill levels, discrimination linked to ethnicity, etc. Their chances to overcome these barriers partly depend on the legal, institutional and social frameworks of the host country Are the social policies in place suitable to tackle these challenges? 7
A broad approach to social inclusion of migrants
A combined approach to migration and integration policies Beyond reception policies and access to citizenship Allowing migrants to fully participate in society to improve their potential to acquire knowledge and skills to integrate on the labour market to contribute to social cohesion The aim is to reduce the persisting gaps between the host country nationals and the migrants. A broad definition of migrants, including EU born migrants, descendants of migrants, ethnic minorities A multi-faceted approach (access to employment, social protection, housing, health care, social services) 7
A broad approach to inclusion: main policy tools
Pathways respecting each country’s history of immigration (long-standing host countries, new host, new gateway countries, transit countries, emigration countries) Legal instruments on specific issues Extending EU provisions for the coordination of social security systems to third country nationals Anti-discrimination Role of social partners Open Method of Coordination (EES, SPSI): a tool for promoting policy coordination, common understanding and mutual learning among Member States 7
Legal instruments Extending the provisions on the coordination of Social Security systems to third-country nationals legally residing in the EU Anti-discrimination directives - MS shall encourage dialogue with appropriate NGOs - MS should ensure that NGOs may engage in any judicial/administrative procedure on behalf of the complainant Specific role of social partners conferred by the Treaty - to give input to policy-making in the social field - to take own action in the areas of employment and working conditions 7
Legal instruments Council Directive 2003/86/EC on the right to family reunification; Council Directive 2003/109/EC concerning the status of third-country nationals (TCN) who are long-term residents; Council Directive 2004/114/EC on the conditions of admission of TCN for the purposes of studies, pupil exchange, unremunerated training or voluntary service; 7
Legal instruments Council Directive 2005/71/EC on a specific procedure for admitting TCN for the purposes of scientific research; Council Directive 2009/50/EC on the conditions of entry and residence of TCN for the purposes of highly qualified employment. This Directive (“EU Blue Card”) had to be transposed by June 2011. 7
Legal instruments Proposal of 23 October 2007 for a Directive on a single application procedure for a single permit for TCN to reside and work in the territory of a Member State and on a common set of rights for TCN workers legally residing in a Member State; Proposal of 13 July 2010 for a Directive on the conditions of entry and residence of TCN for the purposes of seasonal employment; and Proposal of 13 July 2010 for a Directive defining conditions of entry and residence of TCN in the framework of an intra-corporate transfer. 7
Legal instruments The TFEU defines the EU role on integration. Article 79.4 refers to "measures to provide incentives and support for the actions of member-States with a view to promoting the integration of third-country nationals". The European Employment Strategy provides for the coordination of Member States’ employment policies. 7
The Open Method of Coordination
Political agreement on common objectives Establishing common indicators Translating the EU objectives into national/regional policies (National Reform Programs, National Reports on Strategies for Social Protection and Social Inclusion) Common analysis and assessment of the National Reports : Joint Reports + supporting document PROGRESS to promote policy cooperation and transnational exchange of learning and good practice through financing of EU stakeholder networks, peer reviews, independent experts network, round table, EU meeting of people experiencing poverty, transnational and awareness raising projects, studies, data collection
The European Employment Strategy and the ESF
European Social Fund (ESF): helps workers improving skills and job prospects immigrants and people belonging to minorities supported annually €1.2 billion of ESF co-financing are devoted to specific actions on migration in PROGRESS Programme € 743 million available for Studies, policy analysis, networking with NGO, stake holders on EU level In the field of Employment, Working conditions, Gender equality, Social protection and social inclusion, Non-discrimination and diversity 7
The social inclusion of migrants
National Strategy Reports Many countries highlighted the integration of migrants as a key priority of their social inclusion strategy Social Protection Committee Work program Mainstreaming the social aspects of migration Specific reporting Developing indicators and statistical capacity Peer reviews on the social inclusion of migrants Studies (access to health care, active inclusion of migrants) 7
The social inclusion of migrants
A multi-faceted approach (access to housing, social protection, education, training, etc): taking account of the specific situation of migrants in all social inclusion policies MS are converging towards specific measures: basic language training vocationally-oriented, practical information on employment and immigration rights guidance on government and community institutions advice on how to gain access to essential services 7
The social inclusion of migrants
Involving a broad scope of stakeholders public and private actors national and local level favour cooperation between these actors within a framework of integrated intervention migrants themselves (participation in society, representation in policy making) Investing in knowledge and statistical capacity building 7
The social inclusion of migrants
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