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08 September 2006, Brussels Youth Working Party FI Presidency Commission Communication in the youth field Adopted on 20 July 2006 Follows up on participation.

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Presentation on theme: "08 September 2006, Brussels Youth Working Party FI Presidency Commission Communication in the youth field Adopted on 20 July 2006 Follows up on participation."— Presentation transcript:

1 08 September 2006, Brussels Youth Working Party FI Presidency Commission Communication in the youth field Adopted on 20 July 2006 Follows up on participation and information common objectives Follows up on recent events and developments in the youth field

2 08 September 2006, Brussels Youth Working Party FI Presidency Double key moment: –For youth OMC –For Europe 4 parts: –Information –Participation in democratic life –Active participation in development of the EU –Governance of the OMC Outline of Communication

3 08 September 2006, Brussels Youth Working Party FI Presidency Participation and information Based on reports filed by member states Accompanied by a staff working document Main obstacles: –Methodology – Coordination between actors –Lack of resources General support for continued implementation Commission proposes to confirm common objectives and slightly adapt and improve adopted lines of action

4 08 September 2006, Brussels Youth Working Party FI Presidency Information for young people Access to information services (coherent information strategies, information society tools) Quality of information (counselling, information charter) Participation in information (in information strategies, involve youth organisations)

5 08 September 2006, Brussels Youth Working Party FI Presidency Participation by young people In civic life ( structured consultation, participative structures ) In representative democracy ( involve young people in political parties, include/improve position on party lists, facilitate dialogue between young people and political leaders, ambassadors, ICT to facilitate voting ) Learning to participate ( education and training OMC, schools, recognition )

6 08 September 2006, Brussels Youth Working Party FI Presidency Active participation in the development of the EU Participation = also participation in policy shaping Period of reflection on the EU/Plan D Bring Europe closer to young people Enable young people to take part in EU decision shaping process

7 08 September 2006, Brussels Youth Working Party FI Presidency Structured dialogue Not new to the youth field: move up a gear Two dimensions –From the local to the European Anticipate, include, associate Political agenda: three themes –Better coordination at the European level Presidencies, young people, EP and Commission European youth week: the link

8 08 September 2006, Brussels Youth Working Party FI Presidency 3 themes for a structured dialogue 2007: social inclusion and diversity 2008: intercultural dialogue 2009: perspectives for continued cooperation in the youth field

9 08 September 2006, Brussels Youth Working Party FI Presidency Governance of the OMC Reinforce the process: –Move up one gear on certain lines of action: national mobilisation with young people + 2008 evaluation –Promote OMC at local level –Peer reviews and reflection on indicators

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