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RELD Word Cards Unit 1 Sections 1-5 ROGERS PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2 nd Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "RELD Word Cards Unit 1 Sections 1-5 ROGERS PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2 nd Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 RELD Word Cards Unit 1 Sections 1-5 ROGERS PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2 nd Grade

2 RELD Word Cards Unit 1 Section 1 2 nd Grade


4 nicegreatwonderful pleasurefineokay wellalrightgood play on the swings jump rope work with me

5 go to a movie come to my house share sit by me at lunch ride bikesplay catch

6 RELD Word Cards Unit 1 Section 2 2 nd Grade

7 whiteboarda markera journal a rulera pass a computer a rug colored paper lined paper construction paper whiteboard marker chart paper

8 supply boxborrowuse maycancould wouldan extrasome anothera couplehanding

9 grabbingbringingsome food my jacket my sweater some water a snack have my heart set on it I have a taste for it my pleasure

10 RELD Word Cards Unit 1 Section 3 2 nd Grade

11 laughingcryingscreaming smilingyawningstumbling happysadmad scaredcalmangry

12 gladtiredgood miserabledolefuldesperate deprivedfrustratedsurprised excitedworriedbored

13 confusedcuriousrelaxed frightenedgladupset shockedworried preoccupied nervousanxious

14 disorientedgoofysilly runningplayingreading writingwatchingriding skateboarding listeninghelping

15 washingfixingpainting hidingeatingskating becausewhenbut as much as often occasionally

16 sometimes would rather would prefer crack upcheer upthoughtful considerate sweetgenerous caring

17 RELD Word Cards Unit 1 Section 4 2 nd Grade

18 springsummerfall winter scorching hot icy drychillycool crispstormydrizzly

19 sunnyrainywindy cloudywarmcold foggysnowyhumid breezy partly cloudy muggy

20 overcast partly sunny freezing blusteryhazydamp wintrynippygloomy mistynext yearalways

21 neversometimesusually used tonow

22 RELD Word Cards Unit 1 Section 5 2 nd Grade

23 shirtpantsdress shortsjacketsweater shoesswimsuithat scarft-shirt long sleeved shirt

24 jeanssweatshirt sweatpants socksbootssandals flip flops tennis shoes bathing suit tank topblouse a pair of pants

25 a pair of jeans sun dress windbreaker wool sweater thick socksrain boots hiking boots cap short sleeved shirt pleated skirt hooded sweatshirt collared shirt

26 corduroy pants rain jacketcardigan overalls baseball hat suit windyhotwarm coolcrispraining

27 cloudystormyhot humidwindycool partly cloudy partly sunny rainy cloudymuggycold

28 JanuaryFebruaryMarch AprilMayJune JulyAugustSeptember OctoberNovemberDecember

29 extra smallextra largestriped checkeredsolidprinted tightloose comfortable simpleplainfancy

30 shinystainedsoft warmfuzzyusually alwayssometimesfrequently rarelyseldomoften

31 sincecouldso whenandmight would

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