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Welcome to Mrs. Gutt’s Third Grade Social Studies and Math Classroom!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Gutt’s Third Grade Social Studies and Math Classroom!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Gutt’s Third Grade Social Studies and Math Classroom!

2 General Classroom Procedures
Cubbies, Desks and File Boxes All personal items are kept in cubbies: jackets, back packs, school supplies Only Math and Handwriting books are kept in desks. File boxes contain all of their workbooks, notebooks and folders needed for Math and Social Studies.

3 Classroom Procedures (Continued)
Switching Classrooms My homeroom stays with me all morning every morning except for Tuesday. Mrs. Moschel’s homeroom comes to me in the afternoon everyday except for Tuesday. Students are to bring their Take-home folder and planner with them when switching classes. They are responsible for bringing water bottles and materials for enrichment classes, for example recorders and music books on those days. Students will be required to write all of their assignments each day in their planners. Please check your child’s planner each day.

4 Classroom Procedures (Continued)
Classroom Dojo This is a behavior modification plan that many of the teachers in the school have adopted. Students are rewarded for appropriate behavior and points are taken away for inappropriate behavior or not being prepared. Students keep a “checkbook” and record the number of points that they earned in a given week. On Friday, we hold a class auction and the children use their points to bid for things in the auction. Seven items are bid on each week and when the children use the points they subtract the amount from their “checkbook” Parents can log-in to Class Dojo each day to monitor their child’s behavior. Class Dojo Sample Classroom

5 Third Grade Expectations (For all subject areas)
Print your name and the date at the top of every paper. Write using complete sentences. Use capital letters correctly at the beginning of sentences. Use capital letters correctly when using proper nouns. Use correct punctuation at the ends of sentences. Spell most words correctly. Identify nouns and verbs in a sentence. Print legibly.

6 Spelling Each week the whole class will be taught a new spelling rule and the students will be given a word list with 10 words. Students have until Wednesday to define each word in their own words and in complete sentences. I check these for accuracy and turn them back to the students so that they may use them to study. Students have time in the morning and before lunch to work on their words and definitions. Each Friday, students will have a spelling test on five of the words from their list. They will be required to define each words in a complete sentence.

7 Handwriting We just started handwriting this week.
Students will be taught how to make letters at the beginning of each week. They will then be assigned a number of pages in their handwriting books to complete by Friday. Students may use morning work time or the time before lunch to work on their handwriting. Students will be held accountable for neat writing in all of their work.

8 Social Studies North Carolina Geography North Carolina History
North Carolina Government Economics

9 North Carolina Geography
Students learn about what makes each region of North Carolina unique. Students will learn about the geographical diversity and how that plays a role in their economic diversity. Students will learn how to use maps, the parts of maps and how to find a place’s relative and absolute locations. Students will use math and a map’s scale to determine distances.

10 North Carolina History
Native North Carolinians Exploration of North Carolina Colonial North Carolina North Carolina’s role in the American Revolution North Carolina’s role in the Civil War

11 North Carolina’s Government
Students will learn about the formation of North Carolina’s government. Students will understand how state and local governments distribute power and decision making. Students will compare the set-up of North Carolina’s government to that of the United States government.

12 Economics Basic concepts of a market economy: price, supply, demand, scarcity, productivity and entrepreneurship. How scarcity and choice in a market economy impacts business decisions. Analyze the historical and contemporary role N.C. industries have played in the state, nation and world. Impact of entrepreneurship on N.C. economy. How personal financial decisions such as spending, saving and paying taxes can positively and negatively affect everyday life. How the scarcity of personal financial resources affect the choices people make based on wants and needs.

13 Math This year is the first year using the Singapore Math Curriculum
Uses a hands-on approach that includes model drawing and explaining the mathematical process both verbally and in writing before learning the standard algorithm. This process ensures that students have mastered a concept before moving on to a new or more difficult concept.

14 Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Math Operations and Algebraic Thinking Students will use all four operations with whole numbers to solve problems. Students will gain familiarity to factors and multiples. Students will generate and analyze patterns in numbers and shapes. Students will be able to identify and explain the patterns when solving problems using basic operations.

15 Numbers and Operations in Base Ten
Math Numbers and Operations in Base Ten Generalize place value understanding for numbers up to 100,000. Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic

16 Numbers and Operations – Fractions
Math Numbers and Operations – Fractions Students will extend their understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering. Students will build fractions from unit fractions. Students will understand decimal notation for fractions and compare fractions and decimals.

17 Conference Sign-Up Because I will not be here on the assigned conference date, I will be starting conferences next week afterschool and some during my planning times. Please sign-up for a conference at your earlies convenience. After tonight, I will post the leftover spots on Sign-up Genius.

18 Math Measurement and Data
Students will be able to solve problems involving measurement and conversion of measurements within a system. Students will be able to represent and interpret data. Students will be able to understand the concepts of angles and measured angles.

19 Math Geometry Students will be able to draw and identify lines and angles and classify their shapes by properties of their lines and angles.

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