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Information Sharing and Riparian Discussions Almaty, Kazakhstan May 17-19, 2011 1 Assessment Studies for the Proposed Rogun Hydropower and Regional Reservoir.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Sharing and Riparian Discussions Almaty, Kazakhstan May 17-19, 2011 1 Assessment Studies for the Proposed Rogun Hydropower and Regional Reservoir."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Sharing and Riparian Discussions Almaty, Kazakhstan May 17-19, 2011 1 Assessment Studies for the Proposed Rogun Hydropower and Regional Reservoir Project (Rogun HPP) Techno-Economic Assessment Study: Draft Inception Report

2 TECHNO-ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF ROGUN HPP This presentation covers the following two aspects: Existing Design of Rogun Project Summary of TEAS Draft Inception Report 2

3 EXISTING DESIGN Initial design studies were completed in 1978. Several studies carried out subsequently. Design revised and updated by Hydroproject Institute of Moscow (HPI) in 2009 and 2010. 3

4 EXISTING DESIGN (cont’d) Main Features 335 Metre High Embankment Dam Live Storage of about 10 Billion M3 3,600 MW Generation Capacity (6 x 600 MW) Energy Output 13.3 TWh Flood Handling Capacity 7,100 M3/sec Construction Period 15 years Stage 1 Dam up to Elev. 1110 masl with two generating units 4


6 EXISTING DESIGN (cont’d) MAIN DAM 6 106 0 1110 6

7 Diversion & Spillway Tunnels Texte niveau 1 Texte niveau 2 7

8 Powerhouse 8

9 TEAS CONTRACT Scope of Services Phase 0: Investigations of the salt dome Phase I: Assessment of the existing works Phase II: Rogun Project options Stage 1: Assessment of the Stage 1 dam Phase III: Assessment of selected Rogun option Note: Phase III work will start only after review and acceptance of Phase II output. 9

10 SUMMARY OF TEAS DRAFT INCEPTION REPORT The Draft Inception Report: includes appraisal of existing project data, provides history of Rogun Project, proposes additional site investigations, provides comments on design options and criteria, and discusses the study schedule. 10

11 SUMMARY OF TEAS DRAFT INCEPTION REPORT(cont’d) Hydrology Substantial hydrological database exists; hydrological parameters and data are, compared with many other projects, quite robust. Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) peak discharge, presently estimated at 7,100 m3/s, will be reviewed. Risks related to potential floods which could be created by landslides upstream or by possible glacial lake outburst floods (GLOF) will be assessed. 11

12 SUMMARY OF TEAS DRAFT INCEPTION REPORT(cont’d) Hydrology (cont’d) Impact of PMF on existing dams downstream of Rogun will be assessed. Sedimentation aspects will be reviewed. 12

13 SUMMARY OF TEAS DRAFT INCEPTION REPORT(cont’d) Geology Site has complex geology that has been extensively investigated and studied. However, further investigations and monitoring recommended for salt intrusion in the foundation, large disturbed zone downstream of the dam on the right bank, and the abutments. Seismic parameters will be reviewed. 13

14 SUMMARY OF TEAS DRAFT INCEPTION REPORT(cont’d) Geology (cont’d) For the salt wedge, recommended that in addition to the preventive treatment to be adopted:  adequate monitoring be set up to assess the effectiveness of the mitigation measures, and  make arrangements that would permit the mitigation measures to be reinforced, if required. 14

15 SUMMARY OF TEAS DRAFT INCEPTION REPORT(cont’d) Geology (cont’d) Keeping in view tectonic movements, an embankment dam appears to be most appropriate for the site. Location of the powerhouse and transformer hall caverns appears to be adequate, having been selected so as to avoid major geological discontinuities. Stabilization measures will be reviewed. 15

16 SUMMARY OF TEAS DRAFT INCEPTION REPORT(cont’d) Stage 1 Dam Assessment will look at all pertinent aspects including different dam configurations, internal watertightness provisions, spillway options, sedimentation issues and economic aspects. Spillway capacity provided appears to be adequate but will be reviewed after assessment of the PMF. 16

17 SUMMARY OF TEAS DRAFT INCEPTION REPORT(cont’d) Equipment Available equipment appears to be in good condition. Utilization of this equipment will be assessed keeping in view economic, procurement and other related aspects. 17

18 WORLD BANK REVIEW OF TEAS DRAFT INCEPTION REPORT The World Bank Team has reviewed the TEAS Draft Inception Report and provided comments on various aspects, including: existing project data, proposed additional site investigations, design options and criteria, and the study schedule. 18

19 19 For more information please see Executive Summary of TEAS draft Inception Report published on the website

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