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Atmospheric Radiation GCC Summer School Montreal - August 7, 2003

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1 Atmospheric Radiation GCC Summer School Montreal - August 7, 2003
Glen Lesins Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science Dalhousie University Halifax

2 Outline Introductory concepts Radiation and Climate
Radiative Transfer Theory Remote Sensing

3 Credits K.N. Liou, An Introduction to Atmospheric Radiation, 2nd Ed., 2002 Web Lecture Notes by Prof. Irina Sokolik,

4 Global Annual Energy Balance
Kiehl and Trenberth (1997); IPCC (2001)


6 What is the Solar Constant?
1366 W m-2 How constant? Earth’s orbit and tilt (annual) Sunspot cycle (11 years) Longer time variations

7 Solar Irradiance Variation from ACRIM


9 Solar vs. Terrestrial Radiation

10 Absorption of Radiation by Gases
1. Ionization/Dissociation - UV 2. Electronic Transition - UV 3. Vibrational/Rotational Transition - Visible/IR 4. Pure Rotational - IR

11 Transmission through the Atmosphere
Solar Terrestrial IR Window

12 Radiative Interactions - Dipole Transitions

13 Vibrational Modes

14 Ozone (O3) Electrostatic potential map shows both end oxygens are equivalent with respect to negative charge. Middle atom is positive. O •• • • + O •• • • + CareyOrgPP/sections1st/Chapter%201bx.ppt 26

15 Absorption by Gases


17 Solar Irradiance

18 Scattering of Radiation
Particle Size Wavelength Size Parameter, a a = 2pr/l

19 Rayleigh Scattering

20 Mie Theory for mr=1.5

21 Normalized Phase Functions From Mie Theory

22 Global Annual Energy Balance
Kiehl and Trenberth (1997); IPCC (2001)

23 Zonal Average Irradiance
Solar Terrestrial Net Meridional Transport

24 Cloud Radiative Forcing from ERBE

25 Radiative Equilibrium & Role of Convection

26 Solar Heating Rates from Model

27 Zonal Annual Average from Satellite

28 Results from SOCRATES (2-D Radiative-Chemical)

29 Annual Mean Net Radiation Flux from Surface
Based Measurements

30 Terrestrial IR Spectra

31 Modelled IR Fluxes



34 Radiative forcing (W m-2)
High Level of Scientific Understanding 1 2 3 -1 -2 Medium Low Very Halocarbons N O CH 4 CO Aerosols Aviation-induced Tropospheric ozone Stratospheric Black carbon from fossil fuel burning Organic carbon from fossil fuel Aerosol indirect effect Biomass Land-use (albedo) only Mineral dust Sulphate Contrails Cirrus Solar Global mean radiative forcing of the climate system for the year 2000, relative to 1750 Radiative forcing (W m-2) Warming Cooling

35 Global Annual Energy Balance
Kiehl and Trenberth (1997); IPCC (2001)

36 Radiative Transfer Equation
Radiance Cosine of solar zenith angle Azimuthal Angle Beer’s Law Source Function Optical Depth

37 Plane Parallel Radiances

38 Solution to the Radiative Transfer Equation
Upward Radiance Downward Radiance

39 Single & Multiple Scattering Source
SUN Source Function Multiple Scattering Term Single Scattering Term

40 Surface Reflectance

41 Bi-directional Reflectance
Distribution Function (BRDF)

42 Surface Albedo

43 Remote Sensing of Clouds

44 Effect of Clouds from Radiative-Convective

45 Solar Albedo of Clouds - Theory

46 Indirect Aerosol Effect - Shiptracks L1B true color RGB composite (25 April 2001)

47 Effective radius retrieval (using 2.1 µm band, all phases)
60 45 30 re (µm) 15

48 Indirect Aerosol Effect
Shiptracks from MODIS Indirect Aerosol Effect July 1, 2003

49 Global Annual Energy Balance
Kiehl and Trenberth (1997); IPCC (2001)

50 IR Brightness Temperature from ER-2 (Clear)

51 Brightness Temperatures From ER-2 (Various Clouds)

52 Polarization of Sunlight Reflected by Venus
Points=Obs Lines=Theory Hansen and Hovenier, 1974

53 POLDER – Polarization for Ice Habits

54 Ice Crystal Phase Functions

55 Cloud Fraction from Satellites

56 TERRA - Launched Dec. 18, 1999 (MODIS, ASTER, MISR, CERES, MOPITT)
1-2 day global coverage in 36 wavelengths from 250 m to 1 km resolution MISR Stereo images at 9 look angles ASTER Hi-resolution, multi-spectral images from 15 m to 90 m resolution, plus stereo MOPITT Global measures of CH4 & CO CERES Measures Earth’s shortwave, longwave, net radiant energy budget

57 MODIS Atmospheric Products
Pixel-level (level-2) products Cloud mask for distinguishing clear sky from clouds Cloud radiative and microphysical properties Cloud top pressure, temperature, and effective emissivity Cloud optical thickness, thermodynamic phase, and effective radius Thin cirrus reflectance in the visible Aerosol optical properties Optical thickness over the land and ocean Size distribution (parameters) over the ocean Atmospheric moisture and temperature gradients Column water vapor amount Gridded time-averaged (level-3) atmosphere product Daily, 8-day, and monthly products 1° x 1° equal angle grid Mean, standard deviation, marginal probability density function, joint probability density functions


59 MODIS - TERRA True colour image Dust over the Mediterranian March 12, 2003

60 CO2 Slicing Method CO2 slicing method
ratio of cloud forcing at two near-by wavelengths assumes the emissivity at each wavelength is same, and cancels out in ratio of two bands The more absorbing the band, the more sensitive it is to high clouds technique the most accurate for high and middle clouds MODIS is the first sensor to have CO2 slicing bands at high spatial resolution (1 km) technique has been applied to HIRS data for ~20 years retrieved for every 5 x 5 box of 1 km FOVs, when at least 5 FOVs are cloudy, day & night

61 Brightness Temperature in 15 mm CO2 band
Arrows at Wavelengths Measured by VTPR

62 Retrieval of Cloud Optical Depth and Effective Radius
The reflection function of a nonabsorbing band (e.g., 0.86 µm) is primarily a function of optical thickness The reflection function of a near-infrared absorbing band (e.g., 2.14 µm) is primarily a function of effective radius clouds with small drops (or ice crystals) reflect more than those with large particles For optically thick clouds, there is a near orthogonality in the retrieval of tc and re using a visible and near-infrared band

63 Cloud Optical Depth April 2001

64 Cloud Effective Particle Radius April 2001
40 22 4 mm


66 Remote Sensing of Aerosols

67 Global Annual Energy Balance
Kiehl and Trenberth (1997); IPCC (2001)

68 Global Aerosol Emissions (Tg / yr)

69 Annual Global Volcanic Aerosol Loading

70 Aerosol Optical Weighting Functions

71 Model Aerosol Type Optical Thickness

72 MODIS Aerosol Optical Properties
Seven MODIS bands are utilized to derive aerosol properties 0.47, 0.55, 0.65, 0.86, 1.24, 1.64, and 2.13 µm Ocean reflectance contrast between cloud-free atmosphere and ocean reflectance (dark) aerosol optical thickness ( µm) size distribution characteristics (fraction of aerosol optical thickness in the fine particle mode; effective radius) Land dense dark vegetation and semi-arid regions determined where aerosol is most transparent (2.13 µm) contrast between Earth-atmosphere reflectance and that for dense dark vegetation surface (0.47 and 0.66 µm) enhanced reflectance and reduced contrast over bright surfaces (post-launch) aerosol optical thickness (0.47 and 0.66 µm)

73 Gobi Desert Dust Storm - March 20, 2001 MODIS
ta (0.55 µm) 2.0 1.0

74 Aerosol Optical Thickness - MODIS Fine Particle Mode
ta (0.55 µm) 0.8 0.4

75 TOMS - Aerosol Index - Feb 26, 2000

76 LITE - Lidar In space Technology Experiment
September Space Shuttle Deep Convection Saharan Dust


78 Remote Sensing of Gases

79 Radiative Forcing Between 1850 to 2000

80 Global Annual Energy Balance
Kiehl and Trenberth (1997); IPCC (2001)

81 Atmospheric Transmittances in the Microwave

82 Microwave Emissivity of Ocean Surface

83 Microwave Brightness Temperature




87 Precipitable Water

88 Source/Aerosol 355nm N2 387nm Water Vapour 408nm

89 Raman Lidar to Measure Water Vapour Profile


91 GPS Signals to Measure Water Vapour



94 Normalised weighting functions for the High Resolution Infrared Sounder (HIRS) on NOAA satellites. Each function indicates the relative contribution of the atmosphere from a given level to the radiance observed at the satellite through the numbered channel.

95 Satellite Limb Scanning

96 Limb Scanning Weighting Functions

97 Global Annual Energy Balance
Kiehl and Trenberth (1997); IPCC (2001)

98 Final Comments Ultimately radiation drives all processes in the atmosphere Remote sensing will continue to grow as a source of atmospheric measurements New suite of satellites will require more atmospheric scientists in this area



101 Solar Ultra-violet Spectrum

102 Optical Properties for Typical Stratus and Cumulus

103 Bidirectional Reflectance and Absorbance
of Cirrus Clouds




107 Brightness Temperature in 15 mm CO2 band
Arrows at Wavelengths Measured by VTPR

108 IR Brightness Temperature from ER-2


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