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Kickoff meeting of MarPlan September 23rd Napoli Observatoire de Villefranche Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche Maria Luiza Pedrotti Rodolphe.

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Presentation on theme: "Kickoff meeting of MarPlan September 23rd Napoli Observatoire de Villefranche Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche Maria Luiza Pedrotti Rodolphe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kickoff meeting of MarPlan September 23rd Napoli Observatoire de Villefranche Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche Maria Luiza Pedrotti Rodolphe Lemée Alina Tunin John Dolan Illustrations from website:

2 Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche-sur-Mer French coast of NW Mediterranean Sea Zoological Station

3 Bay of Villefranche-sur-Mer Observatoire - 130 permanent researchers or technicians - Surface : 7 000 m 2 - One restaurant (for lunch) and accommodation

4 Bay of Villefranche-sur-Mer Daily plankton samples Sagitta Vellele

5 Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche-sur-Mer University of Paris VI (with Banyuls and Roscoff) and CNRS: National Center of Scientific Research University of Paris VI (with Banyuls and Roscoff) and CNRS: National Center of Scientific Research Center of Research, Monitoring and Teaching Center of Research, Monitoring and Teaching Teaching: Masters with marine ecology (pelagic and benthic systems), plankton diversity, biogeochemistry, numerical ecology, geology. Teaching: Masters with marine ecology (pelagic and benthic systems), plankton diversity, biogeochemistry, numerical ecology, geology.

6 Monitoring DYFAMED - JGOFS station 28 miles offshore Pt B SOMLIT station

7 Geosciences Azur Research topics: - History, mechanical properties and deformation of the lithosphere, - Natural hazard assessment Research Multidisciplinary research center with 3 laboratories: Multidisciplinary research center with 3 laboratories:

8 Developmental Biology Reaserch topics: - Cell cycle control - Embryonic development of marine invertebrate Expertise: - Light microscope imaging of calcium, cytoskeleton and organelles in live cells - Subcellular visualisation and localisation techniques (immunolocalisation at light and electron microscopy, fast-freeze/deep etch) - Biochemistry - Molecular Biology (cloning, expression studies, in situ hybridisation)

9 Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche (LOV) 31 researchers, 21 engineers/technicians, 10 post-Doctorals positions and 18 Ph.D 31 researchers, 21 engineers/technicians, 10 post-Doctorals positions and 18 Ph.D 5 research groups specialized in pelagic systems 5 research groups specialized in pelagic systems Marine optic and remote sensing Marine optic and remote sensing Geochemistry Geochemistry Dynamic of plankton Dynamic of plankton Biological and physiological answers to stress Biological and physiological answers to stress Marine microbial ecology (involved in marPLAN) Marine microbial ecology (involved in marPLAN)

10 Marine optics and remote sensing BOUSSOLE: New platform dedicated to optical Observations in the surface layer of the ocean It is an interdisciplinary group studying the interaction of solar of solar energy with the ocean. Geochemistry Effect of nutrients and metals on pelagic systems Effect of nutrients and metals on pelagic systems Evolution of primary production and pigment diversity Evolution of primary production and pigment diversity in NW Mediterranean Sea (monitoring at DYFAMED site) in NW Mediterranean Sea (monitoring at DYFAMED site)

11 Dynamic of plankton Plankton diversity and structuration of pelagic food web in relation to trophic and environment. Plankton diversity and structuration of pelagic food web in relation to trophic and environment. Role of key species in energy transfer Role of key species in energy transfer Phytoplankton ecophysiology and modeling Phytoplankton ecophysiology and modeling Biological and physiological answers to environmental stress to environmental stress Spatio-temporal variability and adaptative Spatio-temporal variability and adaptative strategies of microzooplankton and necton Quantification of zooplankton impact on biogeochemical cycles Quantification of zooplankton impact on biogeochemical cycles

12 Marine microbial ecology 3 majors topics of the group: 3 majors topics of the group: Factors regulating activities and structure of microbial populations (external forcing, top-down, bottom-up controls) Factors regulating activities and structure of microbial populations (external forcing, top-down, bottom-up controls) Functional and taxonomic diversity in microbial Functional and taxonomic diversity in microbial populations: variation in time-space scale Roles of microbes in biogeochemicals processes Roles of microbes in biogeochemicals processes (dynamics of DOM, TEP and CO 2 ) 7 researchers, 2 engineers/technicians, 3 post-Doctoral researchers, 4 Ph.D students and 6 or 7 master students/years

13 Marine microbial ecology Permanent researchers and expertises Involved in MARPLAN -John Dolan, group leader: Diversity and ecology of ciliates -Rodolphe Lemée, assistant professor: Diversity and ecology of microphytoplankton -Maria Luiza Pedrotti, research scientist: Bacterioplankton diversity and role of TEP in the biogeochemical cycles -Alina Tunin (Ph.D -University of Paris VI, Ibanez and Lemée): Short, middle and long-term changes in Ceratium diversity Others -Jean-Pierre Gattuso, senior research scientist: Biogeochemical processes, bacterioplankton respiration -Emilio Maranon, research scientist: Ecophysiology of phytoplankton -Fereidoun Rassoulzadegan, senior research scientist: Microbial ecology, effect of nutrients on marines microbes -Markus Weinbauer, research scientist: Diversity of marine bacteria and viruses John Maria Luiza Rodolphe Alina

14 Marine microbial ecology Equipment and techniques: Epifluoresence microscopes with image analysis Coulter counter Flow cytometer (FacsCalibur) TOC analyzer (Shimadzu) Tangential flow filtration system (Millipore) Titrators for O 2 and total alkalinity determinations High precision pH meters Incubators, Spectrometer System for pCO 2 control of algal cultures Respirometers with Peltier-regulated temperature FISH, CARD-FISH Pulse gel electrophoresis, PCR, DGGE

15 Long-term changes in Ceratium (dinoflagellate) diversity in Ligurian and Tyrrhenian seas Alina Tunin and Rodolphe Lemée Alina Tunin and Rodolphe Lemée Needs: Needs: Old and recent net samples of microphytoplankton Old and recent net samples of microphytoplankton Literatures from cruises, reports and old papers Literatures from cruises, reports and old papers on distribution and annual cycle of Ceratium John Dolan John Dolan Needs: Needs: Samples from diverse sites, Samples from diverse sites, expertise in morphometrics expertise in morphometrics Relationship between morphological and taxonomic diversity in tintinnid cilates Specific needs from the collaboration within MarPlan

16 Phylogenetic relations at specific and subspecific levels in genus Ceratium Rodolphe Lemée Rodolphe Lemée Needs: Needs: « Single cell PCR technique » :Research collaboration « Single cell PCR technique » :Research collaboration during 2005 and 2006 with phytoplankton group of Roscoff Several Ceratium tripos Illustration from Sournia Same specie ?

17 Bacterial diversity and dynamic of particles (TEP transparent exopolimeric particles) Maria Luiza Pedrotti Maria Luiza Pedrotti Needs : Exchanging samples and calibration protocols for FISH and CARD-FISH Exchanging samples and calibration protocols for FISH and CARD-FISH What bacterial group colonize particles ? Bacteria TEPSuperpositionSuperposition HRP

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