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Petro Amayesh Zagros. Our Background We relay on : Our team composed of highly experienced petroleum exploration and exploitation geologists and environmentalist.

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Presentation on theme: "Petro Amayesh Zagros. Our Background We relay on : Our team composed of highly experienced petroleum exploration and exploitation geologists and environmentalist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Petro Amayesh Zagros

2 Our Background We relay on : Our team composed of highly experienced petroleum exploration and exploitation geologists and environmentalist with a long working knowledge both offshore and onshore. Their variety of expertise which include surface and subsurface geology, sequence stratigraphy, paleontology, geophysics, sedimentology, petrophysics, reservoir geology, geomatics ( space-taken remotely sensed data interpretation and GIS- based database establishment), basin modeling and finally environmental studies. Our deep knowledge about different aspects of G&G studies Including ; tectonic setting, structural characteristics, advanced mapping techniques, 2D & 3D seismic processing,supervision and Interpretation, surface and subsurface geological studies, log interpretation, reservoir studies, prospect generation, basin modeling and environmental studies. The most advanced and widely used software and technologies that we are equipped with or can access to.

3 Our Services To assist our clients we can provide following consultancy services : Geology Structural Geology Stratigraphy,and Sequence Stratigraphy Bio-stratigraphy Sedimentology Paleontology Core studies ( geological description, Routine & Special Analysis, PVT) Well-site Geology Regional and Exploration Block Evaluation Space – taken Remotely Sensed Data Interpretation & GIS-based Database Establishment Geophysics Seismic and Non-seismic 2D & 3D Seismic Survey Design Supervision of Acquisition Seismic Processing Supervision Seismic Interpretation

4 Cont’d Well Test Design, Supervision and Analysis Well Program and Completion Reports Reservoir Evaluation Petrophysics Geo-modelling Reservoir Engineering Economic Study Production Engineering Master Development Plan (MDP) Environmental Studies Technology Transfer and Training Technical Manpower Support Business Development

5 Geological Studies Structural Geology With an extensive experience and knowledge about complexities present in Zagros, Central Iranian Basin and Kop’peh Dagh (N.E.Iran) resulting from salt piercement, faulting,litho- facies changes,local and or regional unconformities and finally paleo-high impacts, our team of structural geologists are using available and latest interpretation techniques for optimum definition of structures favorable to hydrocarbon accumulation. In this context, our scope of services are as follows: Definition of structures by G & G data (gathered from surface, sub-surface surveys and field trip) interpretation. Prospect generation, screening and evaluation. 3-D structural geometric analysis. Integrated regional studies. Cross-section construction and balancing. Structural field mapping. Faults and definition of sealing or no-sealing behavior. Fracture analysis. Image- log based interpretation structural geology. Fractures’ parameter definition (DFN method). Depth to detachment calculation.

6 Stratigraphy & Sequence Stratigraphy Our team of stratigraphers, with more than 20 years of working experience each, were involved in numerous strtigraphic studies in different sedimentary basins present in Iran. In this area, services could be provided are as follows: Cont’d Define the third order cycle on the one dimensional well section based on sedimentary environment, fauna and log interpretation. Sequence correlation between wells and surface sections. Preparing the stratigraphical correlation chart. Preparing the correlation chart for stratigraphic sequences. Construction of the paleo-geographic maps. Electro-facies correlation in the strtigraphic sequences for reservoir studies. Bio-stratigraphy Detailed, integrated post-well micro-paleontological analysis and bio- zonation of exploration, appraisal and development well section on the basis of sedimentary environment, fauna and log pattern. Paleobathymetric and depositional interpretation. Integrated regional and basin review studies.

7 Cont’d Micro- paleotological control of offshore and onshore wells. Bio- stratigraphic analysis of surface samples, cuttings, core and etc. Preparation of micro- paleontological logs and related reports. Sedimentology Detailed sedimentological studies on the base of logs, cores and outcrops. Construction of sedimentological interpretation- based geological models using wire-line and borehole image logs. Petrographic analysis using thin-section microscopy, X-ray diffraction control and reservoir rock permeability. Studies and analysis of core, cuttings and thin –section. Analysis of cuttings, core sample, thin sections and any other rock samples for any particular purposes.

8 Exploration Block Evaluation Benefitting from a highly qualified and experienced multi-disciplinary team of specialists equipped with a vast knowledge on different aspects of petroleum geology (surface, subsurface, stratigraphy, structural, paleontology, geophysics, petrophysics, geochemistry etc ) of Iranian basins,PAZ is able to carry out studies required to evaluate risks involved in exploration and development blocks offered for further investment in Iran. In this context, services which could be provided are as follows: 2D and 3D seismic data interpretation. Geochemical review. Interpretation of old well’s data. Fracture and structural study and modeling. Bio-stratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy studies. Petrophysical analysis. Basic reservoir study and basin modeling. Prospect generation ( mapping, evaluation, volumetric and ranking ). Preparation of well prognosis. Evaluation of tenders. Technical, Financial and Legal consultancy.

9 Wellsite Geology Man powered with several senior well-site geologists with a long rig-site experiences and full supervision on more than 200 development, appraisal and exploration including the critical casing points, high and low pressure zones etc, PAZ is able to provide following services: LWD/MWD control Cutting and core description Wellsite pressure prediction Graphic log completion Supervision on VSP acquisition Daily geological report Post geological report Petrophysical support Wellsite paleontology Preparing geological samples Casing point determination Supervision on drilling mud ( for proper sampling ) Cooperation with drilling superintendent

10 Geophysics Being involved in different activities related to ; acquisition, processing and interpretation of geophysical data ( i.e. seismic,gravity etc ),our team of geophysicists are able to identify either structural or stratigraphic leads and prospect through integration of their findings with geological information. In this regard, the services which could be provided are as follows: Supervision on seismic data acquisition : - Preparation of invitation for tenders - On-crew or on-board quality support and supervision - Analysis of vantage data for input into survey design. - Checking of crew procedures - Field based data processing quality control - Selection of acquisition parameters - Tender review and recommendation required to award the contract Seismic data processing supervision: - Full processing of small volume project - on- board or on-crew processing quality control Seismic data interpretation - Structural Interpretation and Model - Macro-model for velocity field

11 Cont’d Stratigraphy Interpretation Seismic Inversion Seismic attribute analysis Well Program and Completion Reports Being involved in drilling and geological activities of numerous exploration, appraisal and development wells, naturally PAZ not only is capable to prepare prognosis geological and drilling program but also to prepare the comprehensive completion reports. In this context, our scope of services is as follows : Geological forecast Drilling Program Well completion reports ( geology and drilling )

12 Well Test Design, Supervision and Analysis Properly designed and executed well testing programs and the interpretation of data acquired are fundamental parameters required for realistic reservoir definition, recoverable reserve determination, production optimization and finally long-term deliverability prediction. Based on our extensive experience in this particular field of activity we will offer following services and supports : Design appropriate tests to meet the project requirement and objectives Coordinate all relevant pressure information Coordinate field data acquisition requirement with client’s field personnel, contract personnel (if applicable) and equipment. Supervision (on-site) of the testing operation and test data acquisition by qualified personnel Field inspection and data validation to ensure data quality and meet the test objectives In depth technical analysis of data acquired and forecast delivery required for effective decision-making process, related to reservoir management and production optimization.

13 Petrophysics In order to evaluate exploration, delineation and development well and also for reservoir characterization projects, PAZ has established a team of highly experienced petrophysicists to work closely with other geoscientists and reservoir engineers required to extract an appropriate source of data needed for static and dynamic modeling. Formation of such team will give us the opportunity to provide following services : Digitization of old analog logs Log interpretation with up- to - minute software Development of predictive, electrofacies models as an essential step for sedimentological description Development of linear and non-linear predictive permeability models Conditioning of log data for seismic studies Wireline log quality control

14 Geo - Modeling Having a long experiences to study and deal with complicated fractured / faulted carbonate and clastic fields, geologists working with PAZ were involved in preparation of numerous 3D geological models in fields of having different facies distribution. Based on our knowledge and expertise gained through the years of studies, services which could be provided are as follows: Interpretation of 2D and 3D seismic data and preparation of structural and stratigraphic models. Saturation modeling Volumetric calculation required for hydrocarbon resources assessment Complex Depth conversion analysis including core and well test data. Detailed petrophysical analysis required to extract reservoir property information Bio-stratigraphic analysis required for construction of sequence stratigraphic interpretation and correlation Hydrocarbon distribution impact assessment

15 Reservoir Engineering Detail understanding and clear definition of reservoir characteristics which are the parameter leading to optimum oil and gas production through the integration of petroleum reservoir engineering and computer simulation studies, is naturally the objective defined for PAZ reservoir engineers and simulation team. To reach to these goals, our team members with their own expertise will use a multi-disciplinary approach (i.e. reservoir engineering,geology, petrophysics, geophysics etc) through the application of latest technology available to critically evaluate all key issues ( both technical and economical ) required to optimize oil and gas field’s production. In this context, our scope of services are as follows: Reservoir characterization Integrated field studies Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) Classical reservoir engineering Reservoir simulation Well design and planning Reservoir management optimization Field appraisal Development planning Field performance analysis EOR studies and miscible flooding Gas reservoir development Underground gas storage studies

16 Production Engineering Integration of data gathered during the monitoring and surveillance workflow through the use of the software available and its respective analysis, is a key element in production engineering studies. The outcome naturally will provide a vision beyond the day-to-day operational concern, incorporating a longer view of events such as pressure trends, production rates and changes in well or field decline rate. In this context, decisions are normally made concerning the optimization of production through such activities as well as remediation and process optimization to achieve a maximum net present value while meeting or exceeding production targets Our scope of activities in the area of production engineering are as follows: Well, facility and pipeline analysis Well performance analysis and artificial lift needs Reservoir surveillance Completion Engineering Well completion and work over design Sand control design and analysis

17 Oil and gas field development is normally depend upon the technical and economic evaluation of the promising forecast cases within the framework of the Master Development Plan. Therefore the MDP act as a working document not only reflecting the result of an optimum case but also all technical specification of a development plan required to meet the objective and recognize the forecast performance. MDP Preparation In addition, other elements such as design parameters, time schedules for the work over, recompletion, drilling, injection and facilities construction will also be taken into account. Other technical and economical factors and uncertainties affecting on the optimum development plan will also be considered. In this regard PAZ ‘s scope of services are as follows: Feasibility and pre-engineering studies Alternative development plan preparation Production forecasting Preparation of technical specification of facilities Preparation of bid documents and Evaluation of bids and proposals for upstream projects Supervision of upstream studies and project implementation

18 Performing Feasibility and Economical Study For economical evaluation of any potential operating strategy, the most optimum depletion strategy should be determined to employ in a reservoir annual estimates of income and expenses for each of the full field simulation cases. In the same context, economical study will be carried out on then base of reservoir simulation results which itself is using simulation – based forecasts of production stream and cost estimates for new wells, facilities etc. To meet the objectives mentioned above, PAZ can provide following services : Defining economically recoverable reserves. Investment’s economic viability Establishment of economic terms for oil and gas agreements Performing sale valuations Performing procurement valuations Establishment of the economically optimum scheme for a given development field

19 Remote Sensing and GIS Being involved in space-based remotely sensed data interpretation and technologies since1972 (launching date of Landsat-1 satellite), we are a pioneer in this field and its interconnected GIS technologies. Equipped with the most modern software available in world market PAZ is able to provide the services written below : Standard and geo-referenced satellite data ( Landsat, SPOT, IRS, Radarsat, IKONOS etc in different scale from 1: 5,000,000 to 1: 25,000) support and interpretation. Geological map updating and rock unit mapping. Structural elements ( lineament, fracture, folds etc) mapping and analysis. Geo- morphological mapping and analysis. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) generation and its integration with other Geo – data. Pipeline (water, oil, gas) and road routing and geo –hazard mapping. Landuse mapping during exploration and exploitation phases. GIS –based databank establishment and updating (during exploration, exploitation, production, road construction phases ).

20 Health, Safety and Environment HSE refers to continuous assessment by an authorized party of your system, operation or business processes to identify strengths, weaknesses and ensure regulatory standards are met & best practice. HSE measures and regulations not only are applied to all operation executed in your company but also will cover all sub-projects carried out by your contractors and vendors. We distinguish ourselves from other safety & environmental service companies through our pre-approved on- site job safety analysis (JSA) programs, which help to correct unsafe work practices instantaneously, as soon as they are detected.. Meeting HSE philosophy explained above, PAZ will provide following services: Safety representation Safety inspection and audits On-site safety representation for crew,vessel, location, job site Rig & Location – based safety enforcement & adherence assistance Safety program development,engineering and accident prevention training Safety audits, inspection and site safety analysis Design and implementation of accident prevention and safety training program Safety case,hazard registry and site safety evaluation development and assistance Fire fighting instruction

21 Business Development Introducing International Oil and Service Companies to Iranian Oil and Gas Market. Introducing Iranian Oil and Service Companies to International Oil and Gas Market. Introducing International potential partners to participate in active Exploration and Development blocks and Development Project inside Iran. Introducing Iranian reputable partners to participate in Development Project inside and outside Iran. Cooperation to provide materials, equipments and spare parts for oil and gas industries. Arrangement and execution of geological field excursions for International groups to visit geological features and type sections. Execution of training courses in different fields of expertise by highly Knowledgeable Iranian staff, both professionals and academician. Consultancy in Technical, Legal, Financial and Human Resources. Being involved in international upstream cooperation and collaboration for more than quarter of century, and familiar with details involved in exploration projects and activities in Iran, PAZ is the only consulting engineers firm with such long experience and capacity, that can provide following services : Providing a wide spectrum of studies and services relevant to the oil and gas industries through its local and international JOINT VENTURES.

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