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Workshop on Scientific Instruments and Sensors on the Grid Introduction and motivations Director: Roberto Pugliese (ELETTRA) Co-Director: Claudio Vuerli.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop on Scientific Instruments and Sensors on the Grid Introduction and motivations Director: Roberto Pugliese (ELETTRA) Co-Director: Claudio Vuerli."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on Scientific Instruments and Sensors on the Grid Introduction and motivations Director: Roberto Pugliese (ELETTRA) Co-Director: Claudio Vuerli (INAF/OATs) Local Organizer: Alvise Nobile (ICTP)

2 23-28 April 2007 ICTP, Trieste Workshop on Scientific Instruments and Sensors on the Grid Grid research and data sources Grid research has focused on computational and data Grids As the technology for these has matured, however, increasing attention is being directed towards the actual sources of data: the instruments and sensors. Scientific instruments and sensors provide the raw observations used to develop, falsify, and verify scientific

3 23-28 April 2007 ICTP, Trieste Workshop on Scientific Instruments and Sensors on the Grid Data collection and simulation Data collection interacts profoundly with interpretation and analysis There is an increasing use of in-silico experiments, and the integration of model-based simulation with physical sensors Instruments and sensors are qualitatively distinct from computation and data and impose some unique challenges and issues to current Grid technologies

4 23-28 April 2007 ICTP, Trieste Workshop on Scientific Instruments and Sensors on the Grid System level science System level science is the integration of many different sources of knowledge about the constituent parts of a complex system with the goal of obtaining an understanding of the system properties as a whole System level science is becoming more and more important in many different fields, from astronomy to geology, from earthquake impact prediction, to environmental monitoring and hazard prevention

5 23-28 April 2007 ICTP, Trieste Workshop on Scientific Instruments and Sensors on the Grid System level science requirements System level science has important implications in the field of information and communication technology as it requires integration of different disciplines, software, systems, data, computing resources and people System-level science puts new requirements on Grid technologies: integration with instruments and sensors, interactivity, real time response

6 23-28 April 2007 ICTP, Trieste Workshop on Scientific Instruments and Sensors on the Grid Instruments and sensors on the Grid Instruments and SensorsComputational Grid

7 23-28 April 2007 ICTP, Trieste Workshop on Scientific Instruments and Sensors on the Grid Instrument Grid Research Different international projects already tried to target at least some of the aspects involved in system level science  GRIDCC recently demonstrated the possibility to implement feedback loops through the Grid  The INT.EU.GRID project allows the expert to interactively steer the simulation  The RINGrid is defining requirements and trying to find synergies between remote instrumentation and next-generation high-speed networks

8 23-28 April 2007 ICTP, Trieste Workshop on Scientific Instruments and Sensors on the Grid Instrument Grid Research The NEESgrid project links earthquake researchers across the U.S. with leading-edge computing resources and research equipment, allowing collaborative teams (including remote participants) to plan, perform, and publish their experiments. Through NEESgrid software, researchers can: perform tele-observation and tele-operation of experiments, access computational resources and open-source interactive analytical tools.

9 23-28 April 2007 ICTP, Trieste Workshop on Scientific Instruments and Sensors on the Grid Workshop Goals Give an overview of the different approaches to the implementation of Scientific Instruments and Sensors Grids (EU, US, AU) Give an idea on how Scientific Instruments and Sensors can be integrated in the existing eInfrastructure (cyber infrastructure) Give the possibility to try on your own to solve real problems using the available approaches starting from meaningful use cases

10 23-28 April 2007 ICTP, Trieste Workshop on Scientific Instruments and Sensors on the Grid Workshop Programme INTRODUCTION (Room:Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall) 23 April 2007 10:30 - 10:50 R. Pugliese / ELETTRA Workshop Introduction and Motivations 10:50 - 11:50 C. Vuerli / INAF/OATS Techno Grid Introduction: Theory and practice - I 11:50 - 12:50 G. Taffoni / INAF/OATS Techno Grid Introduction: Theory and practice - II

11 23-28 April 2007 ICTP, Trieste Workshop on Scientific Instruments and Sensors on the Grid Workshop Programme CURRENT GRID INFRASTRUCTURES (Room:Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall) 23 April 2007 14:30 - 15:30 L. Pearlman / USC Information Science Institute, USA The US Grid Infrastructure 15:30 - 16:30 M. Mazzucato / INFN-Padova and INFN- CNAF The EU INFN Grid 16:30 - 17:00 T. Rajtar / PSNC Poznan The Virtual Laboratory (VLAB) 17:00 - 17:30 T. Rajtar / PSNC Poznan The RINGRID Project 17:30 - 18:30 I. Atkinson / James Cook University, AU The APAC Grid Infrastructure

12 23-28 April 2007 ICTP, Trieste Workshop on Scientific Instruments and Sensors on the Grid Workshop Programme DIFFERENT APPROACHES TO INSTRUMENTATION (Room:Adriatico Guest House GLH) 23 April 2007 18:30 - 19:00 F. Breitling / Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam Integration of Robotic Telescopes into the Grid 19:00 - 19:30 G. Taffoni / INAF/OATS G-ICS DIFFERENT APPROACHES TO INSTRUMENTATION part II (Room:Adriatico Guest House GLH) 24 April 2007 09:30 - 10:00 I. Atkinson / James Cook University, AU Introduction to JCU CIMA 10:00 - 10:30 R. Pugliese / ELETTRA GridCC 10:30 - 11:00 L. Pearlman / USC Information Science Institute, USA GTCP

13 23-28 April 2007 ICTP, Trieste Workshop on Scientific Instruments and Sensors on the Grid Workshop Programme MORE IN DEPTH ON INSTRUMENTS AND GRID (Room:Adriatico Guest House GLH) 24 April 2007 11:15 - 12:15 I. Atkinson / James Cook University, AU Web Services 12:15 - 13:15 L. Pearlman / USC Information Science Institute, USA The Globus Toolkit 14:30 - 15:00 I. Atkinson / James Cook University, AU JCU CIMA development for instrument monitoring and data Management 15:00 - 15:30 P. Turner / Sydney University, AU USyd CIMA development for web services based instrument control 15:30 - 16:30 C, Vuerli / INAF/OATS The gLite/GIS 16:30 - 17:30 G. Taffoni / INAF/OATS The gLite/wMS 17:30 - 18:30 C. Vuerli / INAF/OATS The gLite/GIS 18:30 - 19:30 G. Taffoni / INAF/OATS G-ICS: How to bring Instruments in Grid

14 23-28 April 2007 ICTP, Trieste Workshop on Scientific Instruments and Sensors on the Grid Workshop Programme MORE IN DEPTH ON INSTRUMENTS AND GRID part II (Room:Adriatico Guest House GLH) 25 April 2007 09:00 - 10:00 R. Pugliese / ELETTRA GridCC: IE, VCR, ESS 10:00 - 11:00 L. Pearlman / USC Information Science Institute, USA GTCP USE CASES PRESENTATION (Room:Adriatico Guest House GLH) 25 April 2007 11:15 - 11:30 I.C. Hoyos / Univ. de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia Case I: Marine and atmospheric variables 11:30 - 11:45 A. Bahrami / NRCAM, Karaj, Iran Case 2: Controlled Radiation Monitoring System 11:45 - 12:00 R.A. Miller Clemente / University of Orient, Cuba Case 3: Simulations and experimental verification of medical X-ray sources

15 23-28 April 2007 ICTP, Trieste Workshop on Scientific Instruments and Sensors on the Grid Workshop Programme USE CASES PRESENTATION (Room:Adriatico Guest House GLH) 25 April 2007 12:00 - 12:30 R. Pugliese / ELETTRA Organization of the Hands-On Session Case 1: Read only sensors Case 2: Sensors that can be controlled Case 3: Sensors with a Workflow Case 4: Instrument Case 5: Instrument with feedback HANDS-ON SESSION (Room:Adriatico Guest House GLH) 25, 26, 27, 28 April 2007

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