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Potsdam, 04./05.04.051 MicroCHEAP Month 6 Meeting Fördergesellschaft Erneuerbare Energien e.V., Industrie- und Handelskammer Potsdam, Germany 4th/5th April,

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Presentation on theme: "Potsdam, 04./05.04.051 MicroCHEAP Month 6 Meeting Fördergesellschaft Erneuerbare Energien e.V., Industrie- und Handelskammer Potsdam, Germany 4th/5th April,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Potsdam, 04./05.04.051 MicroCHEAP Month 6 Meeting Fördergesellschaft Erneuerbare Energien e.V., Industrie- und Handelskammer Potsdam, Germany 4th/5th April, 2005 Workpackage 6: „Technology Transfer and Staff Secondments“ Eberhard Oettel F ördergesellschaft E rneuerbare E nergien e.V. (Society for the Promotion of Renewable Energy) Innovationspark Wuhlheide Köpenicker Str. 325 DE-12555 Berlin Phone: +49-30-65762706; Fax: +49-30-65762708;;

2 Potsdam, 04./05.04.052 MicroCHEAP Definition of „(Renewable) MicroCHP“ (Torquay Proposal) „Appliance with an installed electrical capacity of less than 5 kW for home and 50 kW for business and trade buildings to transform primary or secondary renewable energy sources (RES) into combined end energy carriers, as combined  heat and power  heat, cold and power  cold and power  heat and cold  power and storage medium (like hydrogen, pressurized air or kinetic energy)“

3 Potsdam, 04./05.04.053 MicroCHEAP Definition of „(Renewable) MicroCHP“ (EU-BTG Proposal) „’micro-co-generation unit’ shall mean a co-generation unit with a maximum capacity below 50 kWel” Source: Directive 2004/8/EC of February 11, 2004 “On the promotion of co-generation based on a useful heat demand in the internal energy market”

4 Potsdam, 04./05.04.054 MicroCHEAP Definition of „(Renewable) MicroCHP“ (MicroCHeaP-FEE-Proposal) „Technical appliance to transform primary or secondary energy carriers for the co-generated supply of electrical power and heat to cover the decentralized demand for thermal energy” Implications: Thermal energy is the critical form of end energy to guarantee high efficiency and excludes waste of enthalpy Thermal energy comprises heat and cold or heating, air conditioning and refrigeration Definition avoids the difficulty to integrate technologies that should have a higher capacity for different reasons, as MCFC, ORC, steam engine or screw etc. It promotes highly efficient decentralized co-generation. But poly-generation as end and secondary carriers will be excluded

5 Potsdam, 04./05.04.055 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 6 The Objectives  To transfer knowledge between partners (and interested parties)  To identify opportunities for technology transfer within (and outside) the network  To diffuse practical know-how and experience with the network, to aid future research and help overlap between technologies (and accelerate development by recoupling deficiencies back to researchers)  To identify the main potential clients (and applications) for renewable RES-Micro-CHP

6 Potsdam, 04./05.04.056 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 6 Tasks, next deadlines, decisions and deliverables 6.1Preparatory work and initial workshops Initial Workshop (Month 6) First consultation on transfer potentials of all partners, hurdles and suggestions to surmount them Discussion of transfer aims, target groups and instruments applied Selection of topics for the second workshop (month 11, Barcelona) Establishing needed subjects for technology transfer workshops and staff secondments Applications for and offers of subjects, papers, experts and events 6.2Technology transfer workshops (Month 18 and 30) 6.3Staff secondments (Month 19)

7 Potsdam, 04./05.04.057 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 6 The Deliverables  First topical seminar (Month 6 ~ March/deferred to April [month 6?] 2005)  Second topical seminar (Month 12 / 11 [?] ~ September 2005)  First technology transfer workshop (Month 18 ~ March / April [?] 2006)  Second technology transfer workshop (Month 30 ~ March / April [?] 2007)  Training secondments (Months 19 – 30 ~ April/May 2006 – March / April [?] 2007)  Staff secondment report [Month 34 ~ August / September [?] 2007) Torquay,United Kingdom  Technology transfer programme report (Month 36 ~ September / October [?] 2007)

8 Potsdam, 04./05.04.058 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 6 To decide on 1  1st topical seminar Subject:„Review of marketable near-to-market and far-from-market* RES-Micro-CHP“ Site:Potsdam, Germany Date:(March 28/29) April 4/5, 2005 Responsable:FEE  2nd topical seminar Subject:„Methodology of marketing RES-Micro-CHP“ (marketing analysis, target groups, access, methods of financing, competitors, etc.) Site:Barcelona, Spain Date:September 26/27 (?), 2005 Responsable:UB (local organisation), EC NET (seminar leader?) *> 2 years for first implementation

9 Potsdam, 04./05.04.059 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 6 To decide on criteria of technology suitable for transfer and market 2  Based on database elaborated by ECN  Drafts for additional data structure of data sheet / database 1 Basic data Responsible: FEE Deadline:April 30, 2005 Afterwards open for discussion Responsible: All.Suggestions to FEE, Chalex, ECN, WBI [?], copies to all. Deadline: May 31, 2005 To finalise and adapt to overall database Responsible: ECN, WBI [?] Deadline: June 30, 2005 (Deadline month 9)

10 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0510 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 6 To decide on 3  Drafts for data structure of data sheet / database 2 Structure of technical dataheets of all kinds of transformers Internal combustion engines Responsible: FORCE Microturbines Responsible: ISET Fuel Cells Responsible: CRES Stirling engines Responsible: ECN

11 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0511 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 6 To decide on 4  Drafts for data structure of data sheet / database 3 Structure of technical dataheets of all kinds of transformers ORC Responsible: BEAMA Thermoelectric appliances Responsible: Chalex Hybrid, including storage Responsible: Fh-ISE Others Responsible: EA Procedure and deadlines as in previous sheets

12 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0512 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 6 To decide on 5  To list manufacturers of any kind of RES-Micro-CHP 1 Every partner in his own country and report to FEE Deadline: February 28, 2005, postponed until April 30, 2005 Afterwards: Changes, only, every February and August of the years to come Additionally: AFCanada ARMINERest of the World ASTONUSA AUEUkraine BEAMAChina BTGCzech Republic, Bulgaria CODESFormer Yugoslavia

13 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0513 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 6 To decide on 6  To list manufacturers of any kind of RES-Micro-CHP 2 Additionally: CRESCyprus, Turkey DGSAustria, Liechtenstein EATJapan ECNBenelux EC NETNew Zealand ENEFELPoland FH-ISELatin America FORCERest of ex-Soviet Union GaiaBaltic Republics

14 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0514 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 6 To decide on 7  To list manufacturers of any kind of RES-Micro-CHP 3 Additionally: IUAVSwitzerland, Malta LundNorway NTUARussia SPUNHungary, Romania STSLAustralia UBPortugal

15 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0515 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 6 To decide on 8  To list competitive technologies Every partner in his own country and report to FEE Deadline: Februar28, 2005, postponed until April 30, 2005 Afterwards: Changes, only, every February and August of the years to come Additionally: ISETRest of the world with market penetration in Europe

16 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0516 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 6 To decide on 9  To establish a list of professional associations Every partner in his own country and report to FEE Deadline: February 28, 2005, postponed until May 31, 2005 Afterwards: Changes, only, every February and August of the years to come Additionally: ChalexRest of Europe

17 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0517 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 6 To decide on 10  To elaborate a list of projects Every partner in his own country and report to FEE Deadline: February 28, 2005, postponed until June 30, 2005 Afterwards: Changes, only, every February and August of the years to come Additionally: Responsibility as in charts 11 - 18

18 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0518 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 6 Suggestions 1  RES-Micro-CHP to be treaded 1 Internal combustion engines (gas, fluid and dual engine, steam cell, steam engines (single piston, linear double piston), steam screw) External combustion engines (solar stirling, bio stirling) Microturbines FuelCells (AFC, DMFC, PAFC, PEMFC, SOFC, MCFC, Direct-Ethanol-FC?, biological FC?)

19 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0519 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 6 Suggestions 2  RES-Micro-CHP to be treaded 2 Thermoelectric systems Organic Rankine Process Windenergy plants with electric heating devices (?) Hybrid systems with storage Hybrid heat pumps Others, which? What about landfill, mine and sewage sludge gas?

20 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0520 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 6 Suggestions 3  RES primary energy carriers to be treaded biomass (gaseous, liquid, solid) geothermal solar radiation (photovoltaics, solar thermal) windenergy others, which?

21 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0521 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 6 Suggestions 4  RES secondary carriers to be treaded hydrogen methane (enriched biogas) methanol sun and synthetic fuels others, which?

22 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0522 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 6 – Seminar 1  Introduction (FEE)  Progress update in areas of responsibility (All partners, 3 min) * report on most important scientific and technological facts found *report on market change * compare own progress achieved in the workpackage with schedule *own public relations and transfer measures realized * proposals, suggestions, help needed

23 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0523 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 6 – Seminar 2  Brainstorming in 2 groups *Group 1 (CHALEX, FEE Dr. Rickert, GMK Mr. Niesner) Task: Barriers and hurdles for technology transfer which might obstacle disseminating RES-MicroCHP, hitting EU targets and completing the aims of our project *Group 2 (EC Net, FEE Dr. Wagener-Lohse, CUTEC, Mr. Siemer) Task: Technology transfer opportunities and suitable methods for integration the industrial and scientific RES-MicroCHP community to be applied by MicroCHeaP  Report to the plenary session, discussions and conclusions

24 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0524 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 6 – Seminar 3 Suggestions 1  Collect list of obstacles and barriers for research & development and implementation Volunteer for draft: Deadline: July 31, 2005 Comments by all partners: August 31, 2005 Next steps to be decided on: Barcelona meeting  Elaborate checklist on marketability of RES-Micro-CHP Volunteer for draft: Deadline: July 31, 2005 Comments by all partners: August 31, 2005 Next steps to be decided on: Barcelona meeting

25 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0525 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 6 – Seminar 4 Suggestions 2  Identify target groups, f.i. craftmen and their chambres (special training instructions?) early, niche and mass markets Volunteer for draft: Deadline: July 31, 2005 Comments by all partners: August 31, 2005 Next steps to be decided on: Barcelona meeting  Deliver and exchange individual websites for publication and offer to transfer RES- Micro-CHP technology Uniform structure: WPI Deadline: April 30, 2005 Discussion until May 31, 2005 Start of establishing links: June 1, 2005

26 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0526 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 6 – Seminar 5 Suggestions 3  Uniform report chart for every partner in WP 6 at every meeting (max 10 min. Absentees one week before meeting by mail to FEE and CHALEX) Fixed responsibilities for country of origin, defined additional country and technology Suggested content: 1) Changes in situation (strategy, new players, innovative technologies, new projects and fate of old ones) 2) compare own progress achieved in the workpackage with schedule 3) own public relations (posters, papers, articles, interviews, exhibitions etc.) and transfer measures realized and planned 4) proposals, suggestions, help needed

27 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0527 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 1 Management Suggestions 1  Define management rules, f.I. * Responsibility for content of every meeting with CHALEX, host for local organisation only * Financing of meetings (check with Commission) * Invitation of managers from European MicroCHP-industry and researchers to every meeting (right to speak, but not to decide, financial conditions [travel and subsistence on their own account plus fee 180 € cash, one third for CHALEX and two thirds for organizer) * Obligatory participation of all partners to all meetings (nominate substitutes) * Send preliminary agenda one moth before the event, especially tasks * No abbreviations without explication

28 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0528 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 1 Management Suggestions 2  Invite a responsible officer from the Commission to every meeting  Clarify definitely and in detail all aspects of financing * Invite an officer from the financial unit of the Commission to read a paper and for discussion to the next meeting * As the Commission to send an experience auditor to the next meeting * Find a permanent partner with the financial unit for consulting * Define exactly what are allowed costs, what is risky * Ask for instructions on lessons learned

29 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0529 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 1 Management Suggestions 3  Fix ONE uniform database for all tasks and workpackages (use and expand the ECN-proposal)  Establish reporting of every partner to nay meeting with a structured chart Suggested content: 1) Changes in situation (strategy, new players, innovative technologies, new projects and fate of old ones) 2) compare own progress achieved in the workpackages with schedule 3) own public relations (posters, papers, articles, interviews, exhibitions etc.) 4) next steps to go 5) proposals, suggestions, help needed

30 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0530 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 1 Management Suggestions 4  Define October 2004 as month 0. November as month 1  Dedicate one workshop to a special meeting of developers and manufacturers of RES-Micro-CHP with researchers in order to * gain them for co-operation with MicroCHeaP-partners * question them on barriers, hurdles and most urgent activities * stimulate co-operation between them both for transfer of successful scientific results to industry and for solving problems * organise joint activities and next projects with MicroCHeaP  Involve experts on sociological research (to find out target groups, channels to them, their motivations, client circles from fff [family, friends and fools] to ordinary consumers

31 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0531 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 1 Management Suggestions 5  Find channels for integration of funding bodies MicroCHP is a business for single consumers and small companies. It needs MicroCredits on European scale, special funds and securities. Double task: 1st) To harmonise the criteria of bankers, managers of funds and investors with the technical knowledge of engineers 2nd) To counterbalance Basel II and and the retreat of big business banks from crediting of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and find new forms of fundraising and financing

32 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0532 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 1 Management Suggestions 6  To combine RES and micro-polygeneration means trading with new complete value-added chains, that means clutching people that usually do not co-operate (f.i. stirling manufacturers so far have used to contact natural gas suppliers but have not co- operated with with biogas plant or biomass combustion plant operators  Open problems arisen * storage is a key question. How to tread it? * What about waste? Do we tread it as renewable energy source? And landfill, mine and sewage gas?

33 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0533 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 1 Management Suggestions 7  Internet * Links to all partners * Establish new buttons with free access for the European scientific and industrial community as well as operators of MicroCHP plants : 1) Barriers, hurdles and proposals to surmount them 2) Report on own technology, patents, projects 3) Proposals for EU-strategy and technological politics 4) Report on experiences with plat operation

34 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0534 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 1 Management Suggestions 8  Public relations * Collecting all public representations by all MicroCHP-partners * Joint presentations, f.I. 14th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition „Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection“ 17 – 21 October 2005, Paris Joint Paper f.i. „Integrated Biomass MicroCHP for Europe“ Call Deadline 7 April 2005 (!!!), but one page only (Should we combine the conference with an additional meeting?) World Gas Conference 05 – 09 June 2006, Paris

35 Potsdam, 04./05.04.0535 MicroCHEAP Workpackage 1 Management Suggestions 9  Establish expert advisory groups for European RES-MicroCHP * Industrial managers of MicroCHP companies * Scientists which specialise in RES-MicroCHP

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