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“I Want it NOW!” Adapting GIS in Higher Education/Libraries Presented at the ESRI Education User Conference by ESRI Education User Conference by Shelly.

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Presentation on theme: "“I Want it NOW!” Adapting GIS in Higher Education/Libraries Presented at the ESRI Education User Conference by ESRI Education User Conference by Shelly."— Presentation transcript:

1 “I Want it NOW!” Adapting GIS in Higher Education/Libraries Presented at the ESRI Education User Conference by ESRI Education User Conference by Shelly (Burns) McCoy, Coordinator, Microforms & Digital Mapping, University of Delaware Library July 7, 2001

2 University of Delaware GIS n Many disciplines/departments use GIS in their classes and research n ESRI site license n UD-GIS listserv n Research Data Management Services(RDMS) –for those doing in-depth research using GIS, using GPS receivers, and finding/creating metadata for the state of DE GIS data n GIS workshops and classes n Independent use of GIS software computers

3 UD Library GIS n “Digital Mapping Station” –ArcView 3.2 –Color Printer –Internet Access –CDs related to maps n Used for relatively simple maps for a class or for book illustrations, rarely for research n Access to CD-ROM collection n Workshops for faculty, library staff, and individual users n One-on-one help

4 The “I Want it NOW” Attitude n “It’s on a computer, so it shouldn’t take long to do” n “I do not care to learn the software” n “I do not want to make an appointment; I need it today” n “I do not have time to look for other data sources” n “I want you to help me customize”

5 Why adapt to this new attitude? n To keep your users n To continue to add more users n To satisfy their needs in a short time n To take up less of your time n To use resources that are already available n To allow them to learn on their own

6 How I adapted: An Overview n Made and saved useful projects(.apr) on ArcView GIS n Placed pre-made maps on our homepage n Saved user projects into easy-to-understand file directories n Planned tutorials geared towards these uses n Bookmarked Internet mapping websites n Referred users to new mapping CDs available

7 How can you adapt?

8 Step 1: Decide what users want and need the most n All available data for DE and surrounding counties in MD and PA n The ability to use the computer themselves n Internet sites for maps and data n A map that is already made and easily customizable n Current sample statistics as well as data from other years

9 Step 2: Take Action! n Create and save maps n Organize bookmarked websites n Create one-page guides for popular CD- ROMs that contain maps/mapping applications or GIS-compatible data n Order updated/needed data CDs n Promote your actions!

10 Step 3: Create tutorial “Creating a simple, customized map for a presentation” n Has screen shots and buttons n Easy-to-read instructions n Divided into sections for users to find the section they need n Contains a list of already-made maps available

11 Step 4: Stay Ahead of the Technology ! n Read professional journals –Computers in Libraries – ArcUser – GeoWorld n Participate in listservs – GISList – ESRI-L – ArcGIS

12 Stay Ahead of the Technology! n Check GIS websites for updated/more web maps and data – – GeoCommunity at –local websites such as DE Spatial Data Clearinghouse n Keep your GIS(or DMS in my case) website updated!

13 Stay Ahead of the Technology! n Create metadata for data CDs and.apr projects –Metadata Tools for Geospatial Data /mtools.htm /mtools.htm /mtools.htm –Formal Metadata –DE Spatial Data Clearinghouse

14 Can you do this on your campus ? n Depends on your library’s role in GIS on campus n Depends on your resources n May depend on your computer equipment

15 Questions? THANK YOU! Our website: /gis/dms.htm /gis/dms.htm

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