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OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Governance Partnerships and the green economy Michael Förschner (ZSI) Graz, 11 October 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Governance Partnerships and the green economy Michael Förschner (ZSI) Graz, 11 October 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Governance Partnerships and the green economy Michael Förschner (ZSI) Graz, 11 October 2010

2 _Part 1: Green jobs: myth and reality _ Part 2: Green policy in partnerships

3 Part 1 _ Green jobs: myth and reality

4 Green Jobs: Myth and Reality _Shades of green _ Ecological value added _Green equilibrium dashboard _ Development trends

5 Shades of Green Employment and Revenue in EU ECO-industries: various definitions EmploymentTotal Turnover Narrow definition ECO industries (mainly pollution prevention or treatment) 2, 3 Mio. € 270 billion + activities closely dependent on a good quality environment (environment-related tourism, organic agriculture, renewable energy etc) 4,4 Mio. € 405 billion + induced 'knock-on' or 'multiplier' effects 8,6 Mio. € 1 trillion Widest definition- includes all activities dependent on the environment (all agriculture, renewable energy etc) 21 Mio. € 3 trillion Source: EC-Website Environment and Employment, quoted from ECORYS 2008

6 Ecological value added ILO Definition: Green jobs reduce environmental „footprints“ cutting the consumption of energy, raw materials and water, decarbonising and dematerializing the economy; bringing down emissions of greenhouse gases; adapting to climate change; protecting and restoring ecosystem services (Campbell). United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP): Work in agricultural, manufacturing, research and development, administrative and service activities that contribute substantially to preserving or restoring environmental quality CEDEFOP: Green Jobs reduce the environmental impact of enterprises and economic sectors, ultimately to sustainable levels Decent Jobs - Just Transition

7 Green equilibrium dashboard Source: OECD: Greening Jobs and Skills: The Local Labour Market Implications of addressing Climate Change

8 Sector Produkt/Service Occupational profile Green Skills Job decency Green workload Production method Green awareness Value chain Industry Organisation Job Green equilibrium dashboard II

9 Green Jobs: trends _Additional jobs (e.g. pollution control devices) _ Substition of jobs (e.g. shifting from fossil fuels to renewables) _Elimination of jobs (e.g. legal banning of products) _ Transformation of jobs (e.g. new skills) _ Regional shifts in jobs Source: UNDP, OECD

10 _ Green policy in partnerships Part 2

11 What are we looking for? _area based partnerships _ with an environmental strategy, based on an in depth analyses as part of an overall strategy with a sole environmental strategy _close collaboration of partners across sectors _ addressing various issues required in green strategies

12 Something like … Sheffield First

13 What do we find? _fragmented structures _ no overall environmental strategy, no overall analyses covering different areas missing interlinkages _competition of ‘partners’ alongside institutional and often political thresholds _ addressing particular issues required in Green strategies

14 Something like … Anonymus LM ED EC IND AG ENV Green Jobs - Green generic skills - Green products - Bio fuels - Low Carbon Economy

15 And finally … UNTER- NEHMEN ARBEITS -PLATZ „...every workplace and job has the potential, and the need, to become greener“ (EC expert group)

16 Contact Forum office Vienna at ZSI Michael Förschner Linke Wienzeile 246, 1150 Vienna, Austria Tel.: +43 / 1 / 49 50 442 – 75, +43/0664 283 06 23 Fax: +43 / 1 / 49 50 442 - 40 Homepages: Thank you for your attention

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