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Sustainable Energy Europe A European Campaign to change the landscape of energy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Masha Tarle Public Relations Manager Sustainable Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Energy Europe A European Campaign to change the landscape of energy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Masha Tarle Public Relations Manager Sustainable Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Energy Europe A European Campaign to change the landscape of energy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Masha Tarle Public Relations Manager Sustainable Energy Europe- an initiative of the European Commission +32 2 333 59 53 28 June 2010, Budapest, Hungary International Conference on Energy Efficient Renovation in Residential Building Sector SESSION 2:Technology and innovation

2 EUROPEAN COMMISSION Legislation Financial Support programmes Information and Communication Platform Energy Efficiency AP (2007-2013) Climate & Energy Package 20-20-20-10 by 2020 FP7 (2007-2013) Competiveness and Innovation Programme Intelligent Energy-Europe Eco-Innovation ELENA (Covenant of Mayors) Energy Policy Introduction 2 EU Energy policy: the 3 pillars

3 EUROPEAN COMMISSION 3 What is the Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign? changesStimulate the necessary changes towards an increase in private investment in sustainable energy technologies. Spread best-practiceSpread best-practice and ensure a strong level of public awareness, understanding and support. key stakeholdersEnhance a communication and networking platform among key stakeholders in sustainable energy. Sustainable Energy Europe is a networking and communications platform Sustainable Energy Europe is a networking and communications platform launched in 2005 by DG TREN offering visibility and institutional recognition to sustainable energy actors, projects and events. Extended to 2011, Sustainable Energy Europe aims to:

4 EUROPEAN COMMISSION SEE CAMPAIGN SET UP Official Partners/ Projects Projects involving public & private sector Build & promote a network Share and highlight Europe’s best practices Campaign Associates Chosen actors that amplify the impact of the campaign For example- Energia Klub Hungary Task: promote the campaign and identify country based Partners EUSEW- event of the year in sustainable energy APRIL 2011 WWW.EUSEW.EU Media Amplifying impact of specific projects and campaign news Energy Days Events promoting awareness actions amongst citizens PROJECTS and EVENTS ACTORS and AMPLIFIERS Introduction 4

5 EUROPEAN COMMISSION What is an Official Partner? Definition/Eligibility: Ongoing and financed project with a clear action plan currently being implemented by private or/and public actors in the field of: Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy Sources Clean Transport Bio-fuels Official Partner 5 Give your project institutional recognition and further visibility !!! Best energy practices

6 EUROPEAN COMMISSION SHINING EXAMPLES The use of technologies and innovations in EE and RES integration in the urban environment Focus on: BARCELONA Shining example of integrating energy activities in the urban environment RAISING AWARENESS CAMPAIGNS DISTRICT HEATING AND COOLING CONSUMERS SAVING ENERGY: SMART METERING LEGAL FRAMEWORK: SOLAR ORDINANCE BARCELONA CITY COUNCIL

7 EUROPEAN COMMISSION Smart-metering domestic energy saving in Sabadell Project launched by Sabadell City Council (Barcelona) in June 2009 The key of this success: Public Private Partnerships Although have been used for decades, wider development is the direct result of public incentives and cheaper production and distribution. Domestic energy saving campaign to 100 dwellings in Sabadell Municipality using a smart-meter energy device given to the families for a period of 6 months. The smart-meter provides on-time energy consumption in kWh, EUR or tones of CO2. Benefits: Households reduce their consumption 10%-15% Utility companies – management of demand and supply Activites: Distribution free of charge to households - Provision of guidelines and phone assistance - Information sessions

8 EUROPEAN COMMISSION Promoting Sustainable District Heating and Cooling networks Central de Generació d'Energies Zona Franca - Gran Via - Hospitalet Case Study: Innovative process to recover wasted renewable energy serving southern Barcelona metropolitan area Ajuntament de Barcelona/ Agencia d’Energia de Barcelona Ajuntament de l'Hospitalet de Llobregat Dalkia ENAGAS IDEA/ICAEN Aquest serà el primer district heating que oferirà el servei de climatització per a ús domèstic S’aprofitarà de forma pionera el fred residual de la regasificadora del Port i la biomassa municipal per a la xarxa de climatització i la generació d’electricitat Les emissions de CO2 evitades seran de 13.400 t CO2/any Promotors Projecte Contact Cristina Castells

9 EUROPEAN COMMISSION HOW TO JOIN? ● Summary ● Action Plan ● Expected Results ● Duration ● Budget ● Contact Details Next Deadline: Friday 9 July 2010

10 EUROPEAN COMMISSION EU Sustainable Energy Week not only conferences! Definition: Europe’s best energy-related events Both oriented to general public and stakeholders Various types of events: Guided visits to public/private sites, open door days Educational activities involving children/adults Exhibition or fairs Conferences / Seminars / Workshops EUSEW: Events 10

11 EUROPEAN COMMISSION EU Sustainable Energy Week Take a week to change tomorrow! Background: 1 conference in 2006 in Brussels 40 events in 2007 73 events in 2008 148 in 2009, 19 countries, 51 cities, over 35 000 attendees EUSEW 2010: 328 events 82 Brussels events (31+51) 246 in Europe Croatia, Serbia, Norway, Turkey, Georgia 234 presences in Press, Radio, TV EUSEW: History 11

12 EUROPEAN COMMISSION Why join the EUSEW? Advantages PERCEIVED EU Endorsement! EC Recognition raises the profile of the event and the Organisation facilitating lobbying Clustering of events facilitates networking and motivates speakers and participants OFFERED Free Promotional Tools (brochures, leaflets, ) Exclusive use of the official logos Media Visibility Benefit from the synergy with other EU related programmes and their promotional tools (ETAP, Managenergy, etc) EUSEW: Advantages!!! 12


14 EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUSEW 2010 in Hungary Conference TitleOrganiserCityArea Tendering sources and innovative cooperation opportunities for the renewable energy/energy sector ITD Hungary Ltd. BudapestRenewables Opening of the International Energy Conference Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Fejer County Székes- fehérvár Renewables

15 Sustainable Energy Europe A European Campaign to change the landscape of energy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Thank you! Masha Tarle Public Relations Manager +32 2 333 59 53

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