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THE WEST. The West in American Memory THE WEST Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show Frederick Jackson Turner’s Frontier Thesis.

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2 The West in American Memory

3 THE WEST Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show Frederick Jackson Turner’s Frontier Thesis

4 THE WEST Western Settlement –The ideal: the Homestead ActThe ideal: the Homestead Act –Other claims on the land: The Morrill Act and the Pacific Railway Act

5 THE WEST Benjamin Singleton Southern black migration to the West - “Exodusters”

6 THE WEST Foreign immigration to the West –From Europe –From Asia Japanese to Hawaii and west coast of the United States Chinese to west coast of the United States –300,000 immigrants came in the late 1800s –Page Act (1875) –Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)

7 Angel Island Immigration Station – San Francisco, 1916



10 THE WEST Western Economy –Farming Sod House - Nebraska, 1886

11 THE WEST –Mining Silver Mining – Nevada, late 1860s Copper Smelt – Butte, MT

12 THE WEST Indians and the West –Johnson v. M’Intosh (1823) –President Grant’s “Peace Policy” The reservation system

13 THE WEST Friends of the Indian –Indian schools Dawes Severalty Act (1887) –Wars of the Peace Policy –The Great Plains Indians Mounted nomads Numerous distinct tribes



16 THE WEST –Ft. Laramie Treaty (1868) General George Custer

17 THE WEST Crazy Horse Battle of the Little Bighorn Sitting Bull

18 Wovaka Ghost Dance

19 Massacre at Wounded Knee (1890)

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