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Contextualizing STEM and Common Core with Agriculture.

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1 Contextualizing STEM and Common Core with Agriculture

2 STEM & Ag Literacy Connection What is STEM? Science: In the K-12 context, science is generally taken to mean the traditionally natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, Earth, space, and environmental science) Technology: This includes all types of human- made systems and processes where science and engineering have been applied (not just computers), to satisfy human wants and needs. Engineering: Any engagement in a systematic practice or process of design to achieve solutions to particular human problems. Math: Is the “language” that allows us to quantify, compare, see patterns, and evaluate scientific, technologic, and engineering solutions to real-world problems.

3 STEM & Ag Literacy Connection How does STEM differ from what science education has been doing for years? STEM integrates the disciplines. A STEM lesson includes at a minimum two of the STEM disciplines (Jorgenson, Vanosdall, Massey & Cleveland, 2014) STEM is synonymous with doing good science! Time to Think, Pair & Share How can I integrate STEM and Language Arts (reading, writing, speaking, listening) concepts within the context of agriculture?

4 Think, Pair & Share How can I integrate STEM concepts within the context of agriculture? 1.Think: Select a performance expectation from a STEM area and think of a way to contextualize it with an agricultural concept, practice, process, or product. 2.Pair: Discuss with a partner your idea for a STEM performance expectation integration within the context of agriculture. Remember you need to integrate at least two STEM areas. 3.Share: Share with the group one of your ideas for STEM Integration with an agricultural concept.

5 STEM & Agricultural Literacy Outcomes Weather Water (cycles, properties, etc.) Geology (soils, fertility, etc.) Heredity Ecosystems Life Cycles (growth, needs, etc.) Microorganisms Simple Machines (wedges, levers, screws, pulleys, gears, sieves, etc.) Computation (+,-,*,/) Statistics (prediction, estimation, mean, mode, standard deviation, range, etc.) Money (decimals, fractions, percentages) Measurement: Customary and Metrics (weight, length, diameter, volume, temperature, time, graphing) Story problems (basic computation & algebra) Engineering (design, drawing, scale, etc.) GPS (Technology) Chemistry (matter, energy, new products, e.g., fuels, plastics, etc.) Nutrition Think-Pair-SharePerformance Expectations How can I integrate STEM concepts within the context of agriculture? 1.Think: Select a performance expectation from a STEM area and think of a way to contextualize it with an agricultural concept, practice, process, or product. 2.Pair: Discuss with a partner your idea for a STEM performance expectation integration within the context of agriculture. Remember you need to integrate at least two STEM areas. 3.Share: Share with the group one of your ideas for STEM Integration with an agricultural concept.

6 STEM & Agricultural Literacy Outcomes Weather Water (cycles, properties, etc.) Geology (soils, fertility, etc.) Heredity Ecosystems Life Cycles (growth, needs, etc.) Microorganisms Simple Machines (wedges, levers, screws, pulleys, gears, sieves, etc.) Computation (+,-,*,/) Statistics (prediction, estimation, mean, mode, standard deviation, range, etc.) Money (decimals, fractions, percentages) Measurement: Customary and Metrics (weight, length, diameter, volume, temperature, time, graphing) Story problems (basic computation & algebra) Engineering (design, drawing, scale, etc.) GPS (Technology) Chemistry (matter, energy, new products, e.g., fuels, plastics, etc.) Nutrition Grains (wheat, rice, corn, etc.) Fruits & Vegetables (pumpkins, apples, grapes, carrots, oranges, etc.) Seeds (beans, sunflower & more!) Soils Rangeland Plants & Animals (growth, needs, management, etc.) Fabrics (cotton, wool, etc.) Grocery Ads & Processed foods (Cheetos ®, cereal, cheese, bread, yogurt, pizza, packaging, labels, etc.) Structures & Equipment Irrigation (watersheds, dams, siphons, drip, etc.) Ag Literacy Outcome ExamplesPerformance Expectations So What? Ag Literacy & Content Standard Literacy

7 More for Engineering & Technology? Choose one of the engineering and technology scenarios below. In a group, discuss how you would solve or address this problem/issue? Sketch an image of your processing design to solve the problem. You can use mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, or nano technology engineering solutions:  Make a rectangular chocolate bar (4 min) Make a rectangular chocolate bar  Using corn to make tortilla chips and add nacho seasoning (3 min) Using corn to make tortilla chips and add nacho seasoning  Identify popcorn kernels that will pop 98% of the time (4 min) Identify popcorn kernels that will pop 98% of the time  A machine to "roll" chocolate to cover all sides of a chocolate (3 min) A machine to "roll" chocolate to cover all sides of a chocolate  A machine that sorts sizes and blemishes for avocados (8 min) A machine that sorts sizes and blemishes for avocados  Sort blueberries to remove bad ones from the good (2 min) Sort blueberries to remove bad ones from the good  Labor is scarce how can the cows get milked without someone to milk? (3 min) Labor is scarce how can the cows get milked without someone to milk?  Get syrup out of a maple tree and into a bottle (6 min) Get syrup out of a maple tree and into a bottle  Egg sorting machine for size, spots, cracks, and spots (4 min) Egg sorting machine for size, spots, cracks, and spots  A machine to harvest cranberries, which grow as a vine along the ground (4 min) A machine to harvest cranberries, which grow as a vine along the ground  Machine to remove juice from oranges (7 min) Machine to remove juice from oranges  Place fertilizer on just on 10 acres in the middle of a rectangular 200 acre section of ground (8 min) Place fertilizer on just on 10 acres in the middle of a rectangular 200 acre section of ground USDA-ARS MagazineUSDA-ARS Magazine, AgroWorld, and Everyday Examples in EngineeringAgroWorldEveryday Examples in Engineering

8 Experience science before we start explaining science. Agricultural Project- and Problem-based student centered learning, which engages students with relevant content is = transdisciplinary learning. Hands-on Activities vs. Inquiry-based Instruction: Necessary but insufficient; asking student to collect evidence but not necessarily asking them to “formulate and communicate evidence-based conclusions.” Hence the reason why the NGSS focuses on scientific practices (no single set of procedures). The 5E Instructional Model: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate STEM Approaches to Teaching and Learning

9 Putting it all together... The Next Generation Science Standards & Common Core Integration Architecture Language Arts Practice Standards: Reading (anthropomorphism, and defined/undefined genre), writing, speaking, listening Reading - Strategies (read-alouds/questioning) Be explicit, don’t forget, the “so what.”

10 Selected Resources for STEM Teaching & Learning NSTA Resources for STEM and NGSS: STEM Lesson Essentials, Grades 3-8: Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (Vasquez, Sneider, & Comer)

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