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May Revise Early Childhood Education Impact Analysis Wednesday, June 23 rd 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "May Revise Early Childhood Education Impact Analysis Wednesday, June 23 rd 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 May Revise Early Childhood Education Impact Analysis Wednesday, June 23 rd 2010

2 Early Childhood Education May Revise Impact Analysis May revise proposes to:  Eliminate full day preschool and school age programs  Lower income ceiling eligibility for families District response:  Support program funding through other resources at no less than 50% of current program levels  Alignment with Strategic Plan

3 Projected Program Status Based on District Funding Priority service to four year olds entering Kindergarten Redirect families of preschool age children if site closes Maintain some Kindergarten school age programs Monitor enrollment to ensure classes at capacity

4 Impact on sites Relocations due to construction:  Arroyo Viejo  Centro Annex  Yuk Yau Annex Closures based on May Revise:  Golden Gate  Hintil Kuu Ca  Jefferson  Manzanita  Piedmont Ave.  Santa Fe  Sequoia Closure due to funding and enrollment prior to May Revise:  Parker

5 SITEState Preschool Program (3 – hour program) Full Day PreschoolSchool Age Acorn Woodland48 24 Allendale24 Alice Street48 Bella Vista164828 Bridges @ Melrose40 Brookfield48 Centro Main487028 Cox @ REACH48 Emerson 3028 Fruitvale42 HR Tubman4828 Highland244828 Howard24 International48 Lakeview 24 Laurel96 Lockwood48 28 MLK, Jr.26 Stonehurst48 Arroyo Viejo/Webster 96 Yuk Yau2464 28 TOTAL 850446196

6 May Revise OACE Allocation Reduction Impact Analysis Wednesday, June 23 rd 2010

7 Overview Initial 2010-2011Recommendation Redirect $3m from reserve Redirect $4.5m from 10-11 Adult Ed allocation Total Redirection of $7.5m Projected Unrestricted Allocation of $6.9m Post May Revise 2010-2011Recommendation Redirect $3m from reserve Redirect $9.5m from 10-11 Adult Ed allocation Total Redirection of $12.5m Projected Unrestricted Allocation of $1.9m

8 Instructional Program Impact  Maintain Multi-level ESL Family Literacy at 20 OUSD school sites 20 x 0.6 FTE 1 x 1 FTE  Maintain GED preparation programs at McClymonds, and partner agencies  Maintain Credit Recovery and CAHSEE Prep programs for credit deficient high school students  Maintain Independent Study Program for minimally credit deficient adult high school diploma students (locations TBD) 4 x 1 FTE 1 x 0.8 FTE 4 x 0.75 FTE 2 x 0.6 FTE

9 Instructional Program Impact To be discontinued:  ESL  ESL for Specific Purposes ESL for Academic Programs ESL for Citizenship ESL for Health Occupations ESL for Hospitality Industry ESL for Trade, Transportation and Logistics ESL for Construction/Green Industries ESL for Office Occupations To be discontinued:  Career Technical Education Certified Nursing Assistant Home Health Aide Administrative Assistant Green Construction Culinary Skills Training Trade, Transportation and Logistics  Comprehensive, direct instruction Adult High School Diploma Program  Basic and Career Skills Development for Adults with Disabilities

10 Facilities and Locations Impact Close Edward Shands Adult School in East Oakland, including the Bond Street Annex Close Neighborhood Centers Adult School in the East Lake District, including Clinton Park Withdraw from all leased facilities in Chinatown Withdraw from approximately 9 partner agency sites across Oakland Maintain administrative base of operations at McClymonds, plus some limited instructional programming

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