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APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® Region V and XIV - May 22, 2004 Nick Testa - Executive V P.

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Presentation on theme: "APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® Region V and XIV - May 22, 2004 Nick Testa - Executive V P."— Presentation transcript:

1 APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® Region V and XIV - May 22, 2004 Nick Testa - Executive V P

2 APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® Organizational Focus Board of Directors = Strategic Voice of the Customer Council = Listening to the Market Body of Knowledge Council = Product Maintenance, Development, Distribution, and Retirement Chapter Development Committee = Meeting the Needs and Supporting the Largest Distribution Channel

3 APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® Body of Knowledge Council Ad Hoc Task Force PDG Ad Hoc Task Force Ad Hoc Task Force Ad Hoc Task Force Ad Hoc Task Force Ad Hoc Task Force Ad Hoc Task Force

4 APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® APICS Body of Knowledge Care and Feeding E&R Foundation (independent source) SIGs (new Communities of Practice) New Subjects Core Content Obsolete Material Growth Concept Life Aging Removal Emerging Topics Industry and Interest Common Development Area BOK Council Task Forces and PDG

5 APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® The Body of Knowledge –Content Education –Communication Certification –Validation Body of Knowledge Council

6 APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ®  Focus on the principal activities of education and certification  Ensure that evolution of the ongoing Body of Knowledge is at a pace with or ahead of industry overall  Recommend priorities in education and certification for the Board to use in making resource allocation decisions Uses information generated by the VOC Council to insure that products/services are responsive to member/customer needs Body of Knowledge Council

7 APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® Commission, Direct, and Monitor Product Development Groups based on clear deliverables Assign task forces on special activities Evolve SIGs into Communities of Practice Body of Knowledge Council

8 APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® Body of Knowledge Council Chair VP Ed. Development VP Ed. Dev. SIGs CPIM Chair CIRM Chair VOC Rep. Outside Memb. Current RVP Region Nominee Current RVP Instructor Staff Liaison Nick Testa Ron Althaus Wendy Kremers Jim Greathouse Robert Vokurka TBD Patricia Wickham Mike Walsh Larry Taube Sybil Melin Gary Landis Arvill Sexton Karen Wynn Freeman Mark Milroy

9 APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® Guiding Elements in BOK Evolution General BOK Maintenance Focus  Quality and utility of materials and delivery methods  New material required to be added  Purging old material that is no longer relevant (Perhaps the creation of an Archive)  Improved explanation for elements in questionable context  Improved and Streamlined process for maintenance  Ownership/Responsibility clearly defined to eliminate redundancy and maximize efficiency

10 APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® Guiding Elements in BOK Evolution Resources to Draw Upon  Chapters  E&R Foundation  Staff  SIGs  Contractors  SMEs  Educators

11 APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ®  Dedicated resources with clear charter, start/end date, and disciplined project management accountable for end to end execution  Support the new overall approach to product development outlined in the strategic plan  Work closely with staff on a product-by-product basis – not creating the product, but rather advising on all aspects of product development and ultimately on marketing and distribution efforts  Staff, reorganized to ensure required levels of support, will do core work of taking a product from research and conceptual development to actual development and on to marketing, delivery, and distribution PDG

12 APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® Tasks  General Products to be Defined  About 3 PDGs  SIG Based CD Products  Small Manufacturing  Service Industry?  TBD  Peripheral Products  Project management?  Off shore sourcing? PDG

13 APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® Resourcing  Need about 25 to 35 Volunteers  3 to 6 month projects  Mostly teleconferences some in person meetings PDG

14 APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ®  Special Projects  Auditing quality of product/service and the delivery mechanism  Identifying product/service evolution/end-of-life strategies  Evaluate the distribution channels for each product/service and recommend improvements and investments Ad Hoc Task Force

15 APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® Resources  2 Standing committees or sets of committees i.e.,the existing C&C committees  Other Task Forces need about 25 to 35 additional volunteers  3 to 6 month projects  Mostly teleconferences some in person meetings Ad Hoc Task Force

16 APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® Tasks  CPIM Courseware and exam question Maintenance  Courseware Maintenance Process  CIRM Program review  Qualified Instructor Program  Evolve SIGs into Communities of Practice  Product/Service Research and Development  CIRM Courseware and exam question Maintenance  Exam Security review  AMES Program review  Fundamentals Program review Ad Hoc Task Force

17 APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® Courseware Maintenance Chair Jim Greathouse Module >>> BSCMMPRECOSMRDSP TypeRevision2.12 1.22 DateAug-01Dec-01Dec-03Oct-02Aug-01 Cosmetic 65211 Corrected 07030 Error 31508 Misinterpretation 0200112 Comm. Input 29080 Repeat 31311 Suggestion 5751 Total 4613512237In revision

18 APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® Courseware Maintenance Process Chair - Mike Walsh Reviewed current process Created 4 process maps Identifying elements for change Implementation to begin

19 APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® Qualified Instructors Co-Chairs - Robert Vokurka and Mark Milroy Consolidating inputs (including CDC) “Strawman” by next week

20 APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® CIRM Program Review Chair - Sibyl Melin Reviewing Holmes proposal and data Input from Large Chapter meeting questions

21 APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® SIGs Chair - Wendy Kremers Liaison with existing committees Developing Communities concepts with staff

22 APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® New Product R&D New Chair Appointed – Ron Althaus


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