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East Boston Nicole Sforza, Kelly Royce, Katherine Rosa, Karen Liaw, and Richard Kintu.

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Presentation on theme: "East Boston Nicole Sforza, Kelly Royce, Katherine Rosa, Karen Liaw, and Richard Kintu."— Presentation transcript:

1 East Boston Nicole Sforza, Kelly Royce, Katherine Rosa, Karen Liaw, and Richard Kintu

2 Map of East Boston: Community Services

3 Map of East Boston: Community Spaces

4 Map of East Boston: Transportation

5 Map of East Boston: Environmental Exposure

6 East Boston’s Demographic and Socioeconomic Information







13 Assets/Barriers of East Boston Assets ●Community Centers ●History of Successful Neighborhood-Wide Activities ●Community Gardens ●Parks ●Ethnic Diversity ●Transportation ●Tourist Attractions ●Strong Presence of civic programs advocating for social justice ●Adult Literacy Programs ●Access to Police and Fire Protection Services ●Healthcare? ●Real Estate Community ●Art Programs

14 Assets 1. Community Center: YMCA, Social Center 2. Parks: Piers, Jeffries Point, Belle Marsh 3. Neighborhood-Wide Activities: Eastie Pride, Annual Harvest Festival, HarborArts

15 Assets 4. Community Gardens: Eagle Hill Memorial Park, Joe Ciampa Community 5. Ethnic Diversity: Brazilian Immigrant Center and Church, Hispanic, Italian immigrants, Cuisine 6. Transportation 7. Tourist Attraction: Piers Park Sailing Center, Constitution Beach, Suffolk Downs Race Track, Madonna Shrine-views of waterfront and downtown skyline

16 Barriers 1. Airport pollution 2. Unaffordable Housing 3. Long Commute Times 4. Few supermarkets 5. Low educational attainment 6. Substance Abuse 7. Isolation from Boston 8. High Unemployment 9. Limited Access to Community Health Care 10. Poorly performing public schools 11. Noise Pollution

17 Barriers 1. Socioeconomic barriers: Unaffordable housing, low educational attainment, high unemployment, poorly performing public schools, few supermarkets ● More than 50% of East Boston residents experience “housing burden” 2. Environmental barriers: Air pollution, noise pollution, isolation from Boston ●MA Sierra Club estimates that Logan Airport is the sixth top polluter in Massachusetts

18 Barriers 3. Service barriers: Long commute times, limited access to health care ●44.6% of East Boston workers have a commute between 30-59 minutes, and 13.5% have a commute that is over 60 minutes 4. Social barriers: Substance abuse ●In 2012, the substance abuse death rate in East Boston was 42.7 per 100,000 residents, higher than the Boston rate (33.9 per 100,000 residents)

19 How is East Boston Doing Overall? Average Health Indicator Grades: ●Physical/Built Environment: 2.2 ●Social Environment: 2.3 ●Economic Environment: 1.6 ●Service Environment: 2.2 How does this impact health outcomes for East Boston residents?

20 Health Outcome: HIV&AIDS ●HIV&AIDS is among the ten leading causes of mortality in East Boston. (EBNHC) ●Incidence rate: 39/100,000, higher than MA and US ●Social Determinants: Low education standards, low household incomes, unemployment and poor housing ●Risk factors: alcohol and substance abuse, STI infections (2nd highest syphilis prevalence in Boston) ●HIV&AIDS care: Available EBNHC-SHINE, includes rapid HIV testing (2000 tested annually), ART care, Community outreaches through: Health fairs, farmers markets and events such as the National Latino AIDS awareness day.

21 Health Outcome: Heart Disease - 2011-2012 rate of heart disease hospitalizations in East Boston- 12.4 per 1000 residents (higher than Boston-11.2 per 1000 residents) - Neighborhood risk factors- unavailability of healthy foods, air and noise pollution, unemployment, low educational attainment, low socioeconomic status, long commute times - Neighborhood protective factors- large population of Hispanic people, chronic disease management program at East Boston Neighborhood Health Center

22 Health Outcome: Teen Pregnancy ●East Boston has teen pregnancy rate of 31.8 (per 1000 females ages 15-17) in 2010. ●Risk Factors: Demographic (Large Hispanic Population), Poverty (13% community lives below poverty line), Education, Lack of Healthcare Facilities ●Teen Pregnancy Care: ○East Boston Neighborhood Health Center: Pediatrics Department: Teen Clinic ○Roca: Young Mothers Project ■Provide women 16-18 pregnant or single parents skillset

23 Health Outcome: Preterm Birth ●In 2010, there were 72 preterm births in East Boston (MA DPH). With an incidence rate of 178 preterm babies born per 100,000 births (lower than US, MA, and Boston). Highest incidence for Hispanic women in EB. ●Social Determinants: low household income (13% live below poverty line), low level of academic achievement (23.4% of residents completed less than 9th grade & 33.5% graduated high school), and member of minority group (52.9% Hispanic). ●Risk Factors: nutrition, exercise, prenatal care, social support, and location of residence. ●Available Care for Pregnant Women: East Boston Neighborhood Health Center in conjunction with Boston Medical Center.

24 Health Outcome: Lung Cancer - Neighborhood risk factors: low level of academic achievement, extensive tobacco advertising, proximity to airport and fueling stations - Neighborhood protective factors: Chronic Disease Management Program at East Boston Neighborhood Health Center, East Boston Neighborhood Against Substance Abuse’s campaigns promoting smoking cessation

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