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Requirements Gathering this process determines exactly what is required (and not required) of a project Three key areas include: Identify and prioritize.

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Presentation on theme: "Requirements Gathering this process determines exactly what is required (and not required) of a project Three key areas include: Identify and prioritize."— Presentation transcript:

1 Requirements Gathering this process determines exactly what is required (and not required) of a project Three key areas include: Identify and prioritize content requirements for the site. Identify and prioritize functional requirements for the site. Understand and categorize user tasks based on importance. Requirements Gathering can be done using Focus Groups, but these can be complex, time consuming expensive Speaking to the client in plain language is also useful to determine exactly what they are looking for

2 Requirements Gathering Often it is easier to conduct Requirements Gathering using a survey, or a series of (iterative) surveys on- or off-line Ask questions related to the goals of a site in order to generate basic: content requirements functional requirements user tasks samples of good Survey questions can be found here: Survey 1 Go through the list of items and prepare a second survey based on the results Survey 2 Goal is to prioritize content and functional tasks and user tasks based on importance. Survey 3 gather further information about the most important requirements and tasks Provides and initial basis for Task Analysis

3 Audience Profiling with User Scenarios User Scenarios combine User Personas/Personae with User Tasks remember you, as designer/developer, are not the best representative of typical users develop User Personas which are user archetypes that focus on behaviours and goals based on a series of interviews with real people prepare descriptions that include: Name and/or nickname (ex. shopper, info-seeker, community user) behavior patterns goals skills attitudes environment and a few fictional personal details to bring the persona to life focus more on behavioural rather than demographic variables create a small set of personas one or more should be labeled Primary these Primary Personae are the ones whose goals it is essential to satisfy

4 Audience Profiling with User Scenarios User Persona A User Persona should include: Who age gender education Context when where type of computer What purpose expectations

5 Audience Profiling with User Scenarios User Persona A User Persona should include: Motivation urgency desires Personality Traits timid -- aggressive cautious -- bold

6 Audience Profiling with User Scenarios User Persona Goals Focus on Behaviours and Goals Personal Goals Not feel stupid Not make mistakes Get an adequate amount of work done Have fun (or at least not be too bored) Communicate with colleagues and third-parties Corporate Goals Increase profit Increase market share Defeat the competition Hire more people Offer more products or services

7 Audience Profiling with User Scenarios User Persona Goals Practical Goals Avoid meetings Handle the client's demands Record the client's order Create a numerical model of the business False Goals (design considerations, not goals; Goals must be the end, not the means.) Save memory Save keystrokes Run in a browser Be easy to learn Safeguard data integrity Speed up data entry Increase program execution efficiency Use cool technologies or features Increase graphic beauty Maintain consistency across platforms

8 Sample Persona Persona for a Vision Healthcare Site Susan is a college educated 38 year old female, married for 7 years to a busy husband whose work as a Director of Environmental Resources for an assisted care living facility leaves less time for family. Susan works outside the home too, plus runs the household, and so is used to doing several things at once. Susan wears contact lenses and is seeking discount coupons to help offset the maintenance care for them. She's also trying to stay on top of her children's vision care needs, wanting to know what she should look out for. Her husband mentioned a relative interested in laser surgery and she'd like to learn more about it. Susan's behavior style is to do her own research and gather as many facts as possible before making any decisions. She likes to use the Internet for this and relies on search engines to help her find information. Unfortunately since she's at home with the kids managing things while her husband is still tied up at the office, she's interrupted often while she does her research and has to stop and start reading pages, or outright quickly bookmark pages or print them to read later.

9 Audience Profiling with User Scenarios User Tasks next create a series of tasks that your personae might carry out based on his/her goals take on the role of each persona making notes as to problems and successes they would have carrying out these tasks on your prototype(s) (or existing site for a re-design) provide this information as feedback to the designer/developer(s), so that it might be integrated into the development process Sample Tasks for Susan and the Vision Healthcare Site Find out if any discount contact lenses solution products w/sales or discounts are available. Find advice for child eye healthcare. Is there a checklist or reminder list for parents? Bookmark pages that you want to return to because you were interrupted Print off pages for reading later

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