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Lab Safety. General Safety Rules 1. Listen to and or read instructions carefully before attempting to do anything. 2.Wear safety goggles to protect your.

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Presentation on theme: "Lab Safety. General Safety Rules 1. Listen to and or read instructions carefully before attempting to do anything. 2.Wear safety goggles to protect your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab Safety

2 General Safety Rules 1. Listen to and or read instructions carefully before attempting to do anything. 2.Wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from chemicals, heated materials, or things that might be able to shatter.  (chemicals, heat & glass or sharp objects) 3. Notify your teacher if any spills or accidents occur.

3 General Safety Rules 4.After handling chemicals, always wash your hands with soap and water.  Washes off any chemical residue. 5.During lab work, keep your hands away from your face.  Keeps chemicals out of eyes and mouth.

4 6.Tie back long hair.  Helps protect from spills and fire hazards.  Loose long hair can swing into a flame and catch on fire. Roll up loose sleeves.  Reduces fire & spill hazard. General Safety Rules

5 7.Wear long pants or skirts and closed toe shoes when using chemicals, heat or glassware.

6 General Safety Rules 8. Know the location of the fire extinguisher, fire blanket, eyewash station, Safety Shower and first aid kit.

7 Who is the Dressed for a Lab?  Long pants or skirts and closed toed shoes protect your legs and feet from spills and sharp glass.

8 Safety Equipment Locations in Room Shower Eye Wash Fire Blanket Fire Extinguisher Fume Hood Switch Hallway

9 9. Fire Blanket zYank the blanket out of the wall holder.  Wrap it around the victim to smother the fire.  Wrap  Drop &  Patty Roll

10 10. & 11. Eye Wash Station If you get something from the lab in your eye— –GET IT OUT IMMEDIATELY! –Don't wait until lunch or the last of the class period! Retract your eyelid (hold it open); Don’t squint your eyes –this restricts water access. Run fresh water over your eye for several minutes. Go to the school nurse immediately afterward.

11 12. Safety Shower zShower should be used for dire EMERGENCY only! zIf you (or a lab mate) is ON FIRE, position yourself (or your lab mate) under the safety shower. zPull the handle—a deluge of water will result. zFlames will be rapidly extinguished. zChemical spills will be washed off. Contaminated clothing will need to be removed to protect your skin.

12 Safety Shower

13 13. Fire Extinguisher

14 Should you use a fire extinguisher? zNo - If the teacher is present and conscious. zNo - if the fire big! zNo - if there is lots of smoke (smoke kills) zNo - if fire spreads quickly zNo - if you have doubts ONLY IF all these apply.... zYes - the teacher is not present or conscious, zYes - if you are trained, and zYes - if a safe exit is nearby

15 How to Use a Fire Extinguisher :

16 14. & 15. If We Must Evacuate the Room zFIRE! GET OUT NOW! zKnow your primary and secondary means of egress zKnow your fire alarm pull station  Located at stairwells & exits zKnow your assembly area  Across road next to library by fence zClose the doors behind you

17 General Safety Rules 16. Keep your work area uncluttered and the walkways free of backpacks. Take to the lab station only what is necessary. 17. Clean up your lab area at the conclusion of the laboratory period.

18 General Safety Rules 18.It is suggested that you wear glasses rather than contact lenses.  Chemicals can ooze behind contacts and “weld” the contact to the eye. 19.Never put anything into your mouth during a lab experiment.  You can accidently poison yourself from chemical residues.

19 General Safety Rules 20. Never “horse around” or play practical jokes in the laboratory.  Horse play leads to serious accidents.

20 General Safety Rules zLab activities are an important part of your chemistry experience and grade zStudents who do not follow safety rules will NOT be allowed to participate in lab activities.  You will set out the lab and take a zero.

21 Glassware Safety 21.Chipped or cracked glassware should not be used. Show it to the teacher. 22.Broken glassware should not be disposed of in a classroom trashcan. There is a special glass disposal container for it.  If a piece of glassware gets broken, do not try to clean it up by yourself. Notify the teacher.

22 Glassware Safety 23.When pouring liquids into glassware, make sure the container you are pouring into is resting on a table at least a hands breadth from the edge.  Pour down a glass stirring rod sometimes is used to prevent liquids from splattering.

23 Glassware Safety 24. When inserting glass tubing into a rubber stopper, apply a lubricant like glycerin to the glass and use a twisting motion.

24 Glassware Safety 25.Do not place hot glassware in water. Rapid cooling will make it shatter.  Sometimes explosively

25 Chemical Safety 26.Wear protective goggles, and have your feet and legs covered whenever heating or pouring hazardous chemicals. 27.Never mix chemicals together unless you are told to do so (and then only in the manner specified). 28. Never taste any chemicals (you should never taste anything in the lab).  Common sense - many are hazardous.  This is true at home too.

26 Chemical Safety 29. If you need to smell the odor of a chemical, waft the fumes toward your nose with one hand. Do not put your nose over the container and inhale the fumes. 30. Never pour water into a concentrated acid. ALWAYS pour acids should be (slowly) into water.

27 Chemical Safety 31.Follow the instructions of your teacher when disposing of all chemicals. 32. Wash your hands after handling hazardous chemicals. 33.NEVER remove any chemical from the lab.

28 Electrical Safety 34. Lay electrical cords where no one can trip on them or get caught in them.  Be sure your hands and your lab area are dry before using electrical equipment.  Never poke anything into electrical outlets.

29 Electrical Safety  Unplug cords by pulling the plug and not the cord.  Unplug all electrical equipment at the end of the lab period.

30 Heating Safety  Let burners and hotplates cool down before touching them. Test to see if they are cool enough by bringing the back of your hand close to them. 35. Use tongs and/or protective gloves to handle hot objects. 36. Never reach across an open flame or burner.

31 Heating Safety 37.The only type of glassware that may safely be heated is either Kimax or Pyrex.

32 Heating Safety 38.When heating a test tube, move it around slowly over the flame to distribute the heat evenly. 39.While heating a test tube ALWAYS hold it an angle with the mouth pointed away from people. What is wrong here?

33 38. cont. Heating Safety  Only glassware that is thoroughly dry should be heated.  Wet glassware can crack or shatter  Heat glassware (such as beakers) by placing it on a wire gauze platform on a ring stand Or or hotplate.  Do not hold it in your hand.

34 Heating Safety 40.When lighting a burner, wait until the striker is in place before you turn on the gas. Otherwise a gas cloud may build up and you have an explosion.  The amount of air can be adjusted by the air supply valve below the tube of the burner.  This regulates the flame temperature and color. 41. Never leave a burner or hotplate unattended.

35 First Aid Injury: Burns What To Do: Immediately flush with cold water until burning sensation is lessened. Alert the teacher immediately!

36 First Aid Injury: Cuts, bruises What To Do: Do not touch an open wound without safety gloves. Pressing directly on minor cuts will stop bleeding in a few minutes. Apply cold compress to bruises to reduce swelling. Alert the teacher immediately!

37 First Aid Injury: Fainting To Do: Provide fresh air and have the person recline so that their head is lower than the rest of their body. Alert the teacher immediately!

38 First Aid Injury: Eyes What To Do: Flush eyes immediately with plenty of water for several minutes. If a foreign object is lodged in the eye, do not allow the eye to be rubbed. Alert the teacher immediately!

39 First Aid Injury: Poisoning What To Do: Find out what substance was responsible for the poisoning and alert the teacher immediately! Alert the teacher immediately!

40 First Aid Injury: Spills on the skin What To Do: Flush with large quantities of water. For acid spills, apply baking soda solution. For base spills, apply vinegar or boric acid. Alert the teacher immediately!

41 First Aid Injury: Electrical shock What To Do: Shut off the current at the source. Remove wire with rubber gloves. Alert the teacher immediately! Alert the teacher immediately!


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