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University Writing Center Colbourn 105 407-823-2197

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1 University Writing Center Colbourn 105 407-823-2197

2 What Does the Writing Center Do? Fosters an environment of collaborative learning about writing outside the classroom Offers writing instruction to students, faculty, and staff from first- year to graduate in every discipline Teaches you to improve as a writer Provides writing resources, both print and online

3 What Writing Can You Work On? Any UCF writing assignment Research papers, annotated bibliographies, literature reviews Theses and dissertations Speeches, presentations, digital projects Personal statements, admission essays, writing samples Résumés and C.V.s

4 How Does the Writing Center Operate? The UWC is for both struggling and confident writers Consultants are trained undergraduate and graduate students Tutoring is available face-to-face and online We recommend that you schedule an appointment well in advance of the due date Walk-ins are welcome, but not guaranteed Consultations are 30-45 minutes For long-term help, schedule a weekly consultation

5 What Do Consultants Help You Do? Understand assignment requirements and expectations Develop ideas Plan and organize writing Identify priorities for revision Learn to cite and document sources Practice strategies for proofreading and editing Learn to correct errors in grammar, punctuation, mechanics

6 What Can You Expect From Tutoring? Attention to your writing Active listening Engaged talk about your ideas Collaborative problem-solving Assistance to find answers to your questions about writing Help using writing resources Long-term support to improve as a writer

7 What Writing Consultants Don’t Do Act in place of your instructor Write for you Proofread and edit for you Serve as writing experts Guarantee error-free writing Promise high grades Perform miracles

8 What Should You Bring With You? Your assignment instructions or guidelines for writing Your work at any stage of the writing process Your ideas Your questions Your notes, outline, related reading, sources Specific learning goals you would like to accomplish

9 Support for Multilingual Writers Guidance to help you learn to write in standard U.S. American English Opportunities to practice speaking English with trained consultants Discussions to help you understand how U.S. American cultural conventions differ from those of your native language Help to set goals to develop as a writer

10 How to Make the Most of Tutoring Schedule an appointment as soon as you get an assignment Bring your assignment, materials, and questions Make a plan during your consultation for what to work on next Visit the Writing Center frequently Practice what you learn between consultations Talk with your instructors about your development as a writer

11 Check Out Our Online Writing Resources Resources Downloadable handouts Style and citation guides for every discipline Advice about avoiding plagiarism and misuse of sources Answers to questions about grammar, punctuation, and mechanics Tips for multilingual writers Resources for undergraduate and graduate writers

12 Make an Appointment on the Web Click on this icon:

13 Make an Appointment on the Web Sign in with your NID. Your password is your date of birth in this format: Capital P plus yymmdd (Pyymmdd).

14 Make an Appointment on the Web Click “Search Availability,” then wait for the display.

15 Make an Appointment on the Web Select the “Center,” or location where you’d like to have your consultation. Or leave blank for more options. Click “Search” to view availability.

16 UCF Orlando Writing Center Locations Colbourn 105: First floor, across from the Rehearsal Hall Library: - Research/Info desk consultation station - Room 425 Rosen: Rosen Library Online: See our website for information about online consultations Chemistry Tutoring Lab: Our pilot program for writing tutoring in the disciplines

17 Become a Writing Consultant ENC 4275/5276: Writing/Consulting Theory & Practice The Writing Center seeks consultants from every discipline Undergraduate and graduate students may apply See our website for more information website

18 University Writing Center Colbourn 105 407-823-2197

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