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Unit 5B: Toward a Global Civilization Chapter 23: Africa and Middle East Chapter 24: Asia and the Pacific Chapter 25: Changing Global Patterns (1945 -

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5B: Toward a Global Civilization Chapter 23: Africa and Middle East Chapter 24: Asia and the Pacific Chapter 25: Changing Global Patterns (1945 -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5B: Toward a Global Civilization Chapter 23: Africa and Middle East Chapter 24: Asia and the Pacific Chapter 25: Changing Global Patterns (1945 - Present) Unit 5B: Toward a Global Civilization Chapter 23: Africa and Middle East Chapter 24: Asia and the Pacific Chapter 25: Changing Global Patterns (1945 - Present)

2 2 Africa Economic/Health Challenges 1. Misallocated Scarce Resources 2. Drought/Famine 3. AIDs Political/Social Challenges: 1. Military/Single Party Governments 2. Warring Ethnics Groups 3. Genocide

3 3 Africa New Hopes 1. End of Dictatorships - Uganda & Idi Amin 2. End of Apartheid - South Africa - Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu 3

4 4 Middle East Question of Palestine (PLO, Yasir Arafat) State of Israel Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Turmoil in Iran (Ayatollah Khomeini) Iraq’s Aggression (Saddam Hussein) Afghanistan (Taliban, Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda) 4

5 Asia and the Pacific: China: Mao Zedong communist forces set up the People’s Republic of China Chiang Kai-shek nationalist forces fled to Taiwan Collective organization of Chinese economy Totalitarian state – communist ideology Failure of Great Leap Forward Cultural Revolution Tentative relations with the United States Split relations with the Soviet Union

6 Asia and the Pacific: China: Economic reform in recent years Tiananmen Square Massacre Challenges Today 1.Population (One-child policy) 2. Economic and political issues 3. Human rights issues

7 Asia and the Pacific: Korea: Korean War (North Korea and South Korea) Spillover from the Cold War North Korea (aided by China) South Korea (aided by UN forces) Armistice divided peninsula at 38th parallel

8 South and Southeast Asia: India: Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi Mother Teresa Social Division (Caste System Religion Division (Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism) Political State Division (Pakistan and Bangladesh)

9 South and Southeast Asia: Vietnam: Divided between western and communist forces Ho Chi Minh – communist leader Today – free-market reforms, US lifted embargo and restored diplomatic relations Cambodia: Impacted by fighting in Vietnam 1970’s – Khmer Rouge government (Pol Pot) (Killing Fields) Today – struggling with elections vs. totalitarian regimes

10 South and Southeast Asia: Philippines: Conflict since gaining freedom over 50 years ago Ferdinand Marcos, Corazon Aquino Plagued by corruption and economic problems Other: Indonesia – Plagued by rioting, slow economic growth Myanmur – (Burma) plagued by ethnic tensions; military rulers; house arrest tactics (Aung San Suu Kyi) Lingering effects of 2008 cyclone (killing over 84,000 individuals)

11 Japan: American occupation following World War II Government - New constitution modeled after the United States Economy - State capitalism Changing patterns of life (crowded cities, role of women, work ethic)

12 The Pacific: Asian Tigers: 1.Taiwan – seeking political freedom from China 2. Hong Kong – (1997) returned to China after a century of British rule 3. Singapore – city-state – economic prosperity with limited political freedoms 4. Australia and New Zealand - Culturally and politically align with Europe rather than neighboring Asian countries

13 13 Changing Global Patterns Technology Revolution: 1. Communication, Transportation, Space 2. Weapons of Mass Destruction 3. Health Care and Health Crisis 4. Agriculture (Green Revolution) 5. Impact of Population Growth (deforestation) 13

14 14 Changing Global Patterns Environmental Crisis 1. Impact of Population Growth 2. Chemical Wastes and Disasters 3. Sustainable Development Poverty & Civil Strife 1. Gap Between Rich and Poor 2. Civil War & Ethnic Conflict

15 15 Changing Global Patterns Political & Social Challenges 1. Human Rights 2. New Democracies 3. Equality for Women Challenge of Terrorism 1. Modern Terrorism 2. Impact of 9/11 3. Islamic Militants

16 16 New Global Communities 1. The United Nations 2. World Bank 3. International Monetary Fund (IMF) 4. World Trade Organization (WT)

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