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Economics Writing Assignment #1 Prompt: Compare and contrast the Non-Price Factors (Determinants) of demand and supply. Paragraph#1: Introduce the laws.

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Presentation on theme: "Economics Writing Assignment #1 Prompt: Compare and contrast the Non-Price Factors (Determinants) of demand and supply. Paragraph#1: Introduce the laws."— Presentation transcript:

1 Economics Writing Assignment #1 Prompt: Compare and contrast the Non-Price Factors (Determinants) of demand and supply. Paragraph#1: Introduce the laws of demand and supply. Make sure to include The only factor that affects QD and QS Thesis statement Paragraph #2: Describe the non-price factors of demand. Paragraph #3: Give examples of two factors, and a scenario that will result in either a shift left (decrease) or shift right (increase)

2 Paragraph 4 and 5: Repeat #2 and #3 for supply

3 Writing Assignment (cond) Paragraph #6: Conclusion- restate thesis Sum up everything discussed previously The essay is worth 60 points. 50 points for content, 10 points for grammar. Due Thursday, Oct. 30 Typed only- if you don’t have a computer the technology center is open at lunch, nutrition, and after school

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