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Presentation on theme: "SUVARNA PRASHAN SANSKAR (AYURVEDA IMMUNIZATION FOR CHILDREN)"— Presentation transcript:

& Bhimashankar Hospital

2 For the Indians of tomorrow A pictogram for parents - Dr
For the Indians of tomorrow A pictogram for parents - Dr. Vikas Chothe MD For the Indians of tomorrow What have we given? Smart phones and sifi gadgets Multiplexes, shopping malls, multispeaciality hospitals Nuclear families without grandparents Double income families Weekend Celebrate (without occasion like diwali), lavish spending on junk food items, movies, disc … We can afford True…U can afford but can your body afford/ country afford? There are 2 crore street children in India.  India has 1.7 crore child labourers -- the highest in the world. brainwashed by media, advertisement industry That we feel that all our culture, taste, literature, music, arts all gone outdated How many read the content of food products before consumption/ check expiry of medicines? What is the nutritional value of maggi, kurkure, lays, chittos, aloo bhujiya? Do you know what these foods really contain and what they will do to our health?

3 Why Suvarnaprashana... Is this what happens with your child?
4/23/2017 Dr. Vikas Chothe MD

4 Is stress due to school, tuition, hobby classes and sports club worrying him?
4/23/2017 Dr. Vikas Chothe MD

5 Why avoid excess vaccines?
From the moment a child is born she is literally injected with the belief that her immune system is not capable of doing its job properly without some artificial means like vaccinations and other drugs. Furthermore, nowadays the treatment for common childhood ailments consists mainly of allopathic drugs such as antibiotics. Of course, there may be times when such drugs are necessary, but all too often they could be substituted by a safer and more natural approach. 4/23/2017 Dr. Vikas Chothe MD

6 If yes, then Suvarnaprashan is the ONLY solution!
4/23/2017 Dr. Vikas Chothe MD

7 Suvarnaprashan is one of the 16 essential rituals
A unique formulation of Gold, Honey and specific herbs, innovated by Maharshi Kashyapa Recommended by Indian Association of Ayurvedic Pediatrics 4/23/2017 Dr. Vikas Chothe MD

8 Time of administration :
Age : 0-16yrs Time of administration : daily early in the morning/ Pushya nakshatra - an auspicious day- which happens to come after every 27 days upto 6 August 2013  8:14 PM Duration: months min. 4/23/2017 Dr. Vikas Chothe MD

9 Dosage Age On Pushya Nakshtra On Daily Basis 0-2 months 2 drops 1 drop
1year – 5 year 6 drops 3drops Above 5 year 7 drops 4/23/2017 Dr. Vikas Chothe MD

10 Benefits Immunity power Physical strength
Intellect, grasping power, sharpness, analysis power, memory Appetite Digestion Allergies Teething ailments 4/23/2017 Dr. Vikas Chothe MD

11 Vrushya (attractive nature and personality)
Skin tone Mangalakara (brings in positive attitude, overcome mental and physical hardships) Vrushya (attractive nature and personality) 4/23/2017 Dr. Vikas Chothe MD

12 Classics ” Suvarnaprashan hi etat medhagnibalavardhanamm| Aayushyam mangalam punyam vrushyam grahapaham|| Maasat paramamedhave vyaadhirbhirnn cha dhrushyate| Shadbhirmaasai shrutdhar suvarnaprashanad bhavet|| ” (Sutrasthanam Kashyap Samhita) Swarna Bhasma Uses:  It is a natural aphrodisiac, cardiac tonic, immune booster It improves intelligence, memory, and speaking capacity. It is used in treatment of Malabsorption syndrome, Dyspepsia, Hiccup, Anaemia, Dyspnoea, Asthma, Fever, Tissue wasting, Tuberculosis, Impaired intelligence, Epilepsy, Rupture / weakness of ligaments, Heart disease, Disease due to Vata dosha,  Syphilis, Poison,  Loss of memory, Mania, Psychosis, Hoarseness of voice, Diseases of skin, Tuberculosis, Senility/Progeriasis. Use of Swarna bhasm in poisoning: Ashtanga Hridaya Sutrasthana 7th chapter In a person who has been given Gold bhasma for a long time, the poison can not do any harm, similar to a water drop that can not touch the leaf of the lotus. Swarna Bhasm dosage: 15.5 – 62.5 mg once or twice a day before or after food or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor. It improves strength and immunity, if taken along with milk. (Ref: Rasajalanidhi) Swarn Bhasma preparation, ingredients, how to make: Purified Gold leaf is ground with lemon juice, and applied with a paste of Rasasindhura (Mercurial compound). It is kept in a closed container, heated in absence of air in 400 – 500 degree Celsius for 4 -5 hours. To get Gold Bhasma. Studies shows that by classical bhasmikaran process as described in texts of Ayurveda,there is reduction in the particle size of gold to dimension of about nm. Swarna Bhasma is prepared by Putapaka method. This method involves mainly three steps i.e Shodhan (Purification of gold to haul out physical impurities), Bhavna (wet grinding for reduction of particle size) and Maran (incineration for further reduction in particle size under temperature). These procedures of Bhavna and Maran are repeated several times on the metal as the classical references. Atomic absorption spectroscopy revealed that Swarna Bhasma contain 92 % gold. Swarna Bhasma principally constituted to globular gold particle of nm. Reference: Rasa Ratna Samucchaya 5/15 Ayurvedic medicines with Gold Bhasma as ingredient:  Rasraj Ras, Swarna Mahayograj Guggulu, Swarna Sindhura, Poorna Chandrodaya Ras, Yogendra Ras 4/23/2017 Dr. Vikas Chothe MD

13 Research Research reveals that Swarna Bhasma possesses immunomodulatory, free radical scavenging activity, analgesic antistress activity and safe. 56-57 nm gold ash acts on peritoneal macrophages, phagocytic index, free- radical scavenging activity, brain catecholamines, 5 HT and plasma corticosterone levels. (Pharmacol Toxicol., Indian J Med Res. Indian J Exp Biol. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol.) Swarna (Gold) is one of the most non-reactive metals known to mankind till date. In this context for making the Swarna therapeutically useful, there are mainly two requisites. First is reduction in particle size of the element. The second most important criteria is existence of metal in human body in ionic form. Swarna Bhasma increased counts of peritoneal macrophages and stimulated phagocytic index of macrophages. Bajaj et al (2001) Mitra et al (2002) evaluated the free- radical scavenging activity of Swarna Bhasma Shah et al (2005) observed that Swarna bhasma restored restraint stress induced elevation in levels of brain catecholamines (norepinephrine, epinephrine and dopamine), 5 HT and plasma corticosterone to near normal levels. Toxicity study shows that chronic administration of Swarna Bhasma is non toxic as judged by various laboratory and histological parameters. 4/23/2017 Dr. Vikas Chothe MD

14 Herbs Ghruta – (Clarified Indian Butter) nervous system
Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) Digestive system Pippali – (Piper longum) awakening of the brain Maricha – (Piper nigrum) awakening of the brain and mind Shunthi – (Zingiber officinale) Patha – (Cissampelos pareira) Rasayana Saraswati (Brahmi) - (Centella asiatica) improves analytical abilities Shankhapushpi - (Convolvulus pleuricolis) stress level and sleeping disorders Vidanga (Embelica ribes) nervine tonic Aswhagandha,Bala,Guduchi,Draksha,Amalaki,Yastimadhu,Chandana and many…                                          4/23/2017 Dr. Vikas Chothe MD

15 Does and Dont’s Do not eat for at least half an hour prior and later
It should not be given in acute fever 4/23/2017 Dr. Vikas Chothe MD

16 Teach your child meditation - the art of living
4/23/2017 Dr. Vikas Chothe MD

17 We do IQ and EQ test through art therapy
4/23/2017 Dr. Vikas Chothe MD

18 FAQ: Doctor what should I give my child?
4/23/2017 Dr. Vikas Chothe MD

19 Big food brands hide harmful effects -Centre for Science and Environment
CSE director general Sunita Narain said, "What makes junk food so unhealthy are the high levels of trans-fats, salts and sugar - which inevitably lead to severe ill health and diseases like obesity and diabetes” Maggi Noodles  ”The normal 80-gram packet of Maggi noodles - enough to take care of over 60 per cent of our daily salt intake." Top Ramen Super Noodles (Masala) Lays KFC's Chicken Zinger McAloo tikki CSE laboratory

20 Italian pizzas made by American giants= Puran poli made by chinese sold in Australia
“More than 30% people of the society including children have potbelly abdominal obesity” 4/23/2017

21 Agreed the cost is too high but definitely not more than any of these…
4/23/2017 Dr. Vikas Chothe MD

22 She can’t afford but why not when you can?
4/23/2017 Dr. Vikas Chothe MD

23 Say No to chemically charged, deep fried frozen garbage
Indian kitchen : varan, bhat, lemon juice, ghee for converting ferric iron to ferrous state for iron absorption It is a traditional Ayurvedic saying that one should not eat green leafy vegetables in the month of Shravan, curd (yogurt, dahi) in the month of Bhadon, milk in the month of Ashwin and pulses in the month of Kartik.  In Shravan, as Vata or movement is aggravated. In bhadrapad curd and fermented products aggravates Pita. Lalayet panchvarsheshu tadayet dashavarshayet, panchvinshati mitreshu.. But today the scene is reverse.


25 Family is the first school
Are we outsourcing education to schools. Do we have no responsibility once we admit kid to school? If not then we woundn’t have got doctors, engineers, politicians, sports persons, heros, architects and even criminals and rapist… Y don’t school provide pizzas to encourage students come to school?

26 Do you wish your child to be smarter?
Hardworker Smart Hardworker 4/23/2017 Dr. Vikas Chothe MD

27 After regular Suvarnaprashan…
4/23/2017 Dr. Vikas Chothe MD

28 Our goals… We aim to educate parents about Suvarnaprashana and its benefits Prevent malnourishment and obesity. Provide safe and effective care for upbringing smarter, healthier and stronger Indians of TOMORROW… 4/23/2017 Dr. Vikas Chothe MD

29 Thank you


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