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What is a citizen and how does a person become one…

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Presentation on theme: "What is a citizen and how does a person become one…"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a citizen and how does a person become one…

2  UEQ: How are citizens rights and responsibilities defined for people living in the U.S. and U.S. territories?  LEQ: Why is citizenship so important to many people living in the U.S. and its territories?

3  Citizen  Citizenship  Alien  Naturalized  Representatives  Naturalization Process

4  Define the word below in your own words…  Citizen  Write a one paragraph explanation for the question below….  “Why is being a citizen of the United States important to you and your family?”


6  In your notes, write down the pledge of allegiance word for word…  15 minutes  With the people sitting next to or across from you, as a group, try and figure out what you think the pledge of allegiance is actually saying.  Work together to rewrite the pledge in your own words, be creative with this.  Turn in your groups translation on a separate piece of paper. (Worth 10 points)

7  Read over the article on the Pledge and answer the questions below by underlining the answers in the article….  What “phrase” caused the court to say the pledge was unconstitutional?  When was the phrase “under God” added? Under which President’s direction?  According to Judge Fernandez, if they take away “under god” in the pledge, what are other things that people will not be prohibited (allowed) to use out in public?  Who filed the court case? Which group did it challenge?  How did both Congress and the President react?


9  Citizen  Person with certain rights and duties  Living in a country  Controlled by a government  According to the Constitution  Citizen of the U.S. is a person who by birth or choice owes allegiance to the U.S.



12 RIGHTS- WHAT YOU ARE GIVEN  Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness  Vote  Personal Opinion  Education DUTIES- JOBS YOU MUST DO  Jury Duty  Military Duty (Draft)  Obey Law  Pay taxes  Education

13  If you were living in another country and heard the words “American Citizen” what kind of picture would you think of to represent an American citizen? This??? Or This???

14 Or Both???

15  Poster Creation Directions  Using page 56 in your textbook, a large piece of white poster paper, create a four section poster on the four ways a person can become a U.S. citizen.  Title each section, define each way, and draw a picture that represents each method of becoming a citizen.

16  Birth  Born in U.S.  Born in U.S. territory  Born over U.S./territory, or off U.S./territory coast

17  Parents are Citizens  When you are born, one parent must be a U.S. citizen.  Does not matter “where” you are born

18  Naturalization  Person comes into the U.S. and goes through the process of becoming a citizen.  “Naturalization Process”

19  Using the 5 step graphic organizer, cross out steps four and five.  Using the chart at the top of page 57, properly label each of the three remaining steps and fill in the information for each. Step 1Info Step 2Info Step 3Info

20  Illegal Immigration  Person illegally comes into and lives in U.S.  Considered an “Illegal Alien” Illegal Immigration Today

21  Age  You are less than eighteen years old  Parents had to go through naturalization process before you turned eighteen.

22  Could you become a citizen if you came to the country?  Do you know all the answers to the test?


24  Government exists and can control citizens because citizens allow it to.  “Consent of the Governed” means people allow the government to control them.  So citizens can control the government, citizens elect representatives.  People who speak and act for citizens  If you are an “active” citizen, you will not forget to vote or carry out other responsibilities. Being a Good Citizen

25  Melting Pot Theory  The United States is like a cup of soup, you throw different people together and they become one thing, like you throw all the ingredients together for soup, you have one kind of soup.  Salad Bowl Theory  The United States is like a salad, you throw people together but they remain unique individuals, like you throw a salad together, you can see and still taste all the different pieces.

26  Look at the two pictures below representing each of the two theories about America.  Answer this question in full detail…  “Which one represents America, based on your opinion?” Explain your answer with specific examples…

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