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Grant Writing Essentials April 30, 2015 April 30, 2015 Your Presenter: Octavia Kuransky, MSP Psychology for the Real World Psychology for the Real World.

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Presentation on theme: "Grant Writing Essentials April 30, 2015 April 30, 2015 Your Presenter: Octavia Kuransky, MSP Psychology for the Real World Psychology for the Real World."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grant Writing Essentials April 30, 2015 April 30, 2015 Your Presenter: Octavia Kuransky, MSP Psychology for the Real World Psychology for the Real World


3 Let’s Begin at the Beginning Why are there non-profits anyway?

4 Stats on Alabama # of nonprofits - 28,011 Nonprofit $ income – $1.5B + assets Alabama state budget – $28.1B Alabama population – 5m (2013)

5 The goal of a proposal is to get agency and the funder moving in the same direction

6 Funding is a 2-way street The Funder has Goals and Objectives The Agency has Goals and Objectives

7 3 Steps to a Successful Proposal 1/Understand Your Program 2/Understand Funder’s program 3/Understand How 1 & 2 Fit Together Funders Assimilation Program Fundability F

8 Learning Objectives for Today Components of a Successful Grant Proposal Fundability of the Project Research Methods to Locate Grants 5 Most Common Mistakes 5 Things Pros Do Resources

9 Components of a Proposal I.Background on the Program II.Establish Need III.Provide the solution including benefit (Outcomes and Objectives) IV.Budget V.Attachments

10 Grant Guidelines provide the specific details for a specific funder Information in grant guidelines include where the foundation funds, what the foundation funds, what the foundation does not fund, eligibility requirements, important dates, priority funding areas and more Grant guidelines change regularly BTW

11 I Background of the program (suggested info for inclusion) How long has the program been in existence? What successes has the program had? What other agencies does the program work with? (collaborations)

12 The Central Alabama Women’s Business Center has for more than a decade provided technical assistance, business education, support and mentorship to low income women expressing a desire to enter the world of business. Annually, the Center provides these services free or at low cost to some 1500 women making financial stability possible for at risk households through entrepreneurship by providing a means of supplemental or replacement income. To date, the Center can document hundreds of micro-enterprises started as a result of this business education, resulting in thousands of dollars of new income and taxes contributed to communities across seven counties.

13 Do You Know the Background of Your Agency? Write some background for your agency here: ___________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

14 II Establish the Need (suggested info for inclusion) What is the problem the program or the project addresses? How does the problem affect the community? How many people are affected?

15 67% of families in Jefferson County are single head of household with women as head of household 65% of women who work, work in service industry as part-time hourly workers 65% of children in Jefferson County live at the poverty line or below & rely on social programs for food and/or housing

16 What is the Need for Your Community? Describe the need for your community here ___________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

17 III The Solution (suggested info for inclusion) How does your program or project address the solution? (This could be the same as the goal of the agency) What is the long term projected affect of your project?

18 The Central Alabama Women’s Business Center seeks to increase the financial stability of women by increasing the number of successful business start-ups in Jefferson and Walker counties.

19 How does your solution address the need in your community? ___________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

20 A necessary part of the solution are measurable objectives and outcomes.

21 WBOP Objectives Educate 10 women in Jefferson County in business start up Launch 6 women owned businesses in Jefferson County Educate 10 women in Walker County in business start up Launch 6 women owned businesses in Jefferson County

22 What are the agency Objectives? Write your agency objectives here ___________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

23 Two (2) WBOP Outcomes Six women participating in WBOP will learn business fundamentals including money management Six women participating in WBOP will earn a minimum of $600 from their business as a result of their business

24 What are the agency Outcomes? Give your agency outcomes here ___________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

25 AmeriCorps Logic Model Outcomes Short-termMedium term Long term Changes inChanges in behavior/actions Meaningful knowledge,resulting from participants changes, often in skills, attitudesnew knowledge their condition or opinions status in life

26 Needs to reflect reasonable expenditures Some foundations may have limits on % of project to program Needs to respect funder’s funding history Request needs to be sufficient to address the need IV The Budget

27 V Attachments Foundation grant guidelines will list required documents. Generally they are: The Organization Chart The IRS determination letter The program budget/financial assessment Most recent tax return List of BOD with affiliations Proof of match (if required)

28 How To Find Funders Look at the funders of similar agencies Alabama Association of Non-Profits Foundation Center (example) (cost $$$)

29 5 Most Common Mistakes New Grantseekers Make  Mismatch on funding priorities  Lack of clarity on request  Lack of clarity on benefit  Unsubstantiated budget  Allow funding to drive program development

30 5 Things Pro Grant Seekers Do  Read and follow the grant guidelines  Interview with the Funder  Research the Funder  Confirm the clarity of purpose for the request  Include all requested materials

31 Additional comments The Board of Directors Start-Ups Fiscal Agents

32 Q and A ______________________

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