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Football derived from China. It was the first clue of Football that we play in our modern day. During 200-300 BC Football was called ‘Medieval football’.

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Presentation on theme: "Football derived from China. It was the first clue of Football that we play in our modern day. During 200-300 BC Football was called ‘Medieval football’."— Presentation transcript:


2 Football derived from China. It was the first clue of Football that we play in our modern day. During 200-300 BC Football was called ‘Medieval football’. The word football basically means the kicking action. It has a broad general meaning. During the medieval times Football meant games played on foot, doesn’t have to be with the foot. Originally football was a term which describes a number of ball games which include sports such as American Football, Rugby football, Gaelic Football, Australian Rules Football and Association Football. The Ancient Egyptians have played games which are similar to football. The Greeks and the Roman Province Britannia played similar games to

3 The first set of rules was made when some football clubs had a meeting to decide the rules for football in 1863. This was because football grew in popularity and it needed some form of organized rule to maintain its reputation. The commissioners from these clubs met in London at the Freemason's Tavern in Great Queen Street where they began the first football affiliation know as the Football Association (FA). Shortly after, the laws of the Game was created which are still the constitution football was based on. The first football league was formed in 1888.

4  Over 60 countries have football as their national sport. In these continents.  South America Western Europe (all countries ranging form Norway down to Greece). Most people consider Ice Hockey as a national sport to the countries east of Germany, regardless of football being a huge and popular sport in these countries.) South East Asia (Countries varying from Thailand and Cambodia to Indonesia are widely known in football, but it is watched and followed religiously in this part of the world). Middle East (countries like Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, UAE, Iran, Egypt, Iraq etc. all play soccer as their national sport) African Nations : Most African nations except South Africa have football as their national game. These countries are mistaken for having football as their national sport whereas it isn’t; Mexico (apparently baseball is top) Japan (baseball) Cuba (baseball again) India (Cricket) Pakistan (Cricket) Sri Lanka (Cricket) West Indies (Cricket) Caribbean (cricket) South Africa (Rugby and Cricket) Canada (hockey)

5 Football is so popular around the world because of the active movement and the vast varying techniques can be applied as you mainly use your head, chest and feet. Also the way it is presented affected its popularity. There are no height or weight restrictions which means it targets everyone regardless of their weight, gender, height and race. What makes football more important and recognizable is that anyone can play it regardless of their wealth as football doesn’t require much equipment and there are no limitations. Football is watched and played all over the world primarily because the the fun and agitation of scoring a goal or seeing one.

6 Football is an extremely popular sport, therefore other countries might have adopted it and changed the rules to have an equally fun game I will give you four examples: American football: It’s an American game which is played in a pitch 120 meters long and 53 meters wide. The ball is ellipsoid and the objective of the game is to receive a down by holding the ball and reaching the other side. There are two teams consisting of 11 players. The offensive team has two tackles, two guards, a center, two wide receivers, a tight end, a quarterback, a fullback and a halfback. The defensive team has two tackles, two ends, two outside linebackers, one middle linebacker, two cornerbacks, two safeties. Canadian football: It’s a Canadian game which is played in a pitch which is 101 meters long and 59 meters wide. The game is very similar to American football except the positions are different. The offensive teams consist of down linemen, backs, backs/receivers, quarterback, fullback, running back, wide receivers, down linemen center, left right guard, left/right tackle, offensive lineman. The defensive team consists of cornerbacks, safety, defensive halfback, defensive back, nose tackle, defensive tackle, defensive end, middle linebacker, weak side linebacker and a strong side linebacker. Gaelic football: This is a special form of football mainly played in Ireland on a rectangular field 140m (L) x 85m (W). It is played with a round leather ball which resembles the volleyball. The game duration is 70 minutes. There are two players which consists of 15 players. Australian football. It’s an Australian game which is played on an ovoid pitch. The teams consist of 22 players; 18 on the field and 4 interchange. It resembles the American Football in terms of scoring except there are three poles in each goal and the field size.

7  " - Where Did Football Originate." WikiAnswers - The Q&A Wiki. Web. 10 Nov. 2010.. "Football Rules First." Web. 9 Nov. 2010..  "Gaelic Football." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Nov. 2010..  1916, By. "Australian Rules Football." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Nov. 2010..  "Canadian Football." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Nov. 2010..  "American Football." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Nov. 2010..

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