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Salah Mahmoud 8A. The origin of football can relate to every region of the world, each relating to a game played with a ball. The most common is the Chinese.

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Presentation on theme: "Salah Mahmoud 8A. The origin of football can relate to every region of the world, each relating to a game played with a ball. The most common is the Chinese."— Presentation transcript:

1 Salah Mahmoud 8A

2 The origin of football can relate to every region of the world, each relating to a game played with a ball. The most common is the Chinese who played football over 3000 years ago. The Ancient Greeks and Romans used football as a way of training the warriors before battle. In the Americas a game similar to football was played called “Tlatchi”. You can now see how the game has flourished in popularity throughout the years, and now is a world wide sport which started from nothing but a few kids kicking a ball into a location. ORIGIN OF SOCCER

3 A drawing of a group of Chinese men playing a friendly game of football in the sand, this probably is the time of origination.

4 Richard Lindon was the first to create the oval shape balls that we still use today. The first set of rules were also presumable created by Richard around 1880. The rules were made to keep the game safe and clean for the players to not have any injury from occurring because that would mean the player would have to be kicked out of the game. These rules were not only approved for people around the world they were even simple enough for anyone to understand and to be taught and play. That’s why the rules from that time had still not changed for today. FIRST ORGANIZED SET OF RULES

5 Football is a national sport in over 60 countries, this is a visible example of how famous this game is world wide. In countries such as south east Asia are countries that are not strong at playing it but just at watching it, countries in the middle east like UAE, Saudi, Iran and Iraq are places where football is very popular and played most of the times, almost all African countries excluding south Africa also have football as their national game. And countries where its not the national game but mistaken to be Mexico (apparently baseball is top) Japan (baseball) Cuba (baseball again) India (Cricket) Pakistan (Cricket) Sri Lanka (Cricket) West Indies (Cricket) Caribbean (cricket) South Africa (Rugby and Cricket) Canada (hockey). FOOTBALL AS A NATIONAL SPORT

6 Football has all the reasons to become popular, it is a very known game and over the years keeps expanding in popularity. The first reason is that the game is very simple, all you need is one ball, and a vague area to be the goal, or if no goal is accessible you can use 2 points, such as 2 shoes. The second reason is that the game requires a lot of skill and coordination, more than any game that uses its hand because you primarily use your feet the whole time, its wide spread also shows the pleasure between both adults and kids so they can also enjoy the excitement together. The last reason is that not only is this the game most played but also most watched, this is due to the excitement of the whole crowd, and the competition between fans is amazing. WHY FOOTBALL HAS BECOME SO POPULAR

7 FOOTBALL STYLES There are different ways of playing football then just the usual way. One way is called indoor football, where its played in an arena similar to one of a hockey rink. This is also a faster paced game as the ball can be played off immediately without stopping. The time of the game is that it has 4 quarters and each quarter is 15 minutes long. Another one is street football it can either be the same way just with a different pitch as one of rock ground or there are many different games you can play such as 21, Boston cage, 3 and in and cubbies and all these different games are played everywhere around the world

8 Soccer History - Football Origin. Web. 21 Nov. 2011.. "How Many Countries Is Football a National Game." The Q&A Wiki. Web. 21 Nov. 2011. "How Did Soccer Become Popular." The Q&A Wiki. Web. 21 Nov. 2011.. "Indoor Soccer." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 21 Nov. 2011.. BIBLIOGRAPHY

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