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Jeb Bush Governor Lucy D. Hadi Secretary 1 Countermeasures Florida Department of Children and Families Office of Quality Management Child Welfare TQM Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeb Bush Governor Lucy D. Hadi Secretary 1 Countermeasures Florida Department of Children and Families Office of Quality Management Child Welfare TQM Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeb Bush Governor Lucy D. Hadi Secretary 1 Countermeasures Florida Department of Children and Families Office of Quality Management Child Welfare TQM Workshop Performance Management Staff Mary GallagherMerlin Roulhac Ronnie EvansMarcia Dukes Verita GlantonBob Howard Angie StackhouseColeman Zuber

2 Jeb Bush Governor Lucy D. Hadi Secretary 2 Countermeasures Matrix A matrix or table of factors to help show the relationship between effect, root causes and countermeasures. Generate solutions & ideas. Communicate solutions to all stakeholders. Have a change management (action) plan.

3 Jeb Bush Governor Lucy D. Hadi Secretary 3 Countermeasures Aim at Root Causes Eliminate Reduce Prevent Protect The chief cause of problems is solutions. --- Eric Severeid

4 Jeb Bush Governor Lucy D. Hadi Secretary 4 Countermeasures Matrix Rate Effectiveness Rate Feasibility Rate Budget Problems breed problems, and the lack of a disciplined method of openly attacking them breeds more problems. ---Crosby

5 Jeb Bush Governor Lucy D. Hadi Secretary 5 Developing countermeasures. Decide what changes are needed that will lead to a verified improvement in your process or system. Developed to eliminate the verified root causes. Should act as immediate remedies to the root cause. They must effectively close the problem gap and be feasible Action Plan

6 Jeb Bush Governor Lucy D. Hadi Secretary 6 Barrier & Aids Analysis What elements prevent change? What elements aid change? Hard barriers Soft barriers It is time to stop perpetuating the myth of simplicity. The system of organization invented by mankind generates complex problems that cannot be solved by simple solutions. --- Ralph Kilman

7 Jeb Bush Governor Lucy D. Hadi Secretary 7 BARRIERS AND AIDS ANALYSIS Countermeasure: _______________________________________________________ Practical Method: __________________________________________________ Forces Pushing Against (-) (Barriers) Forces Pushing For (+) (Aids) Impact  What could prevent the successful implementation?  If after a year the implementation failed…what could have been a likely reason?  What force, method, element, or entity exists today that could assist in implementation? H = High M = Medium L = Low

8 Jeb Bush Governor Lucy D. Hadi Secretary 8 Action Plan Answers Who, What, When, How. Provides a timeline. Encourages you to think of all activities required to implement countermeasures. Assigns people to be responsible and accountable for certain activities. Happy is he who can find out the causes of things. --- Virgil

9 Jeb Bush Governor Lucy D. Hadi Secretary 9

10 Jeb Bush Governor Lucy D. Hadi Secretary 10 Don't be afraid to think outside the box! For every complex question there is a simple answer, and it is wrong. --- H. L. Mencken

11 Jeb Bush Governor Lucy D. Hadi Secretary 11 Key takeaways for Countermeasures. Countermeasures must be specific, and realistic. Countermeasures must eliminate root causes. You must have an action plan. Establish timelines and milestones. Some one must be accountable for completion. Few ideas are so good that they are an instant success. Some experiments and trials may be required to find the best solution.

12 Jeb Bush Governor Lucy D. Hadi Secretary 12 NEXT: Countermeasures Exercise.

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