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What to Teach in Career Orientation By David Agnew Arkansas State University.

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Presentation on theme: "What to Teach in Career Orientation By David Agnew Arkansas State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 What to Teach in Career Orientation By David Agnew Arkansas State University

2 Objectives 1. State the five purposes of CO according to the Arkansas model. 2. Identify the two major categories of content associated with Career Orientation. 3. List the 8 unit titles of CO content according the Arkansas Frameworks. 4. List the 16 clusters according to the USOE. 5. List the pathways to each of the 16 clusters. 6. Match type of content to correct unit framework title. 7. Match jobs/career titles to correct cluster. 8 Match pathways to correct cluster.

3 Objective 1: Purposes of CO in Arkansas Selection of content is based upon the purposes of CO. The purposes in Arkansas of CO are to: –Provide students with an opportunity for self-analysis. –Provide students with experiences which allow tentative selection of a career. –Provide students with a general knowledge of careers. –Develop understanding of what is required to enter a career. –Develop a plan of how to achieve that goal.

4 Objective 2: 2 major categories of content associated with CO Cluster– Anything related to one of the 16 clusters either content knowledge or hands-on activities. –Unit 5 of the Arkansas Frameworks Non-Cluster – Anything not associated with one of the 16 clusters. –It includes all the content in units 1-4, and 6-8 of the Arkansas frames works. Note historically the clusters have required more time; 13-15 weeks in an 18 weeks semester. In recent years the clusters have been less emphasized and given less time; 5-10 weeks.

5 Objective 3: Arkansas Frameworks Unit 1: Introduction to the World of Work Unit 2: Self-Awareness Unit 3: Making Decisions Unit 4: Researching Careers Unit 5: Exploring the 16 Career Clusters Unit 6: Employment Skills Unit 7: Entrepreneurship Unit 8: Education and Training Source: erOrientation.htm (click Frameworks) erOrientation.htm

6 Objective 4-5: 16 clusters View the power point at the web address below on clusters.

7 Objectives 6-7-8 After reviewing the Framework units and the cluster information with their pathways please go to the Blackboard and complete the assignment on “What to Teach” For this assignment/quiz you will be ask to either list or match: –Unit name to content information –Pathway to cluster –Job title to appropriate cluster

8 The End Knowing the clusters, the pathways and the organization and content of the Framework Units gives you a means of organizing the knowledge and skills associated with Career Orientation.

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