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Published byCandace Cox Modified over 9 years ago
Corporate Presentation July 2013
Light Holdings 2
Light in numbers Amazônia Energia Renova Guanhães Energia Generation HPP Itaocara Complexo de Lajes Distribution RJ State Concession Area % Population¹16 mn11 mn68% Area¹44,000 Km²11,000 Km²25% GDP¹R$ 407 bnR$ 207 bn66% # Consumers7 mn4 mn57% # Municipalities923134% 6 HPP Ilha dos Pombos SHP Paracambi HPP Santa Branca 1 2 3 1 IBGE (2010) 4 5 7 8 3
Rankings Among the largest players in Brazil INTEGRATED² Net Revenues 2012 – R$ Billion GENERATION PRIVATE-OWNED COMPANIES² Installed Hydro-generation Capacity (MW) – 2012 37,626 24,714 22,737 21,467 20,054 15,018 18.5 15.0 11.8 8.5 6.9 6.6 5,560 2,658 2,241 2,219 2,012 877 DISTRIBUTION¹ Energy Consumption in Concession Area (GWh) - 2012 1 – Source: Captive market 2 – Source: Companies reports * Considers the 9 MW of Renova’s SHPs * 4
Shareholders Structure 11 Board members: 8 from the controlling group, 2 independents e 1 employees nominated A qualifying quorum of 7 members to approve relevant proposals such as: M&A and dividend policy 5
Corporate Governance General Assembly Fiscal Council Board of Directors Auditors Committee Auditors Committee Governance and Sustainability Committee Human Resources Committee Finances Committee Management Committee Chief Executive Officer Chief HR Officer Chief Business Officer Corporate Management Officer Chief Legal Officer Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer Chief Distribution Officer Chief Energy Officer João B. Zolini Carneiro Ricardo Cesar C. Rocha Evandro L. Vasconcelos Andreia Ribeiro Junqueira Fernando Antônio F.Reis Paulo Carvalho FilhoEvandro L. Vasconcelos* Paulo Roberto R. Pinto Chief Communications Officer Luiz Otavio Ziza Valadares LGSXY ADR-OTC Interim* 6
+3.7% 6,180 6,291 26.9ºC 27.0ºC 1Q12 1Q11 6,087 6,407 1Q10 27.8ºC 28.3ºC +1.8% 1Q13 1 Note: To preserve comparability in the market approved by Aneel in the tariff adjustment process, the billed energy of the free customers Valesul, CSN and CSA were excluded in view of these customers’ planned migration to the Basic Network. TOTAL MARKET (GWh) ¹ Energy Consumption Distribution – Quarter With the consumption no longer billed by the change in criteria, the total energy consumption increase in the concession area would be 5.3% over 1Q12. 7 Industrial 5% Free 19% Others 13% Commercial 28% Residential 35%
Total Market FREE CAPTIVE ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION (GWh) TOTAL MARKET – QUARTER 8 RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL OTHERS TOTAL 1Q121Q13 1Q121Q13 1Q121Q13 1Q121Q13 1Q121Q13 +3.7% 5,379 5,572 6,180 801 835 6,407 +3.7% 882 913 932 49 53 966 +7.8% 1.748 1.877 1,939 191 214 2,091 401 359 962 561 568 927 +3.2% 2,348 2,423 -3.7% 1,748 1,877
Prospects for State of Rio Investments of R$ 211.5 billion in the State of Rio de Janeiro¹ Oil R$ 107.7 bn 50.9% Tourism R$ 1.8 bn 0.9% Others R$ 1.9 bn 0.9% Olimpic Facilities R$ 8.6 bn 4.1% Infrastructure R$ 51.0 bn 24.1% Transformation Industry R$ 40.5 bn 19.1% Period 2012-2014 ¹Source: Firjan (Industry Federation of Rio de Janeiro) Events Schedule Confederations Cup World Youth Day World Cup Olympics Paralympics Jun, 15 to 30/2013 Jul, 23 to 28/2013 Jun, 12 to Jul, 13/2014 Aug, 5 to 21/2016 Sep, 7 to 18/2016 9
Collection rate by segment Quarter 10 97.2% COLLECTION RATE 12 MONTHS COLLECTION RATE BY SEGMENT QUARTER 95.0% 101.0% 100.2% 92.0% 99.2% 104.7% 100.6% 1Q121Q13 97.7% 99.5% Mar/12Mar/13 TotalRetailLarge ClientsPublic Sector
Losses 12 months 32.9 % Technical losses GWh % Non-technical losses/ LV Market % Non-technical losses / LV Market - Regulatory Non-technical losses GWh Reflects exclusion of long term delinquent customers from the billing system, according to Resolution 414 by Aneel. Sep/11Dec/11Jun/12Mar/12 Sep/12 Sep/10Dec/10Jun/11Mar/11 Mar/13 Dec/12 42.2% 40.7% 41.2% 40.4% 43.1% 45.4% 44.9% 42.1% 41.8% 41.6% 41.3% 5,316 2,328 2,349 5,229 7,5827,627 7,665 2,335 5,247 5,615 2,432 8,047 5,457 2,381 7,838 5,330 2,577 2,214 6,007 2,618 6,029 5,312 2,231 5,278 2,215 5,326 2,293 8,647 8,584 7,544 7,543 7,493 7,619 37% Risky Area 63% Non-Risky Area 11
PARAÍBAVALLEY LITORÂNEA WEST EAST As March / 2013 BAIXADA Non Technical Losses Concession Area Losses Map GrupoLightValleyLitorâneaEastWestBaixada # Clients4,029,805418,489814,157857,437934,7091,005,013 Low Voltage Market (GWh)13,4111,1294,9342,5582,5072,283 Non Technical Losses (GWh)6,029432671,7871,9242,008 Non Technical Losses/LV Mkt (%)44.95%3.78%5.40%69.87%76.74%87.98% 12
New Technology Program Technology used in regions in which conventional measures are not effective Areas that present high levels of non-technical losses Light aims to reduce losses through investments in new technologies, integration of operational activities, increase of public awareness and institutional partnerships with interested agents. Grid shielding projects Actual grid Shielded grid Control room 3 m 9 m Mechanical Meter Display Centralized meter 13
New Technology Program Monitoring, reading, cutting and reconnection of customers telemetry– MCC (Measuring Center Centralized) Prioritization in areas of high losses and aggressiveness to the network Technology hindering inappropriate interference in networks Meters Installed (Thousands) OUT OF FAVELAS FAVELAS 14 294 79 373 30 69 May/13 2011 2012 227 341 197 272 20102009 7 122 115 2 80 78
Pacified Favelas (UPPs) 33 UPPs established 130,000 households 40 UPPs until 2014 Present in 15 UPPs, 9 already concluded 60,000 consumers 200,000 people achieved 30 UPPs until 2014 State GovernmentLight Safety, citizenship, and social inclusion PARTNERSHIP 15
Focused in areas with 10,000 to 20,000 clients with high level of losses and delinquency; Fully-dedicated teams of technicians and commercial agents; Small areas to cover, enabling higher productivity; Constant and accurate results monitoring by Light; Result-linked remuneration for services provided; Fixed remuneration above market and aggressive variable remuneration; Police Force support, when necessary. Zero Losses Area Project: “Light Legal” (APZ – Zero Losses Area) 16
Losses Control Initiatives Results until March/13 Favelas Zero Losses Area (APZ) 17 Average losses reduction: 23.0 p.p. Average Collection increase: 14,5 p.p. Average losses reduction : 49.5 p.p. Average Collection increase : 80.4 p.p.
Installed Capacity 868 MW HPP Santa Branca 56 MW HPP Ilha dos Pombos 187 MW HPP Fontes Nova 132 MW HPP Underground Nilo Peçanha - 380 MW HPP Pereira Passos 100 MW SP RJ HPP Santa Branca Paraiba do Sul River HPP Ilha dos Pombos 100% Lajes Complex 51% SHP Paracambi 13 MW 20
Re-pricing of existing energy Contracted Energy (Regulated) Contracted Energy (Free) Hedge Available Energy Average sale price to free market (R$/MWh)¹ 143147155164166164167170 Conventional Energy Balance Assured energy (MW average) ¹Database january. 2013 2 Average price to Regulated Market (dec/12): R$ 88,62/MWh 21 201320142015201620172018201920202021
Generation Projects Project Installed Capacity (MW) Assured Energy (MWaverage) Operational StartStake Renova 335 (in operation) 797.2 (contracted) 173.1 (in operation) 395 (contracted) 2008/2012 2013-2017 21.99% Belo Monte 11,2234,57120152.49% Itaocara 15183201551% Guanhães 4425.03201451% Lajes 1716201551% 22
Generation Projects Installed Capacity (MW) Installed Capacity Capacity After Expansion Investments in Renova, Belo Monte and Guanhães in line with our strategy of growing in the generation business ¹ Considering 51% stake ² Considering 21.99% stake ³ Considering 2.49% stake + 59.8% (+) Belo Monte³ (+) SHP Paracambi¹ (+) SHP Lajes¹ (+) HPP Itaocara¹ (+) Guanhães¹(+) Renova² 1,505 13 74* 9 77 175 280 855 (+) Renova² Current Capacity * 9 MW SHP + 65 MW Wind Farm (since jul/12) 942 22 23
Net Revenue Industrial 5.5% NET REVENUE (R$MN) Generation 7.1% Distribution 84.0%** NET REVENUE BY SEGMENT (1Q13)* Commercialization 8.6% * Eliminations not considered ** Construction revenue not considered NET REVENUE FROM DISTRIBUTION (1Q13) Commercial 29.7% Others (Captive) 11.7% Network Use (TUSD) (Free + Concessionaires) 8.0% Residential 45.1% Construction Revenue Revenue w/out construction revenue +7.5 1,898.7 2,040.0 1Q131Q12 157,3 1,761.3 1,883.1 137,4 +6,9% 25
Operating Costs and Expenses Manageable (distribution): R$ 317.1 (17.8%) Generation and Commercialization: R$ 203.5 (11.4%) Non manageable (distribution): R$ 1,261.2 (70.8%) * Eliminations not considered ** Construction revenue not considered DISTRIBUTION MANAGEABLE COSTS (R$MN) COSTS (R$MN)* 1Q13 333.1 317.1 -4.8% 1Q13 1Q12 R$ MN1Q121Q13Var. PMSO167.6184.09.7% Provisions86.545.2-47.7% PCLD61.629.0210.2% Contingencies24.916.2554.9% Depreciation75.780.66.5% Other operational/ revenues expenses 3.27.3127.3% Total333.1317.1-4.8% 26
EBITDA 27 CONSOLIDATED EBITDA (R$MN) EBITDA BY SEGMENT* 1Q13 Generation 33.4% (EBITDA Margin: 82.1%) Commercialization 2.8% (EBITDA Margin: 5.6%) Distribution 63.8% (EBITDA Margin: 13.5%) *Eliminations not considered 355.1 433.4 -18.1% 1Q121Q13
EBITDA 28 EBITDA 1Q12 EBITDA 1Q13 Net Revenue Non- Manageable Costs Manageable Costs (PMSO) Provisions Regulatory Assets and Liabilities Adjusted EBITDA 1Q12 Adjusted EBITDA 1Q13 EBITDA – 1Q12 / 1Q13 (R$ MN) Other operational/ revenues (2) 433 122 (175) (19) (7) (1) 101 456 + 5.8% - 18.1% 42 355 431 Equity Pick-up
Net Income 1Q12 1Q13 EBITDAFinancial Result TaxesOthers ADJUESTED NET INCOME 1Q12 / 1Q13 (R$ MN) Regulatory Assets and Liabilities Adjusted Net Income 1Q12 Adjusted Net Income 1Q13 139 (1) 140 (78) (9) 30 (4) 79 67 145 - 43.8% + 4.8% 29
Dividends *Based on Net Income of the year. before IFRS adjustments * 30
Indebtedness *ConsideringHedge US$/Euro 0.4% CDI/Selic 73.3% TJLP 24.3% Others 2.0% 31 Average Term: 4.7 years AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE* (R$ MN) Nominal Cost Real Cost NET DEBT Without Pension Fund * Principal only COST OF DEBT 2012 2011 2010 Mar/13 Net Debt / EBITDA for covenants Mar/13Dec/12 2.24% 8.21% 4.87% 11.08% 4.25% 11.03% 7.73% 1.07% 357 792 759 982 616 394 176 42 194 3,991.9 1 4,031.4 2.83 2.73 1 Reclassified to reflect the deconsolidation results of jointly controlled companies.
Investments CAPEX (R$ MN) CAPEX BREAKDOWN (R$ MN) 1Q13 Generation Projects 26.9 Quality Improvement 13.4 Generation Maintenance 3.1 Others 17.2 Develop. of Distribution System 51.6 Losses Combat 44.7 Investments in Electric Assets (Distribution) Commerc./ Energy Eficiency 26.1 2010 2009 563.8 928.6 700.6 2011 2012 796.8 694.1 102.7 446.9 116.9 518.8 181.8 774.8 153.8 1Q13 1Q12 131.2 127.0 11.7 35.8 142.9 162.7 +13.9% 32
Why invest in Light? Major upcoming events Integration of favelas Pro-business environment New plants investments Expansion of the existing ones Market growth Major upcoming events Integration of favelas Pro-business environment New plants investments Expansion of the existing ones Market growth Economic Transformation in the Concession Area Progress in the Technology Program New network and meters in the pacified favelas Smart metering development “Zero Losses Area” Program Progress in the Technology Program New network and meters in the pacified favelas Smart metering development “Zero Losses Area” Program Energy Losses Reduction Energy Losses Reduction Investment in Renova, Belo Monte and Guanhães (total of 477 MW) SHP Lajes under construction. HPP Itaocara Investment in Renova, Belo Monte and Guanhães (total of 477 MW) SHP Lajes under construction. HPP Itaocara Growth in the Generation Business New PPAs starting in 2013 and 2014 Revenues increase with no aditional costs. Very active trading subsidiary New PPAs starting in 2013 and 2014 Revenues increase with no aditional costs. Very active trading subsidiary Repricing of Existing Energy Listed in “Novo Mercado” of Bovespa; Board Committees very active Included in the Sustainability Index (ISE) of Bovespa for the sixth year. Listed in “Novo Mercado” of Bovespa; Board Committees very active Included in the Sustainability Index (ISE) of Bovespa for the sixth year. Best-in-Class Corporate Governance Sound Dividend Policy: minimum 50% of net income; Average payout since 2007: 91% Sound Dividend Policy: minimum 50% of net income; Average payout since 2007: 91% Dividend track Record 33
Regulatory Framework The Provisional Measure 579 was enacted on September 11, 2012 and thereafter converted into Law 12,783 providing for electric power concessions, reduction of sector charges and reasonable tariffs which although these have not directly affected Light, as its concessions will expire only in 2026, resulted in the following developments: on January 24, 2013, Resolution issued by Aneel approved an average reduction of 19.63% in Light SESA’s tariffs. For residential consumers (low voltage), the reduction was 18.10%. The measure will have no impact on the company’s result or cash flow since it reflects an equal reduction in costs. on the same date, the distribution of power plants energy quotas was ratified, which had their concession renewed: (i) but lower to the distribution companies’ contracting needs, thus, causing an involuntary exposure, and only for Light it accounted for average 156 MW; and (ii) made distribution companies to start sharing the hydrological risks, which before was only supported by generation companies As of October 2012, an adverse hydrological situation was characterized in Brazil’s electricity sector, the basis of which is mainly hydric, enforcing the System National Operator to dispatch all the thermal power plants available in the system, thus significantly rising the costs of distribution companies by increasing fuel expenditures in availability agreements, increasing System Service Charges due to energy security and acquisitions on the spot market in order to answer that involuntary exposure. 34
On March 8, 2013, the federal government issued the Decree 7,945 preventing the coverage of part of the non-manageable costs not covered by the 2013 tariff, through the resources transferred from the Energetic Development Accout (CDE) for the following costs: System Service Charge (ESS) – The monthly transfer will be determined by the amounts settled in the CCEE. Involuntary Exposure associated with the quotas – The monthly CDE transfer will cover the difference between the difference settlement price (PLD) and the tariff of the repositioning amount recognized in Light’s last tariff adjustment. Hydrological Risk - The net monthly amount settled in the CCEE will be transferred directly via the CDE. It is worth mentioning that the amounts approved for Light reflect the methodology approved by Aneel on May 6 th, 2013. Regulatory Framework CDE transfer 1Q13 without Decree 1Q13 1Q12 362.2 144.9 267.1 371.0 225.7 291.9 70.4 144.9 267.1 371.0 225.7 27.2 122.8 235.4 362.1 70.7 1,370.9 1,079.9 818.2 ENERGY PURCHASE (R$ MN) Availability Contracts Other Auctions Norte Fluminense Itaipu Spot CDE transfer 1Q13 Without Decree 1Q13 1Q12 ESSTransport Other Charges 215.3 52.8 46.1 79.0 52.8 46.1 23.5 130.9 49.5 136.3 314.2 177.9 203.9 CHARGES AND TRANSPORT (R$ MN) + 31.9% -12.8% 35
R$ 2.7 billion (nominal terms) invested during the current cycle (2008-2013) Capitalization improvement driven by simulations Physical-accounting assets concilliation Constant interactions with Aneel staff, including site visits Intensive training of teams for correct accounting records Accounting system blocked against input errors Aiming the flexibility of the regulatory target, based on Aneel’s excepcionality criteria: large gap between actual and regulatory level of losses; social and economic conditions hindered the achievement of the target; and there are no comparable peer companies with lower level of losses. Non-Technical Losses Remuneration Asset Base 36 2013 Tariff Review Critical Issues
2013 Tariff Review Schedule DateEvent July 16 Aneel forwards first proposal (without remuneration and depreciation) to the concessionary and to the consumers representatives August 01Internet presentation of the Tariff Review Proposal prepared by Aneel From Aug/5 to Aug/16Regulatory Asset Base fiscalization September 05Public Hearing October 03Aneel forwards new proposal consolidated to the concessionary and to the consumers representatives October 24Aneel Board Meeting November 07Periodic Tariff Review Date 37
Important Notice This presentation may include declarations that represent forward-looking statements according to Brazilian regulations and international movable values. These declarations are based on certain assumptions and analyses made by the Company in accordance with its experience, the economic environment, market conditions and future events expected, many of which are out of the Company’s control. Important factors that can lead to significant differences between the real results and the future declarations of expectations on events or business-oriented results include the Company’s strategy, the Brazilian and international economic conditions, technology, financial strategy, developments of the public service industry, hydrological conditions, conditions of the financial market, uncertainty regarding the results of its future operations, plain, goals, expectations and intentions, among others. Because of these factors, the Company’s actual results may significantly differ from those indicated or implicit in the declarations of expectations on events or future results. The information and opinions herein do not have to be understood as recommendation to potential investors, and no investment decision must be based on the veracity, the updated or completeness of this information or opinions. None of the Company’s assessors or parts related to them or its representatives will have any responsibility for any losses that can elapse from the use or the contents of this presentation. This material includes declarations on future events submitted to risks and uncertainties, which are based on current expectations and projections on future events and trends that can affect the Company’s businesses. These declarations include projections of economic growth and demand and supply of energy, in addition to information on competitive position, regulatory environment, potential growth opportunities and other subjects. Various factors can adversely affect the estimates and assumptions on which these declarations are based on. 38
Contacts João Batista Zolini Carneiro CFO and IRO Luiz Felipe Negreiros de Sá Superintendent of Finance and Investor Relations +55 21 2211 2814 Gustavo Werneck IR Manager + 55 21 2211 2560 39
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