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Our Year to Shine! Welcome to 4 th Tarhe Elementary!

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Presentation on theme: "Our Year to Shine! Welcome to 4 th Tarhe Elementary!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Year to Shine! Welcome to 4 th grade @ Tarhe Elementary!


3 Classroom Expectations Remember the 4 P’s 1. Be Prompt - arrive to class on time - use time efficiently (in classes & hallways) 2. Be Prepared – Bring all necessary materials to each class - Complete home/classwork with quality (always include a proper heading) - Bring an optimistic attitude, “ready to learn” 3. Be Polite - treat others as YOU wish to be treated - use good manners (please, thank you, excuse me) - keep your body and materials in your own personal space - respect self, peers, adults & property

4 4. Participate S tand and Speak, Sit up as audience L isten to and Look at speaker A sk and Answer questions N od to show understanding T rack speaker with eyes

5 Rewards  Positive Classroom Recognition  School-wide TARHE Recognition  50 point Class Reward Points earned are recorded and NOT lost. EVERY 50 points = a class reward,

6 Consequences 1 st incident = verbal reminder 2 nd incident = documented reminder (mark in clipboard) 3 rd incident = documented reminder – parental notification 4 th incident = principal involvement EVERYONE starts fresh EVERYDAY!

7 Desk Organization Separate Materials: Textbooks on left Notebooks/folders on right Textbooks Folders & Notebooks Science Book Green Math Book Yellow Social Studies Red Reading Book Blue Book Planner /Homework Orange

8 Materials Organization Pencil Pouch Contents: 3 sharpened pencils (lead for mechanical pencils) 1 blue/black & 1 red pen 1 pencil sharpener 1 dry erase marker scissors 1 glue stick / glue bottle eraser Art Supplies: Markers Crayons All extra materials

9 Grading Policy What is Graded? Tests Quizzes Class Work Projects A 93-100 A- 90-92 B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B- 80-82 C+ 77-79 C 73-76 C- 70-72 D+ 67-69 D 60-66 F 0-59 Practice is assigned on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and some additional days depending Students are expected to complete all practice assignments. PARENTS: please check assignment book daily!!!!

10 Remember the DRESSCODE Flip Flops are okay, but DANGEROUS at school. Shorts and skirts must fall below the fingertips. Pants are worn at the waist. No spaghetti straps No muscle shirts that hang below the armpit. Shirt sayings must be school appropriate If you are unsure… Either Change or bring a Change of clothes just in case!

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