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The Road to High School Parent Presentation. So Many Options!

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Presentation on theme: "The Road to High School Parent Presentation. So Many Options!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Road to High School Parent Presentation

2 So Many Options!

3 Where to Start? Must Keep the End in Mind!

4 College? Career? Fields of Study? Military?

5 High School Graduation: one Destination! Requirements: 26 credits 4X4 - Four of each: English, math, science, and social studies

6 7 classes x 4 years = opportunity for 28 credits plus any credits earned in middle school 26 miles to Graduation

7 Earning Credits Full year courses can be averaged to gain full credit Full year courses can be averaged to gain full credit For example – English I: For example – English I: Semester One Semester 2 Avg. Semester One Semester 2 Avg. 65 75 70 65 75 70 1.0 credit is granted 1.0 credit is granted Poor attendance can cost you credits!

8 Two Major Routes R D Recommended Distinguished

9 The Plans 16.0 core 1.0 PE 1.0 PE 1.O Fine Art 1.O Fine Art 2.0 World Lang. 2.0 World Lang..5 Comm. Appl..5 Comm. Appl. 5.5 electives 5.5 electives 26.0 credits 16.0 core 1.0 PE 1.O Fine Art 3.0 World Lang..5 Comm. Appl. 4.5 electives 26.0 credits RecommendedDistinguished

10 Other Distinguished Achievement Requirements A combination of FOUR advanced measures: -A score of 3 or above on an AP exam -National Merit Commendation based on PSAT score; limited to one measure from this category -A grade of 3.0 (B) or higher on courses that count for college credit (dual credit or tech prep); limited to one measure from this category -Original research/project; limited to two measures from this category

11 The Freshman Core English – Regular, Pre-AP, or GT Math – Alg. I or Pre-AP Alg. I Geom. or Pre-AP Geom. Geom. or Pre-AP Geom. Science – Bio. or Pre-AP Bio. Social Studies – World Geo. Regular, Pre-AP, or GT Regular, Pre-AP, or GT

12 Rigorous Coursework A student should select the most rigorous courses he/she is capable of completing. Colleges look for rigor. Students with higher level courses are generally more prepared for college level work.

13 GPA & Ranking The grade point average (GPA) used to determine class rank is calculated on a weighted scale. Advanced Placement (AP) = up to 7 points Pre-AP = up to 6 points Regular courses = up to 5 points

14 GPA & Ranking Class of 2015 Weighted GPA Only the core courses of English, science, math, social studies, including economics; and languages other than English will be used in determining class rank. Only the core courses of English, science, math, social studies, including economics; and languages other than English will be used in determining class rank. Any of these courses taken in middle school for high school credit will count in class rank calculation. Any of these courses taken in middle school for high school credit will count in class rank calculation.

15 GPA & Class Rank Class of 2015, cont’d. All high school courses, including those taken in middle school for high school credit, will be used in determining a student’s UNWEIGHTED GPA. All high school courses, including those taken in middle school for high school credit, will be used in determining a student’s UNWEIGHTED GPA.

16 Top 10% Rule Under legislation approved in May 2009 by the Texas House as part of the 81st Regular Session (Senate Bill 175), UT- Austin (but no other state universities) was allowed to trim the number of students it accepts under the 10% rule; UT-Austin could limit those students to 75 percent of entering in-state freshmen from Texas. The university would admit the top 1 percent, the top 2 percent and so forth until the cap is reached, beginning with the 2011 entering class. 81st Regular Session81st Regular Session

17 Physical Education credit PE courses listed on the course request sheet (excludes Health) Band (fall semester – extra.5 credit) Cheerleading ( fall semester –extra.5 credit ) Drill Team (fall semester – extra.5 credit) Athletics

18 Sports offered… ~ Football ~ Volleyball ~ Basketball ~ Soccer ~ Baseball /Softball ~ Wrestling ~ Cross Country /Track ~ Swimming /Diving ~ Golf ~ Tennis

19 If selecting a sport… Select your sport that occurs first in the school year. Obtain your middle school coaches signature

20 Fine Arts ArtDanceBandChoir Theatre Arts I AP Art History (11 th & 12 th ) AP Music Theory

21 World Languages Spanish German French Mandarin Chinese

22 Electives We asked the students to select 8 electives (including alternates) in order of preference #1 being the TOP choice Four core plus electives each year Consider required electives and then interests

23 Career Clusters (or Career Pathways) -Agricultural Mechanics -Allied Health -Animal Science -Architectural Design & Construction -Banking & Finance -Business Management -Computer Programming -Education -Emergency Medical Technician -Engineering Technology -Family & Community Services -Floral Design & Landscape Management -Media Technology -Nutritionist/Dietician -Pre-Veterinary -Sales & Marketing

24 Need Rigorous Academics AND Relevant Career Education The pathways are merely a guide!

25 Pacing the Journey… 6 credits = Sophomore 13 credits = Junior 19 credits = Senior And again… 26 credits to reach the FINISH LINE!!!

26 Ways to gain extra miles… Summer School Correspondence Courses Dual Credit

27 Important Dates December 15 th /16 th - NHS counselors return to the middle schools to pick up course selection forms and to answer remaining questions June 3rd – Last day to June 3rd – Last day to submit elective changes submit elective changes

28 NHS Counselors A-Ca: Jennifer Martinez Cb-Fo: Mike Hays Fp-Ja: Sheneka Davis Jb-McD: Cayce Weston MCE-P: Amber Ward Q-Ste: Keith Tremethick Stf-Z: Jamie Farber

29 NHS Counseling Website Click on the Counseling tab You will find this presentation as well as other useful information on our website. on our website. Join our mailing list!


31 Parents, Thank you for your attendance tonight and your involvement in your child’s educational journey! the NHS Counselors

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