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Chapter 2 Review In Chapter 2 we completed the following: Identified Your Passions Completed the Work Values Survey Completed the Strengths and Personality.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2 Review In Chapter 2 we completed the following: Identified Your Passions Completed the Work Values Survey Completed the Strengths and Personality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2 Review In Chapter 2 we completed the following: Identified Your Passions Completed the Work Values Survey Completed the Strengths and Personality Survey Identified Your Strengths The purpose of Chapter 2 was to see if your potential career choice and career cluster matched your passions, work values, strengths, and personality.

2 Bull's Eye Chart-Who Am I? Passions-A passion is something you feel strongly about. You might be passionate about music, sports, art, horses, cars, etc. Values-Values are those qualities or things that are most important in your life. Some people might value family, beauty, or power. Personality traits and strengths-Traits about human character or qualities that you have. Examples of personality traits include being quiet, funny, dependable, hard-working, etc. Skills and aptitudes-Talents and abilities that you have. You may have a talent for being a good listener, being a good problem solver, or working well with your hands. Roles-Different roles that you play in your life. For example, you are a student, a daughter, a son, or a friend. Occupation-Work you do for pay. Also called a job. Vocations-Activities you do for recreation or fun. Also called hobbies.

3 Identifying Your Passion Definitions of the word Passion - Something you feel strongly about - Powerful emotion, deep feeling - Gives life meaning and pleasure Synonyms (words that mean the same) for the word passion feeling emotions love desire enthusiasm Remember what you are passionate about usually turns into a career interest and possible career choice. What is your passion? What do you love or feel strongly about?

4 Value Defined & Work Values Survey Value -Values are those qualities or things that are most important in your life. Work Values Survey -The survey should give you an idea of what you value most currently in your life.. Values Categories Adventure-You would be happiest in a career that is unpredictable or not the same everyday. Ex:____________________ Family-You would like a career that would not involve you working evenings or weekends. Ex:_________________ Knowledge and Truth-You like a career that let's you pass on knowledge like teaching. Ex:______________________ Power-You would like a career that requires you to be a leader. Ex:________________________

5 Value Defined & Work Values Survey Personal Integrity and Moral Courage-You would like a career in which you feel that your work is beneficial or important to society or other people. Ex:_______________________ Money-If you value money you will need a job where you have the potential to make a large amount of money. Ex:________________ Friendship-If you value friendship then you will need a career that involves working closely with others. Ex:______________________ Recognition-You would like a career in which you receive a great deal of praise. Ex:______________________ Independence and Freedom-You would like a career that has few restrictions. You might only work part-time or work for yourself. Ex:________________________ Security-If you value security then you will need a job that you know will be around for a while. You would not enjoy working for a new company. Ex:__________________________

6 Value Defined & Work Values Survey Beauty-You would like a career that involves working with visually attractive items like flowers. Ex:_________________________ Creativity-You would like a career that uses your imaginations and allows you chances to create works of art, invent items, or solve problems. Ex:______________________ Helping others-You would like a career in which you help people like a police officer or child care worker. Ex:_________________ What do you value in life?

7 Strengths & Personality Survey Categories The Strengths and Personality Survey will help you understand your behavioral style. Style Categories There are four styles categories. Dominance-People with this behavioral style like to be in control of their work environment. Ex:________________________ Influencing-People with this style like to influence or persuade others. They are good communicators or speakers. Ex:________________ Steadiness- People in this category like well-defined or explained procedures. They are happy in specialized positions. Ex:______________________ Compliance-This category of people are responsible for quality control and pay attention to details. Ex:___________________ What is your personality style?

8 Identifying Your Strengths Examples of strengths include: clever, creative, friendly, hardworking, open-minded, reliable, sensitive, and caring. List examples of other possible traits that could be considered strengths. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

9 Name That Skill Aptitude-the potential for being able to do something Skill-competence or something that you are good at Interest-desire to do something Example for Workbook Page 21 Accomplishment-I am a good tennis player. Skills Required-swinging a tennis racquet, hitting a tennis ball Skills Category-skills with things Accomplishment-I am good a keeping a budget. Skills Required-calculating numbers, analyzing numbers, comparing numbers Skills Category-data

10 Skills Identification The Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) divides all job skills into three categories. The three categories are data, people, and things. Data refers to information or instructions and includes numbers, reports, and statistics. People skills are skills needed to work with co-workers, clients, or the public and persuading them or teaching them. Skills with things like machines, materials, and finished products include everything from packing them, putting them away, inventing, them, or constructing Examples of data skills include calculating, analyzing, and comparing. Examples of people skills include supervising, speaking, and teaching. Examples of skills with things include assembling or putting together, feeding, and driving.

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