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Positive Behavior Support. Self-Control Honesty Accountability Respect Kindness.

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Presentation on theme: "Positive Behavior Support. Self-Control Honesty Accountability Respect Kindness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Positive Behavior Support

2 Self-Control Honesty Accountability Respect Kindness

3  Looking not touching.  Helping not hurting.  Thinking before speaking.  Counting before reacting.

4  Do your own work.  Keep your answers to yourself.  Admit your mistakes.  Tell the truth.  Stay in your place in lunch line.  Return items to Lost and Found.

5  Bring everything you need to class.  Check Pinnacle.  Complete homework and class work assignments.  Write your name on your paper.  Write down ALL of your assignments in your planner.  Follow school rules and policies.

6  Work quietly in class.  Put trash in proper containers.  Look at someone when they speak to you.  Use “Excuse me; Yes, please; and No, thank you,” when responding to someone.  Use G-Rated language.

7  Stick up for someone who needs it.  Make a new friend.  Hold the door open for someone.  Give someone a compliment.  Smile.

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