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Hurricanes ________ to the city totaled in the million of dollars after the storm. a) surgesurge a) surgesurge b) damagesdamages b) damagesdamages c)

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Presentation on theme: "Hurricanes ________ to the city totaled in the million of dollars after the storm. a) surgesurge a) surgesurge b) damagesdamages b) damagesdamages c)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Hurricanes

3 ________ to the city totaled in the million of dollars after the storm. a) surgesurge a) surgesurge b) damagesdamages b) damagesdamages c) atmosphereatmosphere c) atmosphereatmosphere d) propertyproperty d) propertyproperty

4 damages – plural noun – harm that makes things less valuable or useful

5 I am Huracan Mayan Storm and fire god

6 We watched on television as the space shuttle entered the ____ after its mission. a) contactcontact a) contactcontact b) surgesurge b) surgesurge c) damagesdamages c) damagesdamages d) atmosphere atmosphere d) atmosphere atmosphere

7 atmosphere – noun – the layer of gases that surrounds the earth

8 If you’re thinking of building a house, the ______ next to my house is for sale. a) damagesdamages a) damagesdamages b) atmosphere atmosphere b) atmosphere atmosphere c) propertyproperty c) propertyproperty d) destructiondestruction d) destructiondestruction

9 property – noun – a piece of land

10 The tornadoes caused a lot of _________ in our neighborhood. a) destructiondestruction a) destructiondestruction b) available available b) available available c) hurricaneshurricanes c) hurricaneshurricanes d) contactcontact d) contactcontact

11 destruction – noun – great damage or ruin

12 There were five seats _______. a) atmosphereatmosphere a) atmosphereatmosphere b) propertyproperty b) propertyproperty c) destructiondestruction c) destructiondestruction d) availableavailable d) availableavailable

13 available – adjective – possible to get

14 ___________ can rip trees out of the ground. a) propertyproperty a) propertyproperty b) hurricanes hurricanes b) hurricanes hurricanes c) availableavailable c) availableavailable d) destructiondestruction d) destructiondestruction

15 hurricanes – plural noun – storms with strong winds and heavy rain

16 My uncle burned his arm when it came in _____ with the hot stove. a) availableavailable a) availableavailable b) hurricaneshurricanes b) hurricaneshurricanes c) contactcontact c) contactcontact d) surgesurge d) surgesurge

17 contact – noun – a touching or meeting of persons or things.

18 The storm ______ caused a lot of damage along the coast. a) hurricaneshurricanes a) hurricaneshurricanes b) contactcontact b) contactcontact c) surgesurge c) surgesurge d) damagesdamages d) damagesdamages

19 surge – noun – a large wave or series of waves during a storm

20 Words are Fun SEE YOU NEXT week

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